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Narutooooooooo Shippuden Hype! We hope you enjoy these reactions. 


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Bliss 28

Almighty Push!!!!!!!!!


OHHH I'M Excited to know more bout PAIN


Almighty Push is here!!!!!!

Bliss 28

Who felt the pain in this episode?


And here.. we... gooo. Been waiting on this since the reactions for naruto started. Expecting everyones jaws to just be on the floor



Jarryd Thompson

Finally the episode we all been waiting for the episode where your will truly experience true pain and the most badass entrance in the whole series

TJ Major

Can all the "Know Pain" comments stop now? Please don't start with the next big quote, like literally you guys are always in a rush to dry spoil everything




Sasuke: Imma destroy the hidden leaf Pain: ALMIGHTY PUSH!!!


Been refreshing all morning, WE’RE HERE

Ji-pi Doyon

Pain is calm all the time, when Tsunade says all nations share the same pain and it can't excuse his actions, it's the first time you see him really pissed off...You think you know real pain ? I will show you real pain ! Only time i'm on the side of Pain, it was arrogant of Tsunade to say this !


That’s just 75% Pain, we’re not quite to true Pain yet.

jose giron

you know we were all glued to the computer hitting refresh every goddam second lol


these guys still don't know pain...Naruto entrance got them hyped.....too bad the serious shit is coming




Man I wish I didn’t have to be at work today. Can’t wait to go home and watch y’all reaction.

Raul Iggynashow

Chris there is your aerial shot! Are you happy now? LOL


The moment we all have been waiting for :D...yaaaaas


it wasn't neji, it was a member of his clan


navis missing. which means that the episode is gonna be one you cant miss. again. lol rip poor navi dude

Neal Cabanos

If you look closely, you can see Sakura’s main Summoning Jutsu.


I was so scared they would talk over the iconic line “Almighty Push” I’m so glad they didn’t 😭

Jason Jeffory

Now the Normies shall know Pain!


Konan: You really mean to do this Nagato? Normies: So is Nagato the one controlling all the Pains?


My longest yeah boi yet, I've waited so long for you guys to see the best entrance ever!

Raul Iggynashow

With Shizune dying Sakura just got promoted to Tsunade's 1st assistant. LOL


Navi always seems to dip at the most hype moments but I don't really mind.


What was that discussion!!! Hahhaha..🤣🤣🤣🤣


Not trying to complain but does anyone know why alot of reactors started doing this preview stuff? I'm really not a fan of spamming the skip 5 sec button every time I click a video.

Javier Castellan

17:51 "Brooo! Was this necessary?" Same energy as Japan getting nuked during WW2


Tsunade really talked some shit right when Pain said he was about to leave lol. Pain wasn't gonna destroy the village, he was about to leave the village and even said he would help Konoha in the future, when Tsunade kept talking about the "Great Nations have suffered too! I've had enough of your accusations!". Pain did say "Watch what you say, this is your last warning from god"

Zero Requiem

Pains dub voice is perfection


Fun fact: Although "Almighty Push" is the english name for Pain's jutsu, on the original japanese the name is "Divine Punishment", which makes a lot of sense, since he considers the Leaf responsible for much of his village's problems, and he considers himself a god.

Lively Nili

You all are getting closer to feeling Pain, and Neji isn't the only one that can use the Byakugan guys lol There's an entire clan remember. Also, Yahiko had Orange hair, Nagato had Red hair

Arindrajit Sen

IT..... WASN"T....... NEJIIIIIIIIII........

Arindrajit Sen

8:13 He literally said that mickey that they ARE CLONES and equipped with paper bombs.

Aadit Doshi

It works. It's like a cold open. tells you how hype they were at certain scenes. I personally like it a lot.


Yeah guys there's actual alot of Nejis...Like an entire clan just full of Nejis if you didn't know...just neji on neji on Nejis


Release them Chris we want to see the dirt


Are the Women of Clan Neji also Nejis or are they Hinatas?


poor Rena she been in despair this whole arc lol

Arindrajit Sen

Sakura used the most powerful summoning jutsu there XD

Cyber 0x

Welcome to the village hidden in the hole

Gershwin Alessandro Farao

Shout out to Chris for looking up if that was really Neji or not. I was literally screaming at my screen, "that wasn't Neji" lmao

Gershwin Alessandro Farao

Pain's speech sounds 100000% in sub, that "Shinra Tensei" just hits differently lol

Alex cleveland

Nahid, to answer ur question if I beat off to the sexy jutsu... well actual ******* **** ***.


