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Rishi Shukla

Pretty sure that pokemon rana is talking about is Ho-oh


I hope they don’t start hating on Sakura for being in denial about Sasuke when Naruto was acting the same exact way. And the last thing they knew was that Sasuke killed Orochimaru and Itachi, two guys they think are evil. Makes sense for both of them to be surprised about him suddenly being a terrorist working with the Akatsuki


Yeah, I hate when fans go hard on Sakura when Naruto legit does the same things, if not more


I also hope you guys keep an open mind about Danzo as a complex character and don’t write him off completely. Not that he’s a good guy, but everything he says isn’t BS.


The sakura hate grows with each passing epsiode lol


The Hidden cloud are one of the strongest nations in the Narutoverse. I would say they’re the 2nd strongest considering that they were the only nation ever to possess two jinchurrkis. Also, The hidden Cloud is the only nation with colored people. Gotta give them love for being a great nation!!

TJ Major

It's gonna reach new highs with the arc coming up. God it makes me mad just thinking about it.


the beginning of the i hate sakura ark lol


No matter how many times I watch and read this part, Sakura always gets me upset lmao. Like come on now girl, we gave you a pass for the Sasori fight but you really getting on my nerves again lmao.


One of the funniest YEETS ever, sakura got thrown out the screen! Props to nahid for noticing the many clans different traits now..not everyone's a Neji and Aburames got shades or neck collars etc etc

Rishi Hattiangadi

Ah yes. Sakura’s usefulness is dwindling to an all time low. Reduced to a sad bundle of pink hair and tears.

Lord Madara

Madara would solo team taka with no diff. Sasuke attack did not even faze Madara


Danzo, ANBU, and the Foundation are just the CIA of the Leaf Village. A necessary evil to do what they think is right to protect the village.


It’s kind of funny how the defense for Sakura hate is that Naruto does the same shit. YEAH they are both trash lmao 😂


It’s not a defense, just pointing out the hypocrisy


Why do people get mad at the character instead of acknowledging Kishimoto writing her terribly after the Sasori fight, where he proved he could write her well. Like there’s no reason she should’ve been knocked unconscious at the Tenchi Bridge. And there’s no reason she couldn’t have dodged or block an attack in this episode. Kishimoto just failed her


Wish we see more of the Aburames clan tbh


I actually like danzo..


let the 5 Kage Summit Arc begin!


Danzo is honestly such a complex character and VERY pivotal in the Shippuden story. I mean think about it. Everyone in the show and watching the show hates him, and he's a villain that always finds a way to successfully manipulate major plot points. If u ask me, Danzo perfectly does his job as a series villain and deserves way more appreciation than: "Boo! You're a bad guy"


I’d watch the shit out of a Karui/Choji, Temari/Shikamaru spinoff


Aw man, I was hoping you guys wouldn't just criticize Sakura for every little thing she does like every one else seems to do :/


Jujitsu Kaisen!


He definitely isnt completely evil. He does what he thinks is right. Even if its often really bad decisions lmao

Trey Milliner-Williams

Sakura only becomes a capable fighter when the plot demands her to be cause kishi rarely kills main characters. Bitch caught a foot to the face from a scrub.


I'm not sure why Suraj think it's weird for Naruto and Sakura to be surprised by Sasuke attacking Bee? Up to this point, what innocent person has he attacked that they know of?


danzo controls the foundation the hokage controls the anbu black ops


fave ep next week cant waiiiit.

Quinton Campbell

Rana, you definitely don't want to attend THAT 5 Kage Summit


Danzo is in control of the Root not all of the Anbu.

Dominic Caciappo

How did no tell Rana yet the pokemon she is thinking is Ho-Oh or however you spell it.


You guys are seriously missing out on a huge wave by holding off on Jujutsu Kaisen reactions

Opera Baritone

That whole Omoi and Karui pebble sequence is actually low key one of the funniest things in the whole show tbh lmao


Wheres ep 179??


Sasuke has literally tried to kill Naruto more than once


Navi: She's not really unconscious she's in a coma Yes...thats what being in a coma means 🤦‍♂️

Mark Stein

Guys, you guys have seen what Sasuke is going through, but they're not. So it's natural that they will get surprised about the outcome of things. The Sasuke that left the village isn't someone who would kidnap a random Jinchurikie.


This is when you will start hating Sakura like the rest of us


This arc is gonna expose how useless sakura really is.

Christophe Kanaa

I see all the sakura hate already started in the comments....


After Sasuke delivered the eight tails to the Akatsuki and they were doing the extraction of the tailed beast, when the body went poof, I think some of you, or maybe just Nahid thought that Sasuke had done that on purpose. Now we know that wasn't the case. Just thought I'd bring it up.


Mickey and Rana should cosplay as Omoi and Karui :)

carlos banegas

Just watch Yamato's reaction. You'll understand lol


On the Side: Have they already been asked to check out the Naruto Live Action Project from RE:ANIME ooor..?👀

carlos banegas

Also Danzo is legit. I know fans hate Danzo and want to literally punch their screen every time he comes up but the truth his. He does what he believes he needs to for his country. He tried to get rid of the Akatsuki because he knew that for the leaf to prosper Hanzo had to stay in power. He got rid of the Uchiha because he knew what a ku would destabilize the leaf. He does what needs to be done for the leaf


His plan to get rid of the Akatsuki made the situation worse. And his plan to exterminate the uchiha was unnecessary because shisui could've solved the problem with kotoamatsukami but danzo sabotaged him. He's done nothing of worth.

