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We got a whole lot of blind watchers here to take us through the Fast and the Furious franchise! Do you want to see more of these flicks? What is your overall opinion of the FAST movies? This group is subject to change as we move along the series. Enjoy our reactions and discussion! This reaction was a little wild.

Reaction: https://vimeo.com/509339912/545cd1bde4

Uncut: https://vimeo.com/506554540/d0a7cf8e7a




I know this is 3 years later I really wanted to watch them react to the fast series but when I click on the link the reaction box is blank


unexpected classic tonight.

Leyang Bai

The Reaction link seems to be broken for now?


I don't think we need to go through all the series lol. Plenty of better movies out there. The first is worth a watch for posterity.

Kk Napier

Sum wrong with the link


You can stop after 5 and call it a series lol

J Hunte

The reaction link doesn’t work :(


Nah these movies are still very entertaining but the first one is hands down the best


I love them up to 7 after that they changed but I still watch them



Kamina 1



Letsssss Goooooooo


Let me find out these guys haven't seen Fast and The Furious 😂

D.j. Lachmandas

Y’all should do more movie series! Should check out sum horror ! The slashers are sum of my fav! Nightmare on elm street Friday the 13th Halloween jeepers creepers. Chunky!


Honestly I was more excited for it to be one of the newer movies so you could make fun of it.

Manny D.

YESSSSSS I love this franchise!! Best movie is Tokyo Drift, and no I will not be hearing otherwise.


Opinion: Don't speak for this Patron.


Well ..this is gonna be an interesting series




I stop watching the franchise after Paul walker died. He was the only thing I really like about the movies

Erich Bomke

When he said Jessie got "audience tested out of the franchise"...


Lol I’m not gonna lie the talking in this reaction is beyond annoying

Erich Bomke

I love that the image they used for the bottom banner clearly shows the two stunt drivers.

Adrian Howell

I don’t believe that y’all haven’t seen these movies.

Thomas Yanez

So annoying. Reacting is one thing, just flat out talking loudly about random shit, especially when you're trying to sync the sound again (and again) is infuriating.

Justin Jefferson

I luv yall but there is no way in hell i could watch a movie with you guys in person lol but i must admit i was lmao at the random conversations u guys were having cant wait for more of these.


Ja Rule was dropping hits after hits back then. Forget that festival bullshit.


Man I love you Normies but please don’t bring ol girl back she talks wayyyyyyyyy too much


Excited to see you guys react to these movies.

TinCan Cosmanaut

jeez the black girls talks non stop!


The FF series is dope. Until they go all in on the action, silly plot twists and family. Then the movies just range from bad to ok imo.


so, like, literally everything the series is about? i'm genuinely confused, what else is there to these movies? that IS what makes them dope and they know it lol.


Appreciate ya reactions. This movie a classic


Dom flirting?? Bruh.... Where is your mind at!


I dont want to be mean but that black girl and the white guy are ruining your reactions. They both need to learn to shut the hell up and watch the damn movie instead of talking over every scene like who watches a movie like that?


It's funny. I haven't watched the video yet, so I don't know which Normies are in the reaction. However, after reading your comment, I knew immediately who you were referring to. Lol

Chris D. Jones

Reading these comments I have a feeling some of y’all have never watched a movie with a big group of friends. And if have and it’s nothing like this you have some shitty friends. Its fast and furious it ain’t that deep.

Kamina 1

This is a freaking fast and furious film, and people are complaining for the normies to be quiet, and pay attention? Lmfaoo come on now 😂 who watches a fast movie with their squad calm. I'm 💀 Also in regards to Bre. She's hilarious, and one of the funnier normies on the team. These patrons are trippin lol. If you want to hear every single piece of dialog guys (in a film you have all already seen) just re-watch the movie yourself. This is not a market substitute. @ Spidey I hope you keep her away from these comments bro. These guys are whiny assholes.

Alex Mills

It’s official, I will be dead and gone before they ever react to clone wars. Really? the fast and furious movies? The Star Wars disrespect on this Patreon is too much to handle. I’ve literally been waiting since MANDO season 1 when y’all decided To watch the movies. I’ll sign up for Patreon again when I see a clone wars YouTube post or something.


