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Hello everyone. I have been reading the comments and decided to write a response back to all of you. Thank you for your kind words and constructive feedback. Glad to see some of us here can have civil conversations about these issues when they arise.

First off, we get lots of great feedback from our Discord such as:

- What episodes to turn the subtitles off for because they're spoilery
- What OPs to avoid because they're spoilery
- Titles to avoid because they're spoilery
- What episodes to binge/record on the same day so we have the continuity fresh on our minds
- Edited mixed filler/canon episodes when applicable
- When to duck out from our personal Instagrams and social media accounts because people are DM'ing and commenting spoilers to us
- What fillers to skip

These are all the amazing things the Discord Fam does for us in regards to this show. However, we also understand that there was frustration when it came to this week's Naruto drop.

It was brought to our attention that some fillers were coming up and we were given the choice of whether or not to watch them. The Discord fam thought we would enjoy the episodes in question, and we did. We did it for this 1 week only which is why it was triple dropped. That way you wouldn't have had 2 straight weeks of filler.

We are NOT reacting to the entire filler arc or ALL filler episodes in the future. We pick/choose some fillers here and there as they are informed to us. i.e. Kakashi mask off episode from the original series. Please do not instigate these hyperbolic comments and assume things like we are watching ALL fillers in the future. Remaining calm and giving feedback in times like this is always helpful.

From here forward, if Discord informs us that we should watch some fillers, we will be deciding in-house whether or not we want to watch them based on what interests us. If there is a Kakashi backstory arc that is filler, then you can bet we all want to watch that. After deciding if we want to watch a suggested filler, we will throw up a Patreon Poll to make sure it's all kosher with everyone here.

Thank you for your respectful and thought provoking discourse.

- Suraj, CEO 



Thanks for the update. A poll would definitely be good cause i know there is some fillers for sure a majority here will want you to react to as well


You don’t owe anyone an apology or explanation for being toxic!


Don’t sweat it fam!


didn’t think it was that big of a deal. 🤐 but can’t speak for everyone. i actually enjoyed the filler triple drop


Honestly didn’t mind, wholesome episode now and then to calm you guys down to get ready for the storm is needed.

Shaun Forbes

I actually enjoyed this filler so I'm good

Shane King

Do what you guys want. It’s your experience and your watch through. Pay no attention to the idiots complain


I just don't understand why some people want you guys to watch *less* of the show. I don't want this series to end for a long while

Kevin Kovacs

I mean have you seen the comments on the Naruto reactions yesterday?? 🤣 They were sooo piss off that they watched filler episodes and saying that not what paid for and etc.. me as well I don't like fillers but there are some filler episodes that are really good.


they should definitely watch 219


I enjoyed the fillers. I like to prolong things I like. You won't see my panties tied in a knot anytime soon.


Well said! I think you've very well and should really pat yourselves on the back! Producing the content you do, and trying to please your fans (a lot of which are made up of naruto fans so...) and still maintaining your composure through it all, nothing but respect for you all! Much love!


I'm sorry you guys had to see this part of your own community *again*🤦 Civil dialogue is always the best option when misunderstandings happen Just make sure the patreon can participate in your decisions too 👍


Well done!


I never watched these filler episodes but I think you made the right call. It was a heartwarming break from all the intense action, and I'm glad you had fun watching them.

Taylor Goff

I'm sorry that some people were being toxic instead of being kind with constructive criticism, but thank you for addressing it and hopefully people will stop complaining.


Wait Suraj is the CEO of normies??? I thought it was nahid and rana??

Storm King

To be fair it's in any anime community if they have filler. However it still does not excuse then from acting like children.


Aye, wheres bliss at?? 🤔Naw tho. Good that yall come up with a solution thats works for yall.


You guys rock. These kids are delusional, ignore em....

Kevin Kovacs

I get people who wants to see the main story but guys they're not rush to finish the show anytime soon so let them enjoy some chill episodes that are not too serious..


People are crazy.

Chase Gardner

Anything kakashi or iruka backstory I will watch because I love these characters. Thanks for the update though.