Storm King

Sakura is valid for being shocked and disheartened that Sasuke could do something like that. All she and Naruto knew previously is that Sasuke killed Orochimaru and killed his brother which are considered bad guys. Then they knew that the Akatsuki took him unwillingly. They didnt have the perks of seeing what Sasuke has been through since then so it would be hard to believe that someone on a mission to avenge and revive their clan would suddenly join a terrorist group. So Sakura falling apart is valid. Shes still a trashly written character but that emotion was valid


Its hard to defend anime sakura but manga sakura is a completely different character.

Churroguy .

please watch pokemon movie it be lit


Guys, support this patreon account, https://www.patreon.com/animaechan Thank you!

jose giron

the only thing that always annoyed me to no end when I first watched naruto is how naruto and sakura are so dumb about believing sasuke has done terrible things. I never felt that they were the biggest friends honestly so for naruto to defend sasuke on every single horrible things he's done it just never made sense to me, I would say shikamaru is 100X a better friend than sasuke ever was and I'm pretty sure naruto would be furious with him if he acted like sasuke. This is for me the biggest problem with me in the entire show, it just doesn't make sense the devotion naruto has for a dude who was barely a team mate with for max 3-4 yrs and has done some of the worst shit on the show. I remember screaming at the TV when I first saw the show during every episode "Naruto get your head out of your ass bruh this guy is horrible, he tried to kill you several times, tried to kill loved ones, when are you gonna grow balls and be like F this dude" honestly I just had to ignore that to enjoy their plot line. I believe any sane person would be done with sasuke at this point Sorry about the rambling, sasuke and naruto relationship just really grinds my gears bruh lol


Danzo does not control all of anbu black ops. He controls a part/faction of it known as Root which he founded as underground operatives. Kinda like how zabuza was an underground operative of hidden mist before he became a rogue ninja


ANBU =/= Root (Foundation)


True! If anything, Shikamaru is the REAL best friend for me.


C'mon Nahid we all know CIA is billion times worse than Danzo


Bruh tgat guy on the end is so fkn annoying bruh. He seems like a snarky know it all. Like stfu, you don’t have to comment on every little detail.


I like Animaechan but her Attack on Titan videos annoy me a little bit lately. I'm tired of her being salty about the comment section. I wish she could make the reaction about the episode instead of about her drama with the viewers


For also most bad ass characters. Like everytime they introduced someone from the cloud village they just badass


I didn't find it funny. Those characters are so unrealistic in their dialogue. Makes me cringe

Arindrajit Sen

There are two different Anbu Black Ops. One who are under the direct order of the Hokage like Yamato was once and then there's the foundation Black Ops who work under Danzo.

Arindrajit Sen

i don't like Sakura but tbh I always come to the conclusion that it's Kishi's inability to write good female characters that made her less of a main character. She does and says some shitty stuff but if kishi wrote her as the same level as the male characters complexity I guess many would stop blindly hating her. And this is the reason I think coz of which people then start to hate her for things that she does that are normal among friends. Tbh Adult Sakura is starting to redeem him i thing and especially nowadays i see more comments about people saying why do u guys blindly hate sakura than the actual hate comments.

Arindrajit Sen

Sai: I have a curse mark on me. If I try to say something ABOUT DANZO then I'll be paralyzed and will be unable to talk Navi: ok.... Then what will happen if he tries to do that??? Micky and Suraj: But this itself is intel how is he saying this??? (Coz the sealing restricts him to not reveal anything about Danzo not what the curse mark actually does)


Btw the white haired one IS Omoi. It wasn't a failure in the translation. White haired guy is Omoi; red hair is Kamui and big tiddy is Samui


Aye My boi back it up you getting triggered for someone thoughts ?


Started watching the show in 4 grade it end in college, man 15 years when by real quick

Benjamin Donahue

I get your grievance with the curse mark. The only distinction I can make for it would be like "court of law" type stuff. Saying "Danzo is bad" vs "Danzo killed this guy for this reason" is totally different. It's easy to forget that these guys are literally a nation of assassins. For them the "who" and "what" isn't as detrimental as the "why". Also love (but not sure I totally agree with) Nahid's stance on the Akatsuki. Same way from a writing stand point you could say that the Empire only fell BECAUSE they built the death star. Palpatine already took over the senate and was basically taking over everything. Once they started blowing up planets the Rebellion was then forced into decisive action. Lastly, the Cloud ninjas: Blonde girl: Samui = Cool/Cold Guy: Omoi = Heavy Brown girl: Karui = Light (as in opposite of heavy)


I would sacrifice my first born son, my second born daughter, and the state of Massachusetts in order to see Digimon reactions.


Watch Jujutsu kaisen after demon slayer or deathnote that makes sense. It’s a 9/10 show


The akatsuki robes don’t have hoodies navi


can't wait for you guys too see more it gets better and better and yeah I fucking hate Danzo he's probably one of the most hated characters in anime


Danzo sucks, but I was 100% on the Hidden Cloud's side during this confrontation and the Raikage wanting to kill Sasuke. Even after they beat Naruto's ass I thought they were justified


I dont like sakura very much in the show but at this moment she just lost her whole village to pain, her master who is teaching her is in a coma and removed from power and one of her long time friends that she loves has gone fully evil like no going back now and shes crouched by everything shes gone threw currently in the show


Rana probably talking about Ho-oh