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Content Warning: The End Discussion consists of some fairly heavy topics that might be triggering to some, so come into this episode with that in mind. Death Note really seems to pull up the serious discussions. Also keep in mind that we are not experts, and do not proport to be. We all have our own opinions on these topics, and respect the differences in perspective.  Subjects include: Pedophilia, Capital punishment, abortion, euthanasia.

Reaction: https://vimeo.com/537064702/0a5647a91f

Uncut: https://vimeo.com/537266582/4c701fb276


Death Note - Episode 30 - Justice - Group Reaction

Content Warning : The End Discussion consists of some fairly heavy topics that might be triggering to some, so come into this episode with that in mind. Death Note...



Since they only have a few more episodes left of death note can we start asking for a Neon Genesis Evangelion reaction? Most of it would probably go over their heads but I could see them all really enjoying the psychological elements of the show


The content warning should be for how many of your brain cells are gonna die listening to some of these people talk. Jesus Christ. And I know suraj is a troll who likes to do the devil's advocate thing, but is Pat REALLY this ignorant?


I haven’t seen it, but the way you describe it just seems to be inviting people to complain every week about them not understanding something.

Bryan Lopez

The fact that ANYONE would agree with Kira is an automatic red flag. If you have to achieve world peace by even killing a single innocent person the. You are NOT in it for actual world peace.


That beginning part of that patreon troll talking about nahid's "christian propaganda" was too funny.


The goon squad at it again. I used to be fans of Pat and Nahid before this show. Yall got some pretty EXTREME views and it isnt a grey area of debate.


Makes it more savage cause Nahid's smiling the whole time agreeing with Pat 😂


They dont just agree with Kira they are dying on the hill they are standing on for him. Out of all the reaction channels that have seen death note there aren't any that rival Pat and Nahid for their simping of Light.


I wouldn't let Nahid have the Deathnote cause all that Christian Propaganda lmao, that got me ..all the kids out there saying "Daaaammnnn Faaaammm" agreein with Pat and nahid oh no 😂😂

a. tree

The idea that what criminal law (which varies from country to country in the first place) is any indicator of some moral value of "good" vs. "evil" is flat out-false, so the metric is off to begin with. Going further, as Chris and Marketa and so were getting at, the root issue is not that somehow certain people have an "evil" gene or some inherent propensity to want to harm others. The very idea that some people have an inherently lower intrinsic or moral value than others is sickening; it's about the systems that everyday people are made to function in and are shaped by. As an example, the CEOs who raise insulin prices can eat shit, but they don't do it solely to see people suffer: they are allowed and incentivized by an unregulated market to do so. People who commit crimes, violent or not, and end up just going back are a product of an environment and a criminal justice system focused on removing people and exercising power over them rather than rehabilitation. Removing people from society, literally from the earth, for functioning in a way that you disagree with in a system that more often than not pidgeonholes them into these behaviors won't solve everything or really anything — like Nahid said, L's ideology is childish and idealistic as is the point of the show — it's crazy and even kind of scary that real life, grown-ass men can think that way. The idea that some of the people speaking believe or even sympathize with the idea that some people, inherently, have a lesser value than others and deserve to die by a judge-jury-and-executioner, and that this will fix the world, is pretty screwed. But, as a student living in an idealistic, left-leaning bubble at the moment it is refreshing to see how actual people think. I do appreciate how y'all keep it real in your discussions and reactions.


Maybe I misunderstood when watching this show a couple times, but one of the big issues with Kira is it's one person who is judge, jury , and executioner. Bringing up the point of a group coming to this decision is the complete opposite of what the show is portraying.

Zero Requiem

We know who not to give the death note to

John Vick

I think he is.... The other ignorant person is Chris. When it comes to the show, then his morals are mostly correct, but in his real life... i mean the guy supports BLM. BLM is a MARXIST organization, that is just USING BLACK PEOPLE as pawns and useful idiots just like ALL MARXISTS have done with humans.... just look MARXIST history....how they use people and toss them aside as soon they have served their purpose.


there is a lot i want to say about this issue but it will just take too long...but i think the biggest hole in what pat was saying is that he removed the human factor in the situation, of course it will be wonderful to wake up and not see any bad people but we re humans,we really dont need a role model before we choose to do something...if you've read the bible you'll see that God ended humanity leaving only one family that he believed were good because his own creations had become so corrupted that nothing could be done but still evil still came back because we were created with free will whether we have someone to copy it from or not evil will still be born,not to even talk about people who commit crime for pure survival....so thats just not an ideal world the only person who is truly free in that world would be light


I do think good/evil are necessary in this world because both live inside every person. You can't have one without the other. This is just Another reason why You shall react to Monster where You will see the duality of good and evil.


Its always good to have civil disscussion about anything. I am with you with appreciate how they really feel about it .


guys the point is not how effective light is at reducing crime, the discussion here should be about what ruling system is in place. we had at some point in time a one man rule who was treated as a god, that system was called monarchy, a terrible system for many reasons but mainly because any ruler, however benevolent he my be, will at some point either change for one reason or another, or make a mistake or simply die , and then what, will all his successors be as smart or as benevolent as the grate leader?. and who chooses the successor, once the head dies the system collapses, we have seen it time and again in history, monarchy/totalitarianism is simply not stable. the question death note presents is not whether light is good at his job or not, but is a one man rule a sustainable or a moral system of government .


I think it is safe to say this is easily Pat's dumbest take.


I mean getting rid of all the evil people would be nice but the root of this is..... Is it okay for humans to determine the life and death of other humans? And i would say no.... killing other people is wrong but "justice" is not killing those people who did those evil acts.


