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If you were the Fourth Hokage then would you have sealed the nine-tailed beast in your infant son?




Situation was dire so yeah

Trent Ward

Yeah probably. Its a nice advantage for my son if he wants to become a ninja.




100% yes!


Minato was right so yeah


Yes!! Hell yes!


I mean, he kinda had too


It worked, didn’t it?

Lord Madara

Yes, it was the right choice


No way man




Yup, why not


I mean, when you consider what was happening at the time, yes


I mean.... SPOILERS-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------not like he had a choice lmfao...


no. there's no way i could've known he'd be the savior. it's cool and all but such a big burden.


Probably not


Yes in the situation that minato was in I would have


He sealed the nine tails in his own son for military power lmaoooo.

Zero Requiem

Yes Uzamaki are powerful ninja


Fucking no. I don't know how my son will turn out without parents and a power hungry beast rushing him to lose control, better not take these chances. Probably would give to some experiencied Shinobi with large chakra reserves and rethink that situation after the chaos of the Nine-Tails attack subdued


In hindsight it’s would be really cool, but i wouldn’t. To much of a burden


If I were in the same situation as Minato then yes


Yes... you’ll see why


Well if I was in minato’s position then yes. I mean you really have no choice

Ji-pi Doyon

Being Minato Namikaze, the 4d chess player mind that he is and knowing of what he knows...absolutely without a doubt...They just don't know the full story yet to ask that question !! :P

Joshua Krienke

If I had a choice though I probably would. If I couldn’t seal it in myself that is. I wouldn’t wanna put that burden on anyone else.


He didn’t really have a choice since the situation was so dire it’s not let could have killed the fox. He did it to save the village. So yeah. Plus he entrusted the power and future to naruto to beat the masked ninja.


Lmao, this is the truth. People forgot how much of a military man he was

sean reading

yes, and you’ll see why eventually

Zee Sams

If I knew how absolutely shitty Lord 3rd would be to my son afterwards then nah

Lyric Laude

Yall should save this question for later. We are reaching into spoiler territory with this. Just saying.

Mango Maniac

Yes all day everyday

Zachary Longworth

Yes but heavily based on info you don’t have yet

Yanis Michalowski

Avoid the comments, this question can't be answered now you will have more info later on.

Liam D

Yeah theres really no choice.

Zohnty Luwang

when is episode 170 coming?


Yes, you'll see why



Johnny Blue

Great poll question, bad timing to where you are in the story.


“We’ll get there when we get there” *angy Mr. Incredibles face*

Johnny Blue

Ask this question again later in December.


if there is no other choice yes.


YesIf there is no other choice you have to do what’s best for the village


Keep watching You guys will have answer in the future 👍👍👍👍


This answer is spoiler


Ya'll dont know the circumstances yet. 😇😇

Neal Cabanos

Yes, I would. Increased chakra reserves and a healing factor? I’d give that to my kid.


without spoilers: yes if my aim protect the leaf village, that u already know, any other details are spoilers

Raul Iggynashow

This is not a spoiler because it was already said but the 4th only sealed HALF of the 9 tailed beast inside Naruto.

Isaac Torres

I don't care. Where are the episodes, gimme the damn episodes!!! I'm kidding, but seriously where are they? :)


Not unless there was no other choice. Btw this question is hard to answer until you see the story further on down.


Yes and we’ll have to leave at that for now.


Stop spoiling guys. They haven’t reach THAT episode yet. (Episode 249 yall damn know what I’m talking about 😭)

Ruben Lopez

Yaboy roshi: Yeeeeaaahhhh????


If I were Minato, yes. There's a big reason for it. But if I were to be me in that universe, I'd just cry lmao.


sure why not


yes lol

Chris D. Jones

This ain’t a fair question we know how that night went down so yeah


I can not say the reason yet, but yes.

Tracy Simmons

No. Realistically, how in the duck tales could u think he could control it, he's a baby. There's no way to know that. But you do know what jinchurichi's go through, that's a huge gamble. Although, the attack did force Minato's hands


since I’ve read all of Naruto I have to plead the 5th on this one and I’m not talking Hokage


Bro drop the naruto episodes 😭 don’t care bout thisssssssss😭 (jp)


I mean with the benefit of hindsight.. yes


The real question you should be asking is whether you want to your son to live in a world as an orphan without the nine tails? naruto himself would have been dead multiple times over without his tailed beast power, but then again he wouldn't have been discriminated in his childhood. Pain would have eventually showed up at the leaf village to get the nine tails (from someone else), and naruto would have been powerless to do something about it.


Knowing the circumstances of it that you'll find out later in the show, yes I would have sealed it in him too.


I want to say but I love you guys more 😉


That's a spoiler


I would be trying to protect my son, wife, and village at all costs. The last thing on my mind would be to seal that thing inside my son.