I'm happy yall watched the filler! Some is better than others, sure, but all of it (for the most part) directly pertains to the main story. Not to mention character development and info dumps that make everything start to make more sense. So keep up the good work!👍


the best way is to simply watch the show as it is and trust the creators instead of a bunch of randoms on the internet thats just never a good idea, think any adult would be very cautious when taking information from unreliable sources, the only right way to watch something is to watch it as it was made, simple as that, no confusion, no mess, full experience, when it comes to rewatching then just do whatever you want since you know it already, but until you know it yourself nobody should talk into it you should be left to enjoy it yourselves as it is, think thats like a bottom level of understanding and respect :) never let the internet decide for you thats one of the main rules


Ok first of all, yes, people can vent their frustrations without being assholes about it, so insulting is wrong. Having said that. People ARE paying for patreon, which is a service, so they DO have a right to have their voices heard, I don't like the whole "Don't like it. Don't watch it" "Suck it up" comments. If you're paying for Youtube Premium for example to not get ads, then get ads, yeah, you'd be upset about it. Anywho, thanks for the update about it and I think polls would definitely be the way to go in the future to make everyone happy.


I watched filler during my first watch through of Naruto (mainly because I had no choice since it was still airing at the time) and I don’t watch the fillers whenever I rewatch but I don’t feel as if I wasted my time watching them the first time. Who cares if it’s canon or not. We enjoy the characters and if the plot of the filler is interesting then I think it’s worth a watch. As long as you’re aware the story has no bearing on the actual plot then I don’t really see the issue.


All them naruto screamers have now shut the fuck up 😂, mans were ready to end their membership and kill their family if they didn’t get EXACTLY what they wanted all the time


I can't speak for everyone but I actually really enjoyed this filler triple drop, I'm glad you found them enjoyable too and thank you for the hard effort putting the videos together. The poll is a great idea by the way. :) And don't take the bad (and sometimes unnecessarily harsh and unreasonable) comments too much to heart, I personally think you are doing great. :)


Now everyone can calm down again


Thanks for the response Suraj! i'll be honest i was dissapointed the triple drop this week was filler but i didnt feel the urge to throw my pudding at the ceiling and flail about in the comments section like a coffee filled baby magikarp like some people on here. Now it makes sense as to why you did it, i would have hated 2 weeks of filler so getting it out the way in 1 week seems very reasonable. Been loving the Naruto Rections thus far and we just get excited to see you guys react to the story. some people are crazy! Peace!


kind words? not sure about that one lol. i do think fillers suck? yeah, i do. are there some good ones? ehhhhh well sorta. some of it is light novel stuff which is hit or miss. problem is that fillers were necessary to keep distance from manga. i personally don't like watching them because there is stuff i find canon that is boring, let alone fillers. of course you guys can/should do whatever you want

Garrett Gee

This is great an alll, but when are we getting suraj reaction to lost i really feel like he would like that show.


Glad you guys are enjoying naruto! 🍥


Very well-said. It was actually fun watching you watch the fillers. Thank you for your hard work, Normies. I hope you didn't get discouraged from continuing your reaction to the series. I support whatever decision you make; it's your channel after all. :)


A lot of reactors tend to go watch the filler in their personal time or go back after the end of the series and start watching them which might be a good idea I have to say the only filler people give a positive light are the ones that are basically canon such as kakashi garden, itachi’s filler, and the light novel adaptations at the very end of the series. We will see flashbacks of naruto for legit half of fights from this point forward, especially in this coming arc. Love the content and the love for the show you guys display though it’s nice having a reason to look back at naruto, the goods and the bads, remembering why dragon ball will always be my favorite. Final arc fillers are probably what made everyone so paranoid, it’s placement and length get bad 😭


Ya but here's the thing: We are paying! Discord is free and people don't need to pay in order to use the service or to be in the Normies discord community. Since we pay WE should 100% override what the discord freebee weines say. If I go into a grocery store and tell the manager what he/she could do in order to get more people to shop at their store vs someone on their site saying something else who is the manager going to listen to? Exactly. This was a terrible idea from you guys and the only way to make it up to your Patreon community is to do a triple canon drop next Wednesday. Thank you

Bully Finch

Lots of people who vote for long running series usually aren't voting for the complete thing. Naruto in paricular like 30% of the people who wanted it leave after the pain arc. It's wierd because they'll beg for double and triple drops to get their fix faster then dip out on the reactors.


That's the thing though. The creators never intended on having fillers in the anime. The only reason why they had to put them in was because the manga released new chapters slower than the show released new episodes.


