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Itachi...was a true patriot. Wow.

Naruto Shippuden 140

Reaction: https://youtu.be/OaTmPnnHI40

Uncut: https://vimeo.com/504820631/6c63a45d11

Naruto Shippuden 141

Reaction: https://youtu.be/LS4nBHLDLdo

Uncut: https://vimeo.com/504821102/f235e2e04a

*Edit: We just updated the links to include new versions of the reactions that don't cut off the discussion!



Loic Reviews

Gotta love an early upload. This being 2 of the most important episodes for the rest of Sasuke's storyline... Thanks a lot!

don’t call me lev

OMGGGGH. The truth of Itachi finally revealed. The goattt 🐐

Zero Requiem

Oh we early today 🔥 🔥

Brendin Ivey

With the quickness! Preciate the early upload!


This came just in time cuz my morning has been really bad so far


9 am?? lets go



Jarryd Thompson

Finally y'all shall know the real itachi

Matthew Cronin

Oof. I’ll be able to watch this in like a half hour. Their faces are gonna melt off aren’t they.


Yeeees.... Yeeees.. Finally the episode i've been waiting for.





TJ Major

Aaahhh shit....we finally here. Now the show finally starts...

Lively Nili

I should mention that Itachi was already sick before his fight with Sasuke. But it wasn't because of his over use of his Mangekyo. There's a common misconception that this is the case but the only downfall of the Mangekyo is Blindness. Nothing else. In Itachi's case, It is believed that the Mangekyo also amplified his sicknesses' symptoms (hence the coughing up of blood) It was believed to be a sickness that affected the Lungs, which makes sense as in his skill chart his stamina is unusually low. In the Itachi novels, it was said that every time he used jutsu from his Mangekyo it felt like he was drowