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The Normies experience Marty McFly and Doc Brown for the first time! This is a classic and once we found out there were a few Normies in the bunch that hadn't seen this yet, we had to get them to watch this. Let us know if you want them to see part 2 as well and hope you enjoy this timey wimey reaction!

This one took a little bit of time to get passed the copyright gods on YouTube. Thanks for your patience everyone we love you and all your support for us. This weekend fingers crossed the copyright gods don't make it difficult for us to get up our Mortal Kombat reaction!

Uncut: https://vimeo.com/513921722/425cd0611b

Reaction: https://vimeo.com/515104225/80cc8cba3e 




Doc, this is heavy!


I don’t mean this as a joke, but I honestly think it would be dope to hear which type of shows / movies you guys watched as kids. It just seems like a lot of the Normies didn’t grow up watching classics lol (I’m not complaining though; it makes for a BUNCH of great content today :)

Nikki Sonrisa

another fun little easter egg: in the beginning of the movie, the mall is called Twin Pines Mall but after Marty kills one of the pine trees in the past and he goes back to the future, the mall is now called Lone Pine Mall.

Nikki Sonrisa

also to answer your question, there was only ever supposed to be one movie but the reception to the first movie was so big, they filmed the sequels together and stopped there. I've read that Bob Gale will never allow there to be a 4th film because it can never happen without Michael J. Fox.

Jason Rodriguez

Definitely need to do the other 2. These movies are classics

Alex cleveland

I also need to watch this movie. This and "Monster Balls." 😋


I won $100 in a bet with my dad as a kid over this detail. LOL Though it was quite annoying rewinding and fast-forwarding the VHS multiple times to confirm it.

Nerd Going Outside

Couple of other fun past/future easter eggs: 1. In 1985, Jennifer is trying to get Marty to send his demo to the record companies, but he fears rejection. She says "Like Doc is always saying, if you put your mind to it you can accomplish anything." Then, in 1955, when trying to convince George to ask Lorraine to the dance, Marty tells him "If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything." Then, back in 1985, George is talking about his novel and says "Like I've always told you, if you put your mind to it you can accomplish anything." So this little bit of advice makes it from Doc to Jennifer to Marty to past-George, where he apparently internalizes it and it helps drive him (to then give the same advice to... Marty. lol). 2. In the opening montage, we see a newspaper article saying the Brown family mansion burned down and the land was sold off. Not long after, Doc says it took him "30 years and his entire family fortune" to build the time machine. In 1955, we see he has a huge house (mansion?) and a two-car garage down the hill from it that he uses as a workshop. But earlier in the film, when Marty first goes to Doc's place with all his clocks, we see a shot of the outside... and it is that same garage/workshop! It's now surrounded by commercial buildings (where the mansion was is now a burger king) and is old, shabby, and out of place... but it's the only piece of that family estate Doc still owns - ironically, since it's the workshop that he nearly catches on fire in the movie.


I love all these movie reactions you have been doing recently, classics and new movies. Keep up the good work, guys!


I love this trilogy <3

Michael Diaz

Wait..... But Marty’s dad DIDN’T stand up for himself. He stood up for someone else. Which is probably even better.

frank j

Cant wait pt 2 reaction


This was great, please do the rest of the trilogy!


A movie that unintentionally gave birth to one of the most toxic fandoms of recent memory.

D. Kennedy

Why did you guys never finish this trilogy?