The issue more so is you can easily enjoy the filler just don't upload reactions to them.. In it's essence reactions are supposed to be for the fans so uploading reactions to something majority of people don't care to see becomes a waste of time. Nothing wrong with watching filler just don't upload it or better yet give patreons a say. And you can very easily make polls on patreon as well and get responses just as fast so the need to just ask discord seems odd especially when you guys make polls for other things on here some things even naruto related. I mean there's usually common filler people react to and majority of the naruto fans are usually supportive of it but i don't think anyone has ever reacted to those episodes y'all uploaded that's why the blow back was so intense.

J. J.

Cancer fanbase.


1more thing for suraj, we all knew you watched naruto shippuden, pls don't spoil to other normies while watching, for example one of a pain drop smoke bomb and going to catch shizune, and before that even happen you already said oh no shizune. Also minato appearing, everyone was so quiet and only you said minato there, bruh stop spoiling from now yeh?

Space Mechanic

There is such a thing as good filler. Your in good hands with the discord, they won’t steer you wrong.


Everyone has the 'the right' to have their voices heard in all walks of life... but when people use that right to be disrespectful tools, they will be taken less seriously. That's the nature of humanity. And to be clear, Patreon is still technically a donation service. We are offered rewards in return, but unless they specifically state in the tier description which episodes they will be skipping (then fail to do that), all it takes is a simple, decent comment to state your opinions without being an asshole... because in reality, The Normies did nothing but listen to the their most dedicated fans who have joined their Discord in order to help guide them.


Fuck the whiners. You guys decide what you want to watch and it should stay that way. Also there may be some backstory episodes on a certain Uchiha that would be fun to watch. But I'm sure the discord fam will let you know about it when it comes.


Hi! I know you guys are busy but are you guys doin The HandMaids Tale reaction? I really enjoyed the couples reaction. They Released Season 4 Early!

Weston Coley

The issue I have is plain and simple yuck and enjoy the fillers and I will be great but that’s not what I signed up for what I mean by that is you could have the fillers as a side thing like you used to do it’s not hard OK no disrespect with me saying that


Well i enjoyed watching these episodes with you guys. I watched the series when it was coming out and watched everything. That said, some fillers are not that great and I understand people wanting to get through the "real" plot faster ignoring the fillers but I believe you guys like the anime and would enjoy a lot of filler episodes, and many people on discord know pretty well what you will love to watch despite being filler episodes so I won't mind if more fillers (the better ones at least) keep coming. Also, I always get sad when series I'm re-watching with you guys end so the more time the better. Just enjoy the ride instead of wanting it to be over faster.

Weston Coley

Boss man no disrespect for what you saying but here’s my counter argument they could have these filler episode as a side thing like they used to do like I paid for a year not for filler each week but for canning shit weekly you could have the fillers and enjoy them I know I don’t have a problem with that when I have a problem with is I paid $100 to you for weekly canon Contin not fillers plain and simple I love those guys And I’m a keep supporting them but I think this is a bad idea not separating the two


i don't give a fck if they watch the fillers or not. i just watch certain scenes anyway when they get there. but i get why some people are let down - cause they were waiting for a scene or something but it gets pushed another week cause of fillers. the best solution i guess would be you treat the filler episodes like extra videos. so if you guys want to watch the fillers, just add them to your weekly naruto posts. example - 2 canon + 2 fillers if you want to watch fillers this week or if you don't want to watch fillers then just watch the canon episodes.


instead of fillers, you guys could have done a movie reaction. There all better then any filler episodes.

Shervell Jones

I sometimes forget Suraj is the CEO of the Normies. We need a skit of him fully suited up fancy glasses on walking into the HQ asking for sparkling water and asking for his bananas to be sliced for him hahaha


Tbh the Kakashi filler is hella good


“Kind and constructive feedback” haha. Love y’all Normies but y’all go way too easy and cave in to the toxic fans too much. Look at that Naruto fans. Literally got a post to address your toxicity. And the Normies aren’t the first and only reactors to have done that. Honestly would be surprised if any of y’all actually had any friends.


Honestly when I saw how upset the comments were, I assumed it was because you guys were going through the entire filler bloc, which would be a little disappointing. I feel like it wouldnt have been so bad once people realized its only one week of filler, and even a triple drop. People were just being really, really dramatic. Some were threatening to unsubscribe until we got back to the canon, which doesnt even make sense since it wont affect the amount of money they're gonna end up paying.


Thank you Suraj for coming out, I personally really enjoyed these episodes and if it was up to me you guys would be watching most of the anime-canon "filler" episodes. Thank you for all the work you do, I'd like to but know I can't say "just ignore the haters" because that would impact the buisness but I'm sure you get what I mean.


