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BIG UPS to Keep it Zen for editing 179 and 180 into 1 extended episode for us to react to. You're the man!!



First? Also NAVI 😤😍


First bitches

Bliss 28

Not my hokage. Danzo


Let’s go! 6th Hokage Danzō hype!!! 😏😏😏


We’re lucky they’re even uploading Naruto this week considering how some of you clowns came at them last week. Thank you normies, enjoy Act 3 of naruto! It’s a fun one

ALi Karam

bad episode bad choice bad week thx

Johnny Blue

Thank you Keep It Zen for another edit.


Y'all skipped episode 179

Johnny Blue

Canon parts of 179 were edited into 180. Please read next time.


Yeap, enjoy! As others eluded to, the tone of Shippuden from here onwards is as big of a change as from o.g. Naruto to Shippuden, it really is like Act III. Enjoy the ride! (and watch what episodes you want ;) )


Hinata confessing her love wasnt in the manga (not canon) in the manga she got cut off by pain b4 she could finish saying it if I remember correctly, thats y naruto "forgot"


Majority of 180 is manga canon, the flashback portion was the added part


No she literally confessed, she said she loves him in the manga. RIght after she fully says she loves him, Pain rocks her right away. The last movie is also canon, just because it wasn't in the manga doesnt mean its not canon. Kishimoto Has made it official in the movie as well, and in the show.


You have got to be kidding me . . . another filler? I am just joking . . . too soon? Good times, good times.


Ah yes, let us begin the journey to...the dance.



MarkeMarke .

sure this is 180? wtf. think its 179

Lyric Laude

I started watching og naruto in 2005. Waiting for shippudden was a long ride. Every episode meant more because you never knew what was coming week to week. Even the manga was still releasing episodes. I believe it ended in 2016 cause i was actually in japan when it ended.

Golekane (Dark Ocean)

I don't think Naruto remembers Hinata's confession. He always loses his parts of his memory when he goes kyuubi


Imagine comparing Danzo to Trump SMH. You guys have TDS for real

Jin Thao

For those complaining, read or not, you paid for it. 😄

John Vick

Trump era all over ??? dude stop watching CNN and look what actually is done in politics. The democratic party are a party of EVIL. BLM was created by 2 open self admitted MARXIST , who also are lesbians. All they do is use black people just like the MARXIST used people in the communist revolution in russia, telling them lies and all kinds of bullshit to create mindless sheeps who will do the killings for them. ANTIFA is nothing but white brainwashed rich kids who also try to play marxist revolutionaries. You think you are on the side of GOOD, when actually you are on the side of EVIL.


No Chris today huh 🙁


Exactly lol. I love the normies, but clearly they lack the truth about Trump if they think he's anything like Danzo. I would say, Trump is more like Tobirama or even Hashirama to a certain degree. Hell, some could even say Itachi with the way the entire fucking world seems to randomly hate the guy without knowing the actual facts about him.

John Vick

Ok wtf ??? its another filler???


Wow my third eye has finally manifested thanks dude I really owe you. The capitalization really hit different.

Weston Coley

Now this is what I’m talking about guys 🔥🔥 Great job Normie‘s and for those who didn’t Constructive criticism to help them do better come on guys don’t be assholes were all adults so we should act like that and know how to understand each other like a certain show we watch


Aside from them having full TDS, it's so weird seeing them cheer on nepotism. Danzo was actually spitting facts, regardless of whether he's a bad guy, the village was destroyed because of Tsunade's incompetence as a leader (which she only got because she's Hashirama's granddaughter), and because Jiraiya didn't have the common sense to bring a team with him, something that would've been enforced through the Shinobi law. So many people miss the nuance of this situation lol.

Trey Milliner-Williams

Damn y'all made the delusional trumpies come out of the wood works lmao. They always lurking like worms just like Trump and just like Danzo really.

Dayvon Rose

I don't care what anyone says, I loved these fillers. I will always love fillers that feature the time period of Team 7 because back then we rarely got to see them on other missions. These fillers are also more comedic and gives more moments.


Yeah, even though I hate Danzō, nothing he said here was really wrong


This mic setup sounds crisp and beautiful.


The only thing good about the filler parts of this anime is looking at Navi she is so beautiful


Your editor Hunter did a great job compiling the canon scenes into one video for you guys 👍🏼


I'm glad they watched this one it helps to bring back the loss of Sasuke and make it feel like a fresh wound again


Imagine wasting the good animators on this shit.


Yamato literally creates a shit ton of houses out of the ground, first reaction "But it's in a hole now, couldnt they lift it up" hahaha


is anyone else having quality issues, i can not change it on this player they are using now and it looks like complete ass.


Ok so for future reference let me try to understand something. Our opinions don't matter here. They only matter in the Discord. Is this correct?

TinCan Cosmanaut

I'm not mad but i see alot of yawns from the normies during the filler ark.

Kamina 1

Damn Navi. Those tims though.... 👌


Damn only Rana paid attention to the best outro


So if Donzo is Trump that means kakashi is Biden...? The level of disrespect! Kakashi didn't do anything to deserve that.

Michael Diaz

Suraj: "Hey your opinion could influence things too" Toxic fans: DO EXACTLY WHAT I WANT! Other toxic fans: NoRmiEs Plz doN'T LiSTeN tO tHe pPL whO ArE unSatISfiED!~~~~ (let's just be completely dismissive! YAY!) Suraj: (not actually letting the opinions influence a damn thing cuz excuses) ME: This sounds like my generation alright. It's.... it's fine. I'm still entertained. I guess. lol

Benjamin Donahue

Shikamaru and Kakashi are easily my favorite characters in this show! Shikaku would be up there too if there were just a little more of him, but stuff like this just hammers in how great he is!


For the most part, Sasuke's already gone off the deep end for me at this point. But there are some moments... like when the incompetent feudal lord and his advisors make Danzo the next Hokage... that I'm just like, "Well, all right then, guess we're gonna go overthrow the government now."

Bryan Lopez

Lmfao not the Trumpies actually thinking trump did something during his pathetic presidential run


Am i the only 1 who can't open these new episodes


I get Danzo was doing all this to become hokage but your quite literally the reason sasuke wanted to destroy the leaf


not gonna lie this filler was good but whatever and yeah pain information is cool!!!!! AND SHIPPUDEN ENDED IN 2017 FOR SUB AND 2019 FOR DUB

Elijah Sterling

No your opinion doesn’t matter at all because you’re a fan. Like are you 10 we are nothing but dollar signs to them. And that’s not a problem. If you expect the people you pay to care about you or what you think you’re very dense. And we know you’re going to stay on Patreon so what was the point of this comment, so they can see they hurt your feelings ?