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PLEASE DO NOT PARTICIPATE in this poll if you've read the mange and are ahead on the story. This poll relates to 4x13 of AOT anime series. Do not comment spoilers past this episode!

So... obviously Zeke been juicing his spine and giving people free samples + lied about the effects of it.  Nikolo knew some of the spinal fluid was in the wine yet still served it to military, while having a very real relationship with Sasha. Furthermore, Floch, and we can thus by assume Eren, also knew. Yelena seems to be most loyal to this plan and blindly follows Zeke. 

Then we have Armin, Mikasa, Hange and Levi in the woods completely clueless and confused. 

Pieck is staged right outside the restaurant, so we can also guess that Reiner is around. 


And mainly... who do you find trustworthy at this point? 





Nah, he’s bro

Jahari Fields

About Niccolo, they say that he had assumptions about the wine, but he wasn’t 100% sure


Eren's losing me. I'll see what he has to say next week, but this man needs counseling. Fuck, everybody in this world does.


My trust is 100% with Annie.


People still supporting Eren at this point are the same people who say they really relate to and idolize Ledger/Phoenix Jokers & Travis Bickle. Same energy =P


I trust Eren 100% I truly don’t trust Zeke yet since he putted his spinal fluid in the wines but I’m part of team Eren and the yeagerist


100% Hange.


i have faith in monke and eren

Quinton Campbell

Niccolo wasn't sure about the wine. I feel like he was only moving off of assumptions and didn't want to detonate any paranoia bombs.


I'm 100% on Onion Coupon.


He's not on the list but I still trust Pyxis. He's probably the only person above Hange I trust to ultimately do what's best, even if its unsavory, but without crossing any lines too far. But maybe he'll turn out to be more nefarious than he's seemed, or maybe he drank the wine and is screwed=/

a. tree

I think what's really unsettling about Zeke is what Levi got at in this episode. He seems to simply not care about human life *at all.* He killed all of Ragako villiage as well as 80something Scouts along with Bertholdt and Reiner, which could be explained if he actually hated the Paradis Eldians — but he claims he wants to help them. He makes the argument that he had to do so to prove his loyalty, but he clearly shows no regret for his actions, and like Nahid mentioned previously: he was ENJOYING shredding the Survey Corps when he did it; it was like a sport for him. So is he actually on the side of Marley, or at least of his Eldian comrades in Liberio? No! He orchestrated a plan which literally destroyed his own hometown! He asked about Gabi and Falco when he got taken to the forest, but if Gabi had been sitting one seat to her left at the festival, and if Reiner didn't have quick reflexes, there was nothing in place to protect them. Same for Pieck and Pock, both of whom came very close to dying to protect Zeke himself in that battle. Again, he does not show remorse. I don't know what Zeke's endgame is, but in any case: either he does not care whose/how many lives are lost on either side of the conflict, or mass death on both sides is required in order to bring about his goal. If the former is the case, which I personally believe, this makes Zeke a deeply reprehensible individual who does not believe human life has value. If the latter is the case and all this death is "necessary," no matter how noble Zeke may think his goal is, is it really worth it?

Edwin Ayala

Manga readers: hehehehehehe


Get out of here! You're not invited!


did they mean sus


I honestly don’t even know anymore I feel like zeke is not trust worthy and I feel like Eren is slowly turning into the bad guy. Im just going to stick with my main girl hange.

Rando calrissian

Eren lost my trust if your only solution to this problem is go to a populated place and indiscriminately kill hundreds if not thousands of innocents including children then you shouldn't be the one making decisions too many people like that in the world already....hange is 100 percent the one id trust she is someone worth following in my humble opinion of course lol




I not with anyone. I'm neutral in this situation. But if I had to choose I'm going with my boy Zeke (for spoilers reasons)

D.j. Lachmandas

Manga reader here.... this post made me chuckle lol


What is sis?


i am a manga reader and i honestly can't figure out where i stand


The only one I truly trust is Armin. The military made all the mistakes that make your people lose trust in you. Feels like watching an accident in slowmo. And for the first time ever we don't know what Eren is thinking. In previous seasons we literally heard his thoughts. Makes me think there is some bigger truth that he has "seen" that shapes his actions. He clearly doesn't enjoy what he is doing. Zeke on the other hand is way harder to read. As long as we don't know what every persons true goal is we can't trust them.