Thank you for making things clear! I know there were a lot of toxic comments and I'm really sorry that you had to even read some of them...I think perhaps a lot of us were unaware of the Discord community and how much influence it has on how you guys do your reactions. Hopefully more people will turn towards it to give you guys constructive feedbacks from now on instead of the alternative. Much appreciation for dealing with it professionally and hope you guys keep enjoying the show :)


They were making all that fuss when they were just gonna resubscribe by the end of the week, saving them exactly $0.00


Overall the thing that is pretty messed up is you didn't even give the Patreons the option to vote for it. You forced it upon us. You didn't even give us a heads up or ask us what we thought about the idea. That's why people are mad and are talking shit towards you guys. I really hope you guys learn from this mistake and may it make this Patreon site better for the future.


maybe put a poll in patron instead, just like blind wave USE POLL

Jimmy Wise

Suraj, you the MVP for subjecting yourself to that much toxicity when reading all the comments!

Carlos Hurtado

I didn't see much constructive feedback. Maybe it was buried under the over the top cringey comments?.


I don't even watch Naruto but I felt bad for them reading the comments last time. This is how toxic the fandom is... even people from other fandoms see and hear their crying from a distance and feel the need to defend the content creators because it's so extreme.

Ruben Lopez

Its literally not an issue. These first world problems is getting worse by the day. So much respect to the Normies for putting up with all this whining. Its literally non stop.

George Bondo

That post was cool, but CEO???!!! SURAAAJ?! (SouljaBoi voice)


Understandable that there was disappointment for these fillers. Lesson learned we will be careful about them in the future


Man I'm usually just a silent watcher but the comments yesterday were depressing. At MOST I was mildly disappointed that I didn't care for the Wednesday drops this week. I think I might actually watch them out of spite now! It's nice to see this comment section full of support and (rightfully) calling out the negative feedback.

Lyric Laude

So is it safe to say discord trolled yall lol. Imo though, patreon should definitely get voting rights before discord. Simply because not all the patrons are on discord. Especially if we are coming out of pocket to support you guys. Is what it is though. We all are holding the L this week.

Pervy Sage

The temper tantrum over one filler week is hilarious


I mean, idc if they watch the fillers or not, but it's not that hard to understand why people want them to watch LESS of the show, if a large chunk of the show is optional filler stuff that most of the time is average at best lol.


You know it's real when Suraj signs off with "CEO" lol.


Haha 😂 y’all need to chill just enjoy the ride & we’ll be fine 😂😂

Lyric Laude

I mean yeah the fandom can be toxic. I think that isnt the issue here. It's more about spending money on a monthly subscription and when it came down to ask what episodes to watch, they choose discord for advice. When half of them probably isn't even subscribed to their youtube. Js


i've heard of reactors taking abreak from shows they like just because the community messed them up,and i never really believed it but now i fully see it...i really hope this doesnt ruin you guys(the normies)excitement for the rest of the reaction


The toxic commenters don't realize that if they ruin the Normies enjoyment of the show, it will ruin the reactions also.

Mike Drop

I'm pretty sure it was sarcastic because it was a shitshow in the comments yesterday


People actually got upset because of a few filler eps... it's only one week, you'll get more of what you want next week, be patient and don't get whiney about it.


I was up in arms till I saw the CEO title on the signature, means a lot to get a well and meaningful response from the top brass lol jk Hopefully this calms down everyone that actually got "furious" about the filler


tbf, they are paying to see the episodes, so I get why they'd be annoyed about fillers if they have no interest in the fillers and the show is what they're supporting the patreon for.. there were definitely much better ways to voice these views than raging like quite a few people did.


Breaking out that CEO title 👁👄👁


At first I thought that you were going through the whole fillers, which was jarring to me and it wasn't made very clear from the post, but one week isn't that big of a deal, come on... What I think a lot of the people got angry about i not necesarrily that you were watching the fillers, but that the only triple drop that you made in a while was on a filler arc, haha :D


fandoms are crazy scary thing . Take it easy normies and try not to take it to heart whenever people are bad mouthing you


Y’all don’t have to explain shit these narutards annoying af mUh shippuden


Yesterday was not criticism, that was straight up looking for blood lol. These are the same dudes who could ask for a QUAD drop knowing the normies never do it...everybody complained more than once to get their point out so they could feel heard...like they even used their silly threats like "see you in a couple months" "take my money elsewhere" it was 1 week y'all. You guys are sad fcks almost sending death threats.