We all want the best for our children in life so if I knew that maybe I wouldn't be around to see my child grow up then I would certainly want to leave him or her in the position to receive the most protection they could whether that be a beast or some other kind of power. It's just having enough faith to trust that once your child reaches adulthood that they can understand that everything you did was out of love and to give them their best chance to succeed and grow in life. I think the more naruto has learned the more he has grown to appreciate it because even when his father tried to apologize in the most recent episode, he basically says I'm the son of the 4th Hokage, I can deal with it.

Furio Giunto

No i would have sealed in Sakura

Edward Baggott

This kind of question is just asking for spoilers lol. But yes.


Yes... but I mean i know the whole Naruto story lol.


If I was Minato I would seal it in Sakura, maybe then she'd shut up lol jokes


Yes, but I'd never tell the villagers about the fox, and I'd make sure he wasn't raised alone without someone to help. An empty apartment alone with a stipend and ramen cups does not help Hiruzen!


Yes I would too


Jiraiya really dropped the ball too. Here's your student's kid, named after the hero in your goddamn book who you know happens to be an orphan, housing the nine-tailed fox inside of him which he should know damn well will make life hard for him and the first time you go and meet him is when he's 13?


its not even the sealing of Naruto that made his life hell, its the third being an objectively bad guardian. man only came to drop off his allowance and dip wild.

mapo picker

Yes and I would have told him: "Son, inside you is a pokemon. Now go catch them all"


Yes. Spoilers tho. Wrong timing with this poll

Matt Brock

They already reacted to that episode. And if you haven't seen it yet why are you watching reaction channels?

Sheriff Uchiha

Yes. Reasons are spoilers.

Dean Li

Yes!! and also can’t say the reason since it’s spoiler for future episodes lol


Where's naruto reaction?


Yes! Without a doubt.

Gennadiy Mishiev

Can't answer this because you guys havent seen the future episodes yet, where its explained why he did it.


We're wrapping up today's reaction edits. They will be up shortly! The crew has also been informed of possible spoilers in the comments here, so don't worry about them getting spoiled! Thanks y'all. - Gab


Yeah, they are asking a question with a spoiler-ish answer... from my point of view at least.


Most of you said Yes, I think its becuz yall know the entire story. For me, I would say No. Before Naruto exist, yall know how other Jinchuriki ended up with, and knew how the former Jinchuriki died. Naruto is the only one success only because he is the main character. If I am a parent, I wont do such thing after seeing so many bad examples, I wont just say becuz i want you to be the hero and I believe you can do it. I only want my kid to live simple and happy.


Naruto is an Uzumaki, you guys don’t understand the significance of that yet but there was no other candidate better suited for the job at the time.


Yes! That was the only way to ensure Naruto’s safety 🖤🧡💙


Y'all are weird to burden your child with the nine tails. Naruto is an exception of a jinjuriki that actually prospered. Most jinjuriki grow up in solidarity and are shunned by their villages, treated like prisoners and weapons under constant surveillance. Look at Gaara and Killer Bee for example. I would not wish that upon my child.

Quinton Campbell

I feel like this question a bit too early to ask but YES!


Assuming sealing it back into Kushina to save her life isn't possible, sealing it into Naruto seems like the best option since there aren't that many other potential vessels around at the time. (And, well, later episodes will expand on why Naruto was a good choice, even if the options were all pretty bad and sealing the Kyuubi into Naruto isn't a great dad move.)


So you rather just not do it and then let the village and world your child lives in get destroyed? Lol




There's more to the context behind the decision than you know. But in a vacuum, yes.


There are straight spoilers in some of these comments...


yall r asking for spoilerrs with a question like this. alls im saying . dont read the replies XD love you.


Yes because you will see for yourselves lol


Yeah, I wouldn't read the replies lmao. You will understand minatos reasoning by the end of the series I promise!


I will seal it inside myself!


I feel like these polls invite a lot of spoilers... I hope they dont read too much of these answers


I am legally unable to answer. Check back in a year


Yes. Theres no one i would trust more with it


You're treding on some mighty thin ice. However, for an alt story "No, I would let other things have their way instead."


OOF this is a spoiler-heavy comment section

Eric Mohn

Didn't the fourth die because of the particular sealing he used?

Chaos T

Yes because of spoilers.

Kamina 1



Too spoiler


if I knew my son will bitch about it in every arc to every villain than NO :))

Keep It Zen

The night is dark and full of spoilers.


Yeah. Gotta keep it in the family, ya know?

Mia White

It’s hard to answer this because we have context of why Minato did it and you guys don’t sooooo you might get spoiled


Just asking for spoilers at this point


under those circumstances yep

Justin Stanford

Agreed. Y’all will come to understand the good reasoning of ‘why’ within the next hundreds or so of episodes. In that predicament, I would...🤔


Yes. Minato told The Third that Naruto should be seen as a hero and died expecting that, but Hiruzen didn't tell naruto anything and let the village hate him.