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Yang is at home with her dad trying to get better, while Ruby is out with team JN(P)R (sigh). Crow is keeping a close eye on the adventurers. Weiss is at home, which seems to be a good place to be, if it weren't for daddy Schnee. In today's episode, we find out that Blake is on a ship coming home, too. Cinder is having a BLAST with her new friends. 

The rest is still a mystery to the normies. Is Ozpin alive? Is Beacon salvageable? What are the teachers up to? Where are all the students and huntsmen? Is there hope or did the shattered mirrors cut it up?!?!?!?



Umm....Yang obviously because she'd beat the shit out of me. No safe word

Andre Ransom

Again thought this was the episode 😭


Jaune needs help the most, his partner, mentor and girl who kissed before running off to get cremated is really messing with that boy

Michael Combs

Wow all these options are well thought out. I like Qrow because he seems to put family first especially in protecting his nieces.


*Qrow not Crow lol

Divine Wrath

I’d probably hang with Weiss and pretend to be posh until daddy schnee kicks me out

Jason Rodriguez

Blake just cuz she's in a nice area

Jacob Goodheart

I mean I get that blake went through an ordeal. But I feel that how she left her friends, especially Yang who has abandonment issues, is kinda shitty. I like her but if it were me I’d be just as pissed as Yang is.


I hope things get better for all of them and evolve for the future.

Opera Baritone

I would totally be with Jaune. Jaune has been through a lot 🥺😭

Andre D

Not to be THAT person but it’s Qrow not Crow heh.


Probably at the Schnee house. Any reason to beat up Jacques


I love Blake so I’m always sticking with her

Redding Tier

I'd probably hang with Weiss and try to flirt with her

Benjamin Donahue

Qrow. As much as I'd want to help support Yang, Weiss, and Blake they are for the most part safe. Ruby and the others are still in the fight, I feel like that team needs the most help right now until the others can get back up.


Interesting. Asshole beerus aside, the mansion would be the most comfortable

Morgan Le Fay

Same. I don’t approve of her leaving, but I’d definitely follow her.