People were unbelievably cruel and entitled towards you guys. I mean for fucks sake, we're all watching a fucking animated show about magic ninja-wizards. It ain't that big of deal, and I would like to apologize on behalf of fans for that nonsense. You didn't deserve it and it wasn't right. Please keep going forward and enjoying the show, and let's all of us continue to be kind to one another.


Soy bastante malo para escribir en ingles pero espero que alguien pueda entenderme xD Si estas pagando la sub en patreon y no te gusta lo que ves no la pagues y listo, ¿que es eso de andar llorando porque ellos vean lo que les interesa ver? tienen suerte de que ponen votaciones de que serie ver porque al fin y al cabo el canal es de The normies, si los apoyas que sea porque te gusta lo que hacen y si no bueno espera a que salga todo en youtube y listo. By the way Rana you are the best, (you too Suraj) greetings from Uruguay ♥


people need to learn how to chill out... I'm not gonna lie, when I realized that the triple drop was filler i got pretty bummed out, but then I smoked a joint and enjoyed the shit out of the reactions. They were fun and very emotional, so I the discord people did a good job recomending them.


As someone who actually responded with legit criticism yesterday without insults shoutout from us who actually voiced our comments correctly. Now, what I wanna know is why these fillers specifically. Yes Naruto/Shippuden has a plethora of fillers but i just didn't expect these 3. If anything I expected the 2 after these 3 given those come with a new opening and ending (the ending isn't around when you return to canon). Either way regardless thanks for responding respectfully while also addressing what will be done forward. Have a dope day.

Logan Bradford

Yes there is a clippet at the end that says he will run it by us if it goes through house and senate


Sorry these anime fans haven't been properly socialized. I'll never understand these anime fans calling a show good when you have to skip big chunks of episodes or else they rage and cry.

MC zsn

EVERYBODY BETTER UP VOTE THE ITACHI FILLERS, I still feel like they don't understand ITACHI

Stefan Davis

I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again the some of the anime community really makes it hard for people to react to shows because they take things so personal and sometimes are sooooo over the top about things which is so unnecessary.....they reacted to 3 fillers episodes which was encouraged by fellow anime fans so obviously they did it because it was heavily requested and people saying they paid money.....just need to chill out it was one week and it was after one of Naruto best arcs it’s not that deep....just let them appreciate the show all the negative comments won’t change the fact that they reacted to the filler which was a solid filler....I didn’t vote for filler but I’m not butthurt about it either....


Imo I would rather have the naruto and sasuke with their hands tied filler than this ones, but regardless their werent bad and kinda complemented cannon. I'm am unsubscribing tho, because i decided that i would sub 2 moths, 2months ago to binge jiraya vs pain and itachi vs sasuke but also finish the pain ark on patreon. Nothing to do with this. I would have prefered cannon tho :p. However I love your reactions, keep up the great work, and dont skip the kakashi and itachi "filler" backstories, they are actually adaptations from novels that are considered cannon! Keep it up and thx to all the discord guys helping you <3, seeya on youtube, or maybe someday on patreon if i wanna binge the next hype parts.

Alex cleveland

Like Ive been saying, the Normies understand the problem/situation that has arisen when posting these filler uploads! Glad yall took the criticism the right way, however, some other ppl legit didnt give criticism; they legit was just saying negative shit about the Normies lmao. And yes, there are some filler arcs in the future that the Normies should actually still watch, so Im glad they understand that.

Stefan Davis

The issue is with some die hard anime fans theyexpect everyone who watches anime to have the same experiences they have....and if you don’t view things the way they do they act like it’s the end of the world...we understand this isn’t best of filler choices but it’s definitely not the worse of the series, theirs no need to bash them for something sooo silly ....