I think the series itself kind of shows Light’s methods aren’t really stomping out crime like he think it is. Mellow joined up with a group of criminals who were apparently smart enough to stay below Kira’s radar before he joined up and saw mega success when Mellow started helping them out. The fear of death didn’t stop them from going after the Death Note. I doubt they are the only criminals who somehow avoided Kira’s notice and still went on with their business. The inclusion of Mellow’s criminal group IMO shows criminals are gradually adjusting to Kira’s World and going on with business as usual. There is no guarantee that 30 years down the line that all crime would stop like Pat is suggesting. For all we know 30 years later criminals could have just gotten smarter and found ways to avoid Kira’s judgment or exploit Kira to benefit themselves. For example if a mob boss has cops in their pocket it would be very easy for them to get those police to frame a rival mob boss of a crime they committed and trick Kira into killing the rival for them. Since Kira judgement depends on police and news revealing the names and faces of criminals it probably wouldn’t be that hard to pay off or even threaten those people to keep certain names or faces off the news.


this wasn’t a reaction 😂😂😂 this was a roast to america 🤣🤣 had me dying guys


jesus. the discussion was phenomenal. i had to comment a second time.


These guys are forgetting that Light has killed non-criminals and minor criminals. They're forgetting Raye Penbar, Naomi Misora (especially heinous IMO) and the rest of the FBI agents that were investigating. And his logic is that they went against him and thus deserved to die. Look up Kohlbergs Theory of Morality Development. Light has put the world in the morality stage of young children. Where something is bad because they get punished for it.


Pat is extremely naive and shortsighted if he doesnt see how people would abuse the Kira justice system. Maybe a few episodes down he'll realise it. Or maybe he'll just agree with the TV personalities in Death Note and become more of a Kira zealot then he already is.


I'm fine with pat being on kira's side, in my opinion it's far better than the entire crew being one sided it feels interesting seeing opposing views.


Pat never aged past 12 and shows anytime he opens his mouth. Nahid is the product of 2000s America propaganda.

Logan Bradford

and you're a faceless judgemental POS lmao heed the trigger warning in the description next time


I always have to skip that intro song. For some reason I start punching holes in my wall when I listen to it.


Light only kills innocent people when they get in the way of what he's trying to do because in his mind the cops are stopping justice from happening.


We already have a Death Note. It's called capital punishment. The Death Note just makes it easier. The idea that killing "bad people" will make crime go away is silly because deterrence has been shown to not work. If you kill someone in Texas, you will most likely be caught. Even in the past it was 50/50, but now with advanced DNA evidence they are solving cold case murders from decades ago. So basically, in Texas, you stand a good chance of getting the death penalty for murder, and even if you don't, you're going to spend a long, long time in a little box. That would be a huge deterrent, right? If you kill someone, odds are it will not turn out well for you, and even if you get away with it you're going to be looking over your shoulder for the rest of your life waiting for the day when some new technology catches up to you. It's clearly not worth it, but people still do it -- because people are not rational. If you killed every single murderer, even the ones who "got away with it", tomorrow. All at once, in one fell swoop, people would still murder.


Comparing The Death Note to the death penalty is asinine. The only similarity is that they both lead to people dying, that's about it. Literally everything else is wildly different and to compare the two is just dishonest of how the current death penalty system is set up in America.


Wow not going to lie. There were some extremely ignorant and borderline childish takes in this discussion. Not saying I still don't support the normies or enjoy their reactions but again, I can't lie, I lost mad respect for a couple of normies with this discussion.

Michael Diaz

I’m not the kind of person to usually say this.... and it’s gonna be weird saying this isn’t anything personal since he still entertains me and seems like a cool dude..... but Pat is straight up stupid. lol literally every single thing he says is WILD as hell. Chris said that in the end it would be down to one person deciding everything for the whole world and Pat literally said “What’s wrong with that!?” ARE YOU KIDDING, BRO!!??? lmfao


I'm open to listening to different opinions because that's how civilized debate works, but damn, I wouldn't want a thing like the Death Note to be possessed by anyone - and surely not Nahid or Pat.


I know The Normies is about a bunch of friends and that you can't tell your friends to shut up, because well, they're your friends, it's your channel, and everyone has a right to speak their opinion. But I feel like, it should be taken into account that a LOT of people watch these videos, including young ones - and some of the takes that are spoken sometimes are far from something you'd wanna convey to a general public. You are obviously not responsible for what your viewers think or do just because of having spoken your opinion, but also, you can't ignore the fact your words have influence simply because your channel has influence (tons of viewers).


What if you catch a guy molesting your child and you push him of the stairs or something and he dies. Does that mean you have to die because you are a murderer? Being scared of Kira won't prevent these kind of things from happening. Better hope the news get's your story right or Light is writing your name down.


thats what im saying... like light didn't only just kill criminals, he's killed people for having a different opinion than him or someone he thought didn't seem fit to be in his "world"

Masah 1

I need a girl like Marketa to watch anime with 😭😭

Fred Carmichael

Lmao I love these discussions so much.


bruh i needed that intro. ilove you guys xD


What everyone is trying to say, Pat is there are systems in place designed for certain people to fail. For example, if Kira was real, a lot of black men in American would be dead because we’re incarcerated at much higher rates. Just killing people who break the law would leave a lot of innocent people dead and doesn’t erected economic inequality or change the system that benefits off the marginalization of others. Loved ya reaction as always


I stole a belt from Walmart because I forgot to pay for it, then I noticed once I got to my car, then I went home bc I was tired, GUESS IM DEAD. but no you gotta have your name on the TV to die, therefore Kira can't do anything if the news doesn't show ppls faces or use real names, it's SIMPLE,


People like Pat and Nahid (especially Pat) are why I’m glad something like the Death Note doesn’t exist. Really troubling thoughts coming from those two... :/