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The Re:Zero crew opens Season 2 up with a movie! We get a small dive into the back story of Emilia and Puck!

Reaction: https://youtu.be/AQEcYyx7rxs

Uncut: https://vimeo.com/526265130/4b7ffea7ba


Re:Zero - The Frozen Bond - Group Reaction

The Re:Zero crew opens Season 2 up with a movie! We get a small dive into the back story of Emilia and Puck! Let us know what you thought of this episode in the comments and leave a like and subscribe! Be sure to stick around after the reaction for the discussion! This is Re:Zero, The Frozen Bond! We are The Normies, a group of entertainers that create reaction and review videos of various TV shows, anime, trailers, and movies as well as original content such as comedic skits and sketches, vlogs, and podcasts. Check out our weekly upload schedule on our website: https://www.thenormies.com/#weekly-schedule BECOME A NORMIE Get EARLY ACCESS or PREMIUM ACCESS to our content as well as other perks on our Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/thenormies Join The Normies Discord Server: https://discord.gg/thenormies CHECK OUT OUR MERCH T-shirts: https://thenormies.threadless.com/ Comic Books: https://thenormiesllc.com/merch SEND THE NORMIES MAIL PO Box 785 Fishers, IN 46038 FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_normies/ Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thenormies Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheNormiesGroup Twitter: https://twitter.com/The_Normies Snapchat: @thenormies Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/thenormies/ #ReZero #Anime #MovieNight


Jesse Collins

Frozen Bond hell yes! As for the question about if there's more spirits like Puck. Yes there are 3 more like him. There called The Four Great Spirits. Melakuera was actually The Great Spirit of Fire, until he lost his position by Puck. And Puck being called The Beast of the End was confirmed earlier in the series during the Capital Candidate scene, but was cut out on the anime.


Unexpected but not unwanted! Looking forward to Season 2 ep 1!


I feel like you guys didn't like season 1 as much as this because there's this big world full of mysteries and very few of them are answered, and this movie answered some of them. In season 2, we dive way more in the main plot and Emilia and Subaru's characters (you're supposed to hate Subaru now, but you understand his character later and he redeems himself).


Subaru character is getting misunderstood here lol. If Subaru was gonna be this all powerful knight, with 200 level IQ that can be the guy with all the answers, he would be that character lol. He is purposefully simplistic in a very unnatural world, and as such he will solve problems the only way he can. It keeps his character consistent and grounded.


The Subaru disrespect is always prevalent.

Jesse Collins

Agreed on all points. Which makes him the reason why he is my most favorite anime/LN character. He's written quite real with lots of flaws and growth.

Alex cleveland

This is just a guess or a stretch of opinion, but since Puck is a spirit I think he maybe someones soul? This is just a prediction ❌SPOILER SINCE THEY HAVENT WATCHED SEASON 2 YET SO NO NORMIES READ❌-------------------------------------------------------------------I think Puck may either be Foturna, OR Flugel. The name of that tree the White Whale lives at: Flugel Tree.

Yanis Michalowski

Can't wait for season 2, it was a great reaction and I'm glad you didn't miss the movie. I remember some episodes have end credits scenes in the first part of season 2 but I don't know which one...


Yall are going to absolutely love season 2, imo it makes all the characters (especially subaru and emilia) much more likeable than season 1 where we didn’t have much contex/background on these characters

Storm King

For Mediator Melakuera, I can't really explain the Mediator part because he's more like a arbitrator, maybe bad translation but what he was doing wasn't necessarily villainous. Puck said he had been watching the forest before he actually took action. As you now know Emilia caused some unnatural things to that forest so he was trying to figure out why. Yes he took over a pedo and burned a bit of the forest but that was only after discovering that the cause was a half elf girl that this world considers a threat above all else which her powers show why. I would say this would be the equivalent of finding an inactive bomb strong enough to destroy the world in the forest. Would you leave it alone and hope it never goes off or would you try do something to remove that threat? Only difference is that this bomb (Emilia) has a will of their own and you can't control it so he did what ever necessary to kill her for what he thought is the greater good.


Season 2 is amazing, a beautiful masterpiece. Season 2 will go more in depth into Emilia's backstory, but not only hers, but also many of our beloved characters. If I'm being honest I cried watching the season 2 finally. It was amazing, now we just have to wait like 2 to 3 more years for the next season, lol.


Emilia is best girl.


I understand how people can be pushed away from Subaru as a character but I think it is important to note his circumstances and the ability to grow. Subaru will have tons of growth over the span of this upcoming season. I hope you guys warm up more to his character and try to understand more as to where he is coming from. Subaru x Emilia is season 2 and beyond.


It does kind of piss me off how much you all shit on subaru tho. You guys don't have a full understanding of his character and how appealing he can be compared to so many other isekai main characters. His personality is a little wack but he has so much other quality that I don't see much with other isekai characters.

Kamina 1

I don't like Subaru ether guys. Imo he seems like a very forgettable character. But I am excited to go on this season 2 journey with you all :) hopefully we are not disappointed. Keep up the great work Normies!


They're not obligated to like him and obviously they're judging him based on what they've seen so far. Also how he is compared to other isekai MCs is irrelevant. Any character should be able to stand on their own without needing to be compared to others. While I personally like Subaru and think they judge him a bit harshly at times, you shouldn't expect them to feel the same way you do especially when they're not caught up on the series.


Thanks for the reaction. Also, keep in mind how the messages relating to Puck looked like for later, if you can.


I mean this isn't a spoiler. It's a theory. And as far as I know: There are way darker theories out there. One of them being: Sirius (Archbishop of Wrath) is actually Fortuna. Regarding Flugel lots of people assume that Flugel is connected to Subaru. But like I said: Those are just theories.

kevin (btw i'm a girl)

I freaking love Subaru. Characters don’t have to be strong for me to like them as long as I like their personality then that’s all I need.