Shout out to those of us who raised our concerns in a respectful way (even though some discord people still got really defensive lmao) but what's done is done. It's a shame some people got really toxic over the past couple of days, but thanks for seeing from the other perspective. You guys definitely don't deserve the nasty, negative comments. Don't let these comments dampen your moods any more than they might already have. Enjoy your day and week and just enjoy each others company


We love you Normies and hope all the insane, unnecessary negativity doesn't bring you guys down... because a lot of us don't even care about this one week drop and are here for the long ride and just love seeing yall enjoy whatever you want to... I feel that's what we signed up for as patrons in the 1st place, to see yall give your opinions on something we all love.. not for you to do exactly what we want all the time..there's no point to reactions if they aren't natural. We love you and support you for who you are


All I gotta say is watch what yall want. I support yall and the journey either way

Laurence Reyes

As someone who unsubscribed, because I only found Chris enjoyable. You know damn well, the Normies will milk Naruto for all its worth, because they know a good 25-30% of the patreon subs are cause of this show. They will all leave after they finish the series. So it was them just milking your tears so that they can keep their money. I initially subscribed to view the pain arc. Then I was curious so I watched their other reactions. Everyone except Chris is boring, so I unsubscribed. If you still find them entertaining keep your subscription. I hope in the future these fans will be less toxic. Stay safe out there guys!

Gabriel Moreira

Like i Said on discord, this all could and should be avoided by just doing a poll here on Patreon so the majoroty could have a say in the matter. Its really nice and cool that the discord do a Lot for you guys. But they dont represent the role community. I cant care less for fillers, they are poor animated and has nothing to offer that will really make a difference in the end so i Just skiped this weak reaction. That dosnt mean you guys cant see or like It. Just make sure to inform this to everyone in advance and everything would be fine i guess. Naruto, like others classic anime, is infamous for having TONS os fillers, so the perspective of wasting time and money with then is really bad, but that dosnt make right for some people to be toxic and agressive with you guys, so im really sorry you had to see that. I Hope everyone is ok and happy, and see you ALL next weak. S2

Logan Bradford

Hello everyone. We have decided to stop releasing Naruto reactions. Thank you. Suraj, CEO

Dancing Viru

the greatest joke about the toxic side of this community is, patreon is a donation-reward-based-service & paying here is optional, which is monthly, not weekly & a bad week doesn't negate the other weeks. the reward is just mainly early-access, meaning you'll get the reactions at some point for free except for uncuts anyway.

Dancing Viru

it's also a shame that they haven't learned a thing from naruto & are still childish enough to throw tantrums with harassing & abusive words


There are really good filler arcs but I would prefer you guys watch them after you finish the show honestly


I get the internet is toxic and I agree with you guys kinda, but that was a little bit too passive aggressive for a CEO response lol

Dayvon Rose

Patreon is a monthly based thing, people should have had faith and at least waited to see if fillers continued before bringing out their pitchforks. At the end of the day, what happened yesterday was unwarranted and just showed that a great amount of people just view the normies as puppets who are here to only satisfy their wants.

Dayvon Rose

I don't get how it's a waste of money though. If it was weekly payments then sure I get it, but it's monthly and they just finished an arc. Unless you're someone who paid between last week and now, I don't see how warning would have worked. It was just one day of fillers and people unsubbed as if it's been going on for weeks.

Zachary Longworth

I actually never watched those 3 episodes because they were filler and I was honestly surprised by how much I enjoyed them. I usually watch the “good” filler but must’ve missed those 3 somehow. I’m glad the normies watched them, I had a chance to experience some classic naruto again along with them

Sou saetern

I agree with you that Chris is the most enjoyable, honestly he just is. But I've been with the normies for years, and yes they do know that alot of people subscribe for naruto, but I don't think they're the type of people that would just milk it for money. They know they might take a hit after naruto is over, but they're solid enough to still have a strong following.

kong kong

The CEO B)

Dakoda moore

There's itachi backstory arc thats filler, but it's definitely worth watching because it's itachi

Philip G.

The proper response would have been to triple drop fillers again next week 😂


Glad ur putting a poll on patreon in the future, I don’t want people from discord to speak for me cuz I’m paying money as well

Yanis Michalowski

Actually this filler was good I don't understand why people get so mad at this but I am also very distressed about how people write on Patreon. They need to stop talking to the Normies or answering the others as if they were trash. Have some respect please.


No worries Suraj, sorry some Naruto fans are such crybabies


Great arguement, or maybe some people didn't like these filler episodes and wanted to share their opinion. :)


I'm conflicted. Cause on one hand that just means more Normie content on the other fillers can be annoying at times. Maybe next time putting up a poll and lets say if like 80% say skip the fillers then don't do it. Lets be honest majority of people will want you to skip it but its your channel and if you want to react to fillers than you should feel free to do so.


I think they earn the right to act the way they want. When naruto gets more views than any other thing they post. The naruto fan base gives more money than any other fan base !!!!!!!