Thanks for doing this reaction but I must agree that the black woman and the white guy whose names I think are Brie and Damran diminished the value of this reaction. Sorry if I'm calling out the wrong folks. I don't think it was intentional but I found their behavior to be very disrespectful. I get that Fast and Furious movies aren't serious and part of the fun is joking about them but their chatter was excessive and annoying. Plus Damran did WAY too much explaining. Nobody needs a dissertation on how a wheelie works. You guys are still watching a movie. Also, I wouldn't mention this if the white guy wasn't talking big as if he knows about cars, but to misidentify a Mazda RX-7 as a Toyota Supra is pretty disgraceful.

Theloneous Washington

I don't know what some of the people in this comment section are talking about. No one in the reaction is talking more than they normally do. I think people are bringing feelings from other reactions to this one.


The group is significantly changing for the rest of the series. Navi and Marketa will stay.


The group is significantly changing for the rest of the series. Navi and Marketa will stay.

Matthew Knell

Who asked for this lol

Adam Vialpando

This movie is so dumb and yet I absolutely love it.

Johnny Blue

When F&F was still about underground races.

Adam Vialpando

Yeah but I at least want them to enjoy the crazy shit in these movies. Some of them seemed to be the ones over analyzing it. I watch movies with friends and while we talk and joke a bit we still actually watch the movie if we are into it. Unless we just put it on as background noise.

Adam Vialpando

Did you seriously just say 3 was the best? I respect your opinion but.......why?!

Adam Vialpando

Thats why I like their live streams. Usually the talking doesn't bother me in their reactions but in this it did.

Adam Vialpando

The first 2 were fire back in the day. Then I got less interested when it got a little too out there. But the later ones I actually enjoy a bit because they just said "fuck it" and just steered full on into the crazy shit. Like Hobbs & Shaw. I mean, nobody watched these movies for the plot.

Adam Vialpando

As always you are a right ray of sunshine there Jagi. Glad to see you back in full form.


Even Suraj agreed that the talking was too excessive so is he a whiny asshole too?


Hey. So glad to see doing the FF movies. But! The new girl was annoying as fuck. Sorry. But the "their flirting all through the movie and constant questions. 😤😤 dude. This is the 1st movie. If you can't suspend belief in this one the whole franchise is not for you. I'm sorry if i sound negative but she was just driving me nuts.


She seems like a fun, cool person but maybe this reaction life ain't for her. She doesn't seem to understand/care what pleases this audience. She talked all through FLCL too, but I liked some of her post-discussion insights...she was paying attention more than it seemed. Girl just got a ton of energy.


I dont even know who the new girl is, since I am mainly here for Dark. But I am a fan of FF and so was happy at first. But yeah one in specific really just annoyed me during that whole reaction... way too much talking and what was said, was either totally besides the point or completely superficial (and not in an ironic way) or even a bit discriminating. I mean FF is a popcorn fun movie, but some personal stuff being said or just the point that the movie was more like background noise anooyed me. But I feel a bit sad for Suraj, he rescued it in a way I still watched the whole reaction.


Yeah. Exactly. Maybe she need to do another reactions to something different


Nope definitely not, came here only for Dark and this was the first other reaction. Was still quite disappointed. Somebody that ain't your opinion doesn't need to be wrong. He or she may just have another opinion that you mustn't support, but tolerate, please, thanks.


Navi with Initial D reference....<3


When a reactor tries to perform, instead of just watching a movie...


Watching Clone Wars movie tonight! It will be up on this Patreon next weekend. Then soon after the show will be started.


Finally watched the reaction. You guys are really exaggerating how much they were talking. I only watched the highlight and it was perfectly fine. And this is coming from someone who thought Brie talked too much during The Boys and the guy too much during The Dragon Prince. Both were fine here.


Maybe the people are complaining about the uncut

William Pahau

Bro i had to stop watching halfway cause the white dude flexing his car knowledge was getting too much i couldnt tolerate it anymore lol i just wish my fav normies were reacting instead hha

William Pahau

I think the white claws interfered haha


He's pretty obnoxious ruining a couple reactions for me as well :(


I stumbled on an illegal street race in Philly one time, it was awesome.


This was a minor bump in your otherwise fantastic reaction channel. The frustration for me was trying to sync the movie, it was difficult due to the constant banter. To quote Forest Gump: "That's all I got to say about that." Keep up the good work.


I wish I could just mute the right half of the couch. Watching the uncut is a nightmare


The worst reaction I’ve ever seen. So many distractions, I couldn’t hear the sound of the movie half the time. It’s nice and all you get someone blind to the movie but why bother really when that someone isn’t even care to watch. And you gonna tell that just having fun as friends watching, I’d rather u guys don’t show us the reaction. That’s not what I pay for.


When is Tokyo Drift dropping?