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Happy Anime Wednesday!

(Post 2/4) Episode 154 Uncut: https://www.patreon.com/posts/47675855

(Post 3/4) Episode 155 Reaction: https://www.patreon.com/posts/47675971

(Post 4/4) Episode 155 Uncut: https://www.patreon.com/posts/47676045


(No title)





Yo where’s the video at tho? 😂


What order do we watch these in? 😭

Jarryd Thompson

Almost time for them.to understand Pain


Navi is finally here in person!!


Where is the sasuke vs itatchi fight?

Loic Reviews

I like that setup! So nice to see y'all together and yet it's weird... I got so used to the quarantine reaction that I totally forgot how you guys used to record before hahaha


Yes I love the Sage training arc


The six paths of Normies, in attendance!

Kamina 1

The react duo's are perfect for the most part. If you were to change up anything it would be to put Rana, and Suraj together. Their chemistry during reaction's is insane. Ether way i love the set up the way it is now.


I like the new set up. also chris's ramen shirt is cool


Link in description links to the 155 reaction, not the 154.


Look at the senju always looking out for each other and helping each other get revenge but if your an uchiha it’s forbidden to get revenge and they won’t even help you out. I hope those hypocrites from the leaf get slaughtered

John Vick

I dont understand this uploading system now ??? You are uploading videos as PARTs and in a weird way... why ??? This all is confusing.... Put up a naruto episode, put up a next one and done, simple... why split up it into parts now ??? I am so confused.


Not gonna lie, its pretty simple and clear on how this works. Read the titles, and youll see


what are u even talking about? Naruto isnt even Senju... also its for the overall good of the village, the problem with sasuke is that he was far to weak compared to itachi and was letting himself get sonsumed by it to the point of embraising darkness... and the uchiah were about to start a coup starting a civil war and most likely a world war just for their self interests lmao... at the end of the day the uchia were just displaced from the governing power of the village because they were bounded by their clan and regulation... they valued the clan over the village. You know the senju didnt do that at all if you have watched the series. The uchiah were fine enough to slaughterer that ended up being slaughtered. And sasuke sudently forgot he hated his brother because he doesnt know the truth, so the same can be said to all the villagers, they dont know, so why are they to blame be objects of his vengeance? Sasuke is being an hypocrite! Specially when Itachi did what he did on his free will. Fine I can somewhat understand him going after the elders but thats it.


You guys can watch the bicycle Hinata ending.




Hi Isaac! The links lead the the other 3 Patreon posts where you can find the other videos. If you're using the Patreon app, click where it says "VIMEO."


Is there a way to open these in the Vimeo app so I can chromecast them?


Some of yall really need to learn how to read. The uploads are really easy to follow if you do the bare minimum and read the title.


Chris bout to get Meetoo'd--Jiraiya style. I know ya miss ya boi, but he laying into Rana hard last week and now xD


do they just not know how strong the old man is or are they really doing him dirty by saying every one 2 week to fight pain

Jan Pospisil

Tsunade being all "love torturing people". O_o

Jan Pospisil

"Her name is She Ho."


this is so funny i feel like theres a crowd of 8 watching naroots.


You guys should just watch the opening. Theres literally no spoilers!! And its one of the best openings, please watch it!!!


Seriously guys, look at the intros, you're not losing anything


People saying the intro doesn't contain spoilers lmao. This opening literally DOES have spoilers. Please, Normies. I advise staying away from it for a while. Until 163. That is when spoilers have been void.



Chris D. Jones

Ok there’s like one major spoiler in the opening and that’s at the very end. The rest of it is just hype because of reason I won’t explain cause that would be spoilers. It’s fine to watch it won’t ruin the moment at all. Trust I could tell u what’s going to happen and you still be hype when u see it.

Isaac Boura

This episode draws the parallel between Naruto and Sasuke. Both seek revenge now, but you are more on Naruto's side because you love Naruto and Jiraya. Jiraya's death has touched you, you share Naruto's pain, and in a way you also want revenge. Sasuke's revenge doesn't seem legitimate to you just beacause you don't know how he feels, you don't really know his family, so it doesn't affect you personally. But the difference between the two characters is that Naruto will never fall on the wrong side beacause he has friends around him, while Sasuke had no one when his family was slaughtered ( sorry for the novel lol )

Tispy Wombat

"It must be pretty difficult for Naruto to learn Sage Jutsu in such a short period of time." "Actually it's going to be SUPER easy Barley and inconvenience." -Screen Rant


Can we please do a poll decision on watching the intro now rather than later. Because I bet there are more than a few of us who think it adds more to the reaction to see it now. I mean I'm totally down for the Normies to choose for themselves, but if we can have community input here it may lead to more satisfaction overall. Idk just a suggestion :D


So no audio in154?


New room looks too dark and gloomy in my opinion.


I think the should see the new intro


great reaction guys!!! all of you in one place was something i didnt realise i missed!!


This sit-set-up : Big brains on the right, favorites in the middle, jokesters on the left, there's a Normie conspiracy here


Why are people making a big fuss out of the intros? When the episodes came out originally, people never thought they were "spoiled" when they watched the intros, they were just hyped. It's literally a part of the show.

Jerome Green

Jitensha! Jitensha! Jitensha! Jitensha! Jitensha! Koi de! Koi de! Koi de! Koi de! Koi de iku yo! Ima sugu! Ima sugu! Ima sugu! Ima sugu! Ima sugu! Jitensha! Jitensha! Koi de.. Ano hito ni ai ni ikou!!! Just vibin

Jerome Green

Jitensha! Jitensha! Jitensha! Jitensha! Jitensha! Koi de! Koi de! Koi de! Koi de! Koi de iku yo! Ima sugu! Ima sugu! Ima sugu! Ima sugu! Ima sugu! Jitensha! Jitensha! Koi de.. Ano hito ni ai ni ikou!!! 😊

Luis Rodriguez

“There’s like no spoilers in the opening.” That’s a damn lie and you know it. The whole opening spoils moments and fights. Please don’t watch it until 163 and beyond.


Mt. Myoboku is only the place of toads not all animals.


Umm it's me It's unfortunate we got into a serious fight before. Sorry if I hurt ur feelings or treated u badly✌️

luke nwagbara

its really wierd to look at nahid and see m ans s in the background but then have them off to the side too

Dark Danny

this man chris be saying some wild shit, this video and the last one almost killed me, literally almost choked on my food on both occasions


I love the new set. It's not perfect but it's better than having Navi watching from her home and you guys have to be on your phone to commentate


u have tom listen to the ending