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So this guy showed up today. Our feelings are mixed and we're generally sus about him. What were your first thought when you saw him talk to Ironwood and then to Weiss? 

How did you feel about the rest of the Schnee family? 




That clip on tie wearing dick can rot in hell


He left his KFC buisness to run his family kinda guy!!!

John M

My initial thoughts of Jacques were simple: he’s a rich, entitled, arrogant opportunist who doesn’t really care about anyone but himself and his success. Whitley was a very difficult read for me. And Winter’s cool, but she’s Ironwood’s quintessential solider.


Jacques Schnee? More like Jackass Schnee!


I didn't like him the rest of the family is cool


Jaques is a douche who has too much self interests in his dust company and as a result seems to be a very bad father and businessman.


Dislike him a lot


His personality is that he’s a rich white man. Not much else to be said.


Definitely got the opinion of pompous and self-aggrandizing.


he's an ass

Pluto Star1

He's superior sus

Reynaldo Urena

My first thought was this family is the typical aristocratic emotionally fucked up archtype


Self centered rich guy. Though his VA is always a delight, he can do pompous amazingly.


Jacques Schnee wears a clip on tie, never trust someone with a clip on tie.

Morgan Le Fay

He wears a clip-on tie. That’s sus straight off the bat👀😂.

David Bennett

if you think Jacques is a douche-nozzle NOW, just you wait.....


He is the absolute worst. He ruined this whole family. Winter escaped, you see how much Weiss has changed being away from that asshole's control, and Whitley is now getting all the wrong kind of attention from that prick, so naturally he is a little shit now. You have to feel bad for him being alone with his parents for a year or so. I feel bad for their mom too. No wonder she is out drinking in the garden in the morning being married to that guy.


As i finished watching the episode for the first time i thought to my self that he seemed like a pompous dick but not as much as an asshole as i thought he would be because of weiss' songs (you need to listen to the OST to get a better read on some characters). So i thought that was interesting. About Whitley, i just thought i would keep an eye of him cause i couldn't read him as clearly. Mama Schnee might be an alcoholic or just a wine mom sort of? And Winter i already had my opinion set of her. I liked her, cares about weiss, doesn't show much affection.


Wears a clip on tie, you don't have to know much to know he's a terrible individual

Kaiki Deishu

Let him die a slow death

Connar Woodhead

First seeing Jacques Schnee i had no good opinion about this man to start off on, and has continued drop ever since (which i love about his character as he is a necessary plot point for Weiss, Winter and Whitley's developments)


You should watch the Schnee Dust Company WoR short to know how much of an ass Jacques 'clip on tie' Schnee is. Without going into detail, he pretty much convinced Wiess' grandpa to make him the CEO of the company and then continued to prioritize profit over pretty much everything else, including the safety of his workers.

jalon Campbell

From the first time I saw him I could tell that he was a total selfish jerk. I mean the way he talked to his daughter and how he cared so little about what happened to Beacon Academy and only caring about how much money he's losing to Ironwoods dust embargo. It just says that he was created to be the biggest selfish jerk in the whole RWBY series

Edwin Ayala

He’s such a fraud he doesn’t even wear a real tie, he wears a clip-on. BTW, to whichever Normie is reading, tell Suraj that his VA is the same as Beerus from Dragonball

Edwin Ayala

Wait....I think you can ACTUALLY see the clip in the picture they have on this post 😱. Zoom in on his neck, there’s a slight grey spot right above the tie 😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Andre D

When I saw Jacques I was very skeptical of him given that Weiss tried to hard just to avoid talking to him in volume 3. Also when I saw Whitley I guessed him as being a pretty fake person. “You can’t deny her resolve” kid. No one talks like that unless they’re buttering someone up.


I saw why Weiss was dodging his calls before because he's overbearing and controlling. He's aggressive and doesn't seem to take no for an answer so Weiss realized she had no choice when he voluntold her to sing at the event for the sake of company publicity .


Jacques wears a clip-on tie and it has been deemed canon by the writers, pass it on.


What I love most about the Schnee family, is that you can see how each of the children dealt with their father’s shit differently. Winter ran off and joined the military distancing herself from the Schnee name, Weiss decided to be better than her father and hopefully change the reputation that he ruined, and Whitley decided it was best to stay in his father’s good graces.

Storm King

Typical money/ power hungry business man


Only person I trust in that house is Weiss and Klein. Winter....is on thin ice.

luke nwagbara

man wears a lip on tie, enough said.

Haruto Yuzuki

Lol, Clip-on Tie! :D Thankyou Arnold!


Aahh, I see you finally met Lord Beerus


He looked like an a**hole the second he showed up and has only proved that repeatedly since. The rest of the Schnees did not deserve this blight on their family, even if a select few have their a**hole moments...

Weston Coley

same tpical bussine man


He has a clip on tie, that should tell you everything about him.


the urge to body slam a fictional character skyrocketed when i first saw him


Jaques is, yeah, he is every scummy amoral "father" figure and he is played super well (and super slimy)

Zen Reacts

Tell us how you feel after chapter 7

Andrea D.

... I enjoy hating Jacques. I love Winters' development. I'm intrigued by the rest.

Makenna R

Oh I hate him

DeAnthony Potts

I think every viewer hates this man lol


He wears a clipon tie.

Elijah baker

When I first saw this episode I didn’t think to much off it he he’s a business man who wants to to project a certain image and he’s having his daughter preform I don’t understand what’s so disgusting about it we do thinks we don’t wanna do because our parents ask us to all the time especially when ur a teenager NOW later on he is definitely gross asf but as of now I don’t see to much of a problem


Well - it's twofold. On one side of it, Jacques is basically using a terrorist attack and a mass tragedy that took the lives of civilians and students alike to benefit the image of his family and his business. Imagine if a company, after 9/11, tried to go "We were on the FRONT LINES helping people when the towers fell! Give us money!"? It would come off as awful and ethically misguided from a business/humanitarian standpoint. On the other level, this is Jacques doing what we've heard he's always done, keeping Weiss under a leash and treating her less like a daughter and more like a pawn in a chess match. Most parents ask their children to do things they don't want to do. Most parents do NOT ask their children to use a mass tragedy for the betterment of their own business. And if they do, they're shitty parents.