Mickey is all about binging Naruto and I respect that!

Chaos T

IMO, Naruto is the coolest he ever looked and will ever look with that entrance.


I love the random Pineapple Express references haha. “Lingerer man”. Cuz if Mickey, I started saying the “flex and bust out of here” one.


To the question about them not being sure when the series will end, I'll say that when this chapter officially dropped in the manga many people thought it wasn't going to last much longer because of what's happening. Sasuke just killed Itachi, Jiraiya and Kakashi died, Pain is Pain and yeah there's other stuff but he's well, Pain and Naruto's now showing up. Given what he's done and Naruto's training people thought this was near the end. Lo and behold what happened: this was around chapter 430. The manga reached up to chapter 700 so yeeeaaahhhhhh, a ton more canon to go lol.

Alex cleveland

So we can all agree that Pain one of the top villains in all of anime👀


guys can we just appreciate how much of a journey its taken to get here?? When they first started naruto i was like HOW THE FUCK are you going to get htru all of naruto?? And then add to the fact that naruto's pacing is very old school and slow af and we could see as reactors they were a bit bored and felt the slow pacing during the first bit of the show . All i kept thinking is theyre going to quit the show long before all the coolest fights take place...and they kept at it. And THEN we started shippuden and i was like omg this is going to take forever again just to get to the coolest arcs (for ex. the pain arc). YES we get annoyed when they dont do triple drops when we ask and they sometimes talk over bits or crack jokes when we feel they should focus more on plot points BUT they stuck it out and now we're at the point where MICKEY (who seemed most uninterested in naruto in the early pacing issue eps) is asking them to just forget all other reactions and binge naruto!!! Ah what a time to be reliving naruto.

Ruben Lopez

25:34 "No pain no peace." Well, peace is a lie there is only passion.


Yeah I honestly think they should have all the attacks be in japanese still like itachi's attacks are amaterasu and susanoo the only one that sounds good is lightning blade

Jeremy Veillard

That guy playing cards was not neji, it was a random hyuga clan member

Keep It Zen

Chris there’s your Aerial Shot lol


guys once again that was not neji playing cards .. the guy that was playing cards was just another hyuga clan member named Tokuma Hyūga

Dashanti Begay

“This world shall know pain” one of the best lines😌


Wait... you're going to tell me that this arc wasn't just one massive binge? I guess you guys must finally know Pain.


I vividly remember Chris offering up impregnation as a Patreon tier. I don't remember if he said it would be Rena or Suraj. But I do remember thinking "yo Chris chill you'll get cancelled!" so it may have been Rena lol.




Guys you sound so stupid some times , how tf could it be neji if he is with his squad , There is more than 1 member of each clan in the village

Jarryd Thompson

This arc finna be why this show is called naruto shippune


what made you guys decide to switch from the couch? feels off now


Yall could have been watched the Opening TBH


Obligatory: That wasn't Neji playing cards. Neji don't even wear that Konoha flak jacket getup.

Ernest Mitchell

You all are FINALLY beginning to know pain. But, you have yet to know TRUE pain.

Ellis hayes

Shinra Tensei!


Why can he fly because he's a abomination. Pain doesn't rap He Speaks spoken words



luke nwagbara

shinra tensei. rip they about to go from know pain to get ready to dance and have no clue again


Ok so real question, at what point do I get to impregnate Rana? I have my credit card ready.


at least you guys aren't calling Negi 'Shingi' as some other reaction group


Yea I think Mickey mentions it either this ep or the next, I definitely heard the name-drop.


Naruto's entrance has got to be among the top 5 all time anime character entrances ever. It is my favorite one at least, just so much hype after having witnessed a devastating event!!


Bruh just react to more naruto when a show ends milking this shit 😂

Ruben T. Armstrong

Lol So what you're saying is all you Hyugas look alike racist.