It seems a waste to use a triple drop on fillers, most people here seen Naruto before streaming and had to wait months, in some cases a hole season to be out of a filler arc. Secondly taking directions from discord over Patrion not a good idea, I think most of us don't use discord. But if you enjoyed the fillers, that is great!


Thank you. A simple poll on your Patreon on whether you should watch the filler would be more than enough to silence most of the complainers since if the overwhelming majority of them vote not to watch it, then you guys can maybe compromise and watch them on your time and react to them seperately.


they will lose more than half of the Patron they can't do that


I’m sorry you guys had to endure this toxic ass fanbase

Avalon Glynn

Surage CEO Nani is that how it is for real


suraj, where do i apply to be co-ceo?


ya, i think you should make arsalan co-ceo, i hear hes rly good at fortnite

Weston Coley

But boss there’s one thing you’re not getting this is their Patreon not their channel and we pay them here so we expect a Content majority of us want And it’s not like they can post the filler separately an hour after or an hour before it’s not hard to do so or do you live streams like they used to do I pay for every week to get canon episodes and also to support them I did an annual

Zen Reacts

At least people only on patreon will get a voice now


Had to dip cuz I only watched for naruto and they had the whole pain arc to triple drop but naw they triple drop on fillers 😂🤦 that confirmed they just gonna milk this shit I’ll just wait a couple months and give this 10 to Roshi


Daddy suraj dropping the hammer 🥵😄 it is what it is I woulda skipped but they all enjoyed it reaction was enjoyable too👌


Well, we had no problem with nahid and rana reacting to fillers as extras. And you said many times in the beginning that you were skipping fillers. So it's no shock that when people who were paying, so sure they were gonna get canon content on wednesdays and fillers as extras, got blindsided by a triple drop filler week (and honestly objectively it wasn't a good filler or contributed anything to the story, unlike the future kakashi and itachi fillers adopted from novels or other 'filling the blanks in the story' fillers like 6 tails or 2nd chunin exams etc) people had right to be disappointed. Because people on here weren't consulted. It's great that discord is helping you with things listed above, but don't take their word as gospel. I'm glad the constructive criticism reached you among toxic comments and you will be doing polls in the future.

Fred Carmichael

I think a Patreon Poll is a great way to do it! Because there are definitely some fillers that are worth it. And we wouldn't want you guys to miss out on them all because of the negative feedback you got from this week!

Vin Sama

but then it will be the same outcry if it was the other way around how discord isnt being listened and the same cycle happens all over again

Vin Sama

honestly it kinda brings a spotlight to Iruka more especially when....later on

Vin Sama

wonder if they'll vote to skip just to rush to the canon

Vin Sama

not really some are actually enjoying the filler. honestly disappointed they couldnt get to react the shino laughing funeral filler back in part 1

Vin Sama

kinda is when even those in patreon wanted to see them react to other fillers but never got it

Vin Sama

nah some fillers were good. some wanted them to react to the itachi fillers

Morgan Le Fay

Polls are a great solution. I’m not really active on the discord as much (mainly will check it for RWBY stuff), so it’s nice to be included.

alex Cita

what all the story .

Yanis Michalowski

There is one more issue. For all the people claiming they get to decide what the Normies will react to (episodes, fillers...), just because they paid for it should : STOP spamming ! We heard you, but you don't hear us. Your 10$ is just for a few weeks earlier than YouTube.

Kamina 1

Suraj with the big dick swingin 😂💀. My guy hit em with the "CEO" sign off. This is not a game patreons! All jokes aside, i think it's good for people to know just exactly who you are in regards to the company. I get tired of seeing comments of people complaining about you man. The real ones know why the normies even exist today. He is the origin... ICK BIN DU! *chris voice*


No matter which side you stand on, you sound like a bunch of pansies. We all finished naruto already, let them watch it their way and if they want to watch something whack then take your money and bounce. That being said, it’s a solid move for content creators to consider what their patrons (audience) would want. More than likely when these episodes drop on youtube there will be equal backlash.


You should turn off the subtitles after the five kage summit arc


Exactly, people need to stop complaining. It’s your first watch through, and you’ll finish the series eventually.


hey can you tell me what episodes were the 2nd chunin exams are?


love you guys love you esp. suraj


Lol you guys can watch whatever you want, a lot of the fillers are quite enjoyable and have character development. I LOVED the Hinata filler episode when she developed(invented) a new ninjutsu and got confidence. Back in the original naruto.