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At this point of the series, we're interested to hear who your favorite character is from specific groups. This week, we'll be looking at the Greek's criminal syndicate. In the weeks leading up to the finale of season 2, we'll be discussing other groups. 

Let us know why you voted for such and such in this poll, we'd love to know! Is it charisma? Is it intelligence? Is it pure LOCO? lol We need to know! What makes this character enjoyable to watch for you?


Kamina 1

What a great poll idea. I like Glekas the most. He fucks with Ziggy the hardest. Guy doesn't even look him in the eye.


I don't see Boris.


Oh, this is fun! I voted Spiros - I have a real soft spot for competent pragmatists.

Sinzweek Yaez

The Greek. His calmness makes him even creepier i don't know why. It's interesting to see these unknown guys are the ones that actually run everything in baltimore, Not Avon or Stringer or Prop Joe.


Sergei gets all the best lines. " In this country, supermarkets are cathedrals. I worry for you, buddy."

Lost Emu

Sergei. He's so matter of fact about some of the ruthless things he does, that it comes off hilarious.

Ian M

Yeah. The whole, "Did he have hands? Did he have a face? Then it wasn't us." thing was so matter of fact.

Pronto (SK)

Not gonna lie, got excited for a second thinking new episode got uploaded.


The White Wee-Bey, Sergei. The second member of my all-soldier team, along with Wee-Bey. Two more members have yet to make their appearance on the show.

Ruben Lopez

The Greek, seems like a video game boss. Lol


The Greek. Not because I like him but because he is one ruthless mofo. There's only one other character on the show who is as diabolically evil.


The Greek is cool, but I still find Spiros Vondas the most intriguing of those guys.


All of the gang bosses on this show are equally ruthless in my opinion. The only difference is that the Greek chose to be in the room while it was happening


Sergei (aka BORIS) is one of the most quotable characters in this series...which is saying a lot.


Boris always Boris

Alwyn Smith

none of those guys have any personality


Sergei seems like the type of person you meet in line, shoot the shit and joke with for a few minutes all without knowing that he just dumped a body missing it’s hands, face and/or head a few hours ago.