I'm not usually one to try and pitch other shows in the comments... but I have to admit that Pain's little comment about :"those who kill deserve to be killed" or whatnot... immediately struck up the "okay, they HAVE to watch Code Geass someday" feels.


Chris and Mickey: We need an aerial shot Pain: Say no more.


you should def watch jujutsu kaisen


Best entrance in anime history bruh!!!!



Gabriel Moreira

"Be carefull to what you say... this is the last warning of a god" Everyone in the reaction: F you little shit!! Pain nukes the village Everyone: DUDE WTF IS THAT REALLY NECESSARY? XD

Viliamu Iosua

I’m with Mikey, just cancel all the other reacts until the end of the arc 😂


It took them a while to find out that the random Hyuga on earlier espidodes wasn't Neji.

Gabriel Moreira

Also, props to Nahid for bein the devils advocate and really trying to UNDERSTAND PAIN here hahaha Yes, he is doing bad shit to our beloved contry... BUT MAYBE WE DESERVE THAT for beying tyrants in the rest of the world.

Rustic Randy

I'll hit that like button for you, Nahid. Just for you, homie.


y recien llegaron a esta preciosa escena, no saben lo que se viene

Space Mechanic

I feel ashamed for forgetting how epic Narutos entrance was. To the next episode!!>>>>>>>


now..you know pain.

Darren Metts

Rub stuff like this irks me when reactors do this like bruh pay attention

Darren Metts

People were dumb to think that it was clear to me it wasn’t close to ending considering the entire mystery of the ninetails and where it came from was not yet explained and many other things like naruto controlling it’s power WHAT sasuke would do his fight with naruto and so many other things

Michael Diaz

Oh god you'd think the ominous silence and the big bag thing about to happen would make then go "shhh" and not talk for JUST A MOMENT and instead they gotta discuss if that's Yahiko's body even though you were told it WAS Yahiko's body by 2 people twice already, Konan referred to Nagato while talking to random Pains, and Tendo Pain (main one) implied Yahiko died so it's obviously not Yahiko controlling Nagato's body. It's Nagato controlling Yahiko. WHHYY talk about it right at that moment? LMAO At least Suraj, the one who caused the who blabber caught what Pain said even if it did ruin the moment they were frustrated fans kept alluding to months ahead. Glad they were focused and hyped for Naruto's badass entrance. It's even more badass simply because it's Naruto himself. The guy we used to hear talk like a wrestler to everyone and be a dunce even when he was strong. Now he's the hero everyone needs.

kong kong

The legendary Sanimoon


Lol. You gotta chill bruh. Stop projecting what you want to feel at a moment onto them. It's their reaction. let them do what they want.

Champion Bescos

Rana's "Let's fucking go" is legendary now.




loved micky's reaction to narutos entrance


Came to this vid after the uncut for the conversation and was not disappointed 🤣


now you guys know pain😌😌


justtt a question....is there any chance for the normies to switch to subs?😅🤞


They don't follow subtitles quick enough for it to satisfy your request. I've seen them do re zero and halfway through they changed to dub


Shinra Tensei


the world shall know pain...chills


I have been waiting so long for them to get to this exact point. I’m so happy rn.


Wow this reaction- the entrance// everything was literally perfect and I’m so happy we are finally at this point. This was enjoyable to watch.




im really really much much more more and many many love you guys react


18:20 Well, Chris wanted to see an aerial shot for several the last few episodes..

Vic Valentine

whole village gets destroyed The normies: celebrates Narutos new drip

Bites D Dust

wow, I forgot how much of an edgelord pain was.


Link to ep 162 isn't working


thats what i came for! grown people being hyped af about a kids show!


where the photos chris


Normies: wonder why the Hyuga clan all look the same. Could have something to do with the fact that they, as well as the Uchiha, have had fairly linear family trees since their founding to not breed out their Kekkei Genkai. I’m less sure about the Hyuga’s direct marriages but I know Sasuke’s parents were both Uchihas and Itachi’s girlfriend was also an Uchiha.


Well Izumi is half Uchiha. Reason why she couldn’t use her sharigan well