First, I don't think Zeke lied about the effects of his spinal fluid. The amount in the wine could just be a much more diluted amount than what was in the air canisters he used on Connie's village; enough to turn them when he screams but not enough to paralyze imo. At the moment I have to follow Hange and her squad. That might change but the story has had us follow her and the other scouts since we got back and kept us in the dark about Eren/Zeke/Yelena's plan. Maybe my thoughts will change next episode as Eren might finally divulge the plan to us viewers but up until now we've been in the dark just like Hange and the crew. I also completely disagreed with your guys' discussion thinking that Zeke was doing this to rule Paradis. He has at most one year left as a warrior before he dies so I don't think his motivation is ruling. I do wonder if he's just playing an even longer con and he's waiting for the Marley retaliation to then turn all the high military brass so it causes more confusion and weakens Paradis' defenses when Marley attacks. The only other thing I feel might add to that is that we saw the Japanese representative speaking with Willy before leaving Liberio and avoiding all the carnage that was gonna happen. I feel like she's working with Zeke/Yelena somehow. I can't trust Eren at the moment. While he has been our protagonist and it would be interesting to see him become an antagonist from here on out, I think this next episode will shift us back to his side.


No, Zeke is clearly a bro.

a. tree

I think it's possible that not Zeke's spinal fluid, but the gas that it was mixed with, is what caused the citizens of Ragako to freeze up.


Zeke is a masc top but he likes femmes


sorry guys I made a typo - I meant sus, not sis! - marketa

D.j. Lachmandas

Anyone who isn’t with Eren is the type of person that laughed in episode 1 when erens mom was killed


I trust Armin and Falco to do the right thing. Not really anybody else. I would trust Mikasa, but she acts too irrationally when it comes to Eren.


I trust Eren. Problem is that Eren seems to trust Zeke. I don't trust Zeke. So we got a problem right there


Feel like Eren has a completely separate agenda from everyone, but I def don’t trust Zeke, they needed to off him yesterday


hange has done nothing wrong eren doesn't want to tell her or the scouts anything even when she tries to be nice with him so he was giving her no choice

Thomas Hodge

I've read the manga and I'm excited for you anime only, and saying don't participate because you're ahead is kinds messed up don't you think. Don't post any spoilers yeah but you don't know who voted what


Armin is a trustworthy person, but he's not really doing anything. He's just following other people


Unfortunately she is close to powerless in the greater military. Before, Zackley, MPs, were secretly trying to get someone to eat Eren and now even Pixis is trying to do the same thing. The ones in power haven't done anything in this series yet they hold all the power and make the decisions. Gotta choose a select few and execute the smartest plan instead of openly telling people who fall under the bureacracy


Hey, manga readers. Would it kill you to just shut up?


not as much as it kills that one character.... you'll see!


If manga readers all voted, it would indicate which option is smarter or more true based off of future information. Why would you even want to vote in this poll when you already know the answer??

Thomas Hodge

How would manga readers voting tell you the right answer you don't who voted or for what option. Well I voted fuck it have fun, I never said what option though so there's no problem


The best part in the manga is when Gandalf returns with a massive force from the east, and Minas Tirith is saved by Agent Smith.

AyPeeElTee .

Remember when chill for fun polls used to feel more chill and for fun?

D.j. Lachmandas

I’m free. Because I was born into this world I am free to spoil.


There needs to be a "follow levi till i die" option lol


I’m with Eren no matter what, love that dude


Eren for the win.


fuck eren. he's a god damn poser. like stop saying you care about your comrades and then laugh at their deaths. i respect sasuke more than eren because at least sasuke lets people know he doesn't give a shit anymore.