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Karasuno wins their first match of the tournament, but the losers reflect on their journey and what it means to play volleyball in Season 1 Episode 16!

Reaction: https://youtu.be/hArBiTxhAJA

Uncut: video above in thumbnail



Go go let’s go! Let’s go Dateko!


I'm praying to all the gods for a double drop next week... it would be perfect


Guys that one point the other team got was because Karasuno touched the net while blocking. And if y'all missed it, it was mentioned a few episodes back when Daichi and Michimiya (Karasuno Girls Volleyball team captain) were talking that they had separate gyms which is why we never saw the girls team train in the same gym as the boys team.

Kamina 1

Karasuno was do for a good old fashion blowout sesh. Lol they looked so OP in comparison to the opposing team. Can't help but feel bad for Daichi's boy.

Kamina 1

Pat is right man. I'd rather be out first in a tournament, than to be out last. The pain of losing hits that much harder the further in you go. If you're not first, than you're last.

Rishi Shukla

I do agree that the pain losing in the finals is so much worse than going out in the first round. However, after the initial pain, I feel that losing at the end will make you stronger than losing early on. You will feel that you're capable of winning because you were so close and will work even harder next time.

Kamina 1

That's a fair point. Moving forward, finishing second is good for overall confidence. Especially if your plan is to continue with the sport beyond your current year. Personally I'm just afraid of that sadness you will feel after the lose.


Okay, it’s cool everyone has that feeling of not wanting to come second, but getting second also means winning a fair number of matches. I feel like if you focus too hard on when you’re going to lose, you don’t appreciate the times you win.


I think now a days people dwell on the pain of losing it all too hard that they don't improve as well they should if they lost early that's how my team was 😔

Rishi Shukla

I think it's unfair to say it's something he doesn't understand. It's just a difference in opinion. Whether you agree or disagree is fair game. I prefer the couch to have different opinions on reactions personally, it adds to the watchability. I don't agree with Pat, but I respect his opinion.

Runner Up

So you're saying be more open minded, but then you say anyone that agrees with someone should leave? Doesn't this seem hypocritical to you? Don't preach open mindedness and show none yourself. It's his opinion and he's not saying anyone else is wrong, he is just saying how he feels. Jesus Christ

Pronto (SK)

I guess you are fine with another "Rob" shitting on the whole Haikyuu experience.

Rishi Shukla

I feel like we watched two completely different things. In no way was anyone shitting on the Haikyuu experience lol. Pat enjoys the show from what I see, just has thoughts on how he wants more asshole rivals, on feelings of losing, etc. He is very invested.


I figured as much! No way they were going to portray the boys as hogging up all the gym time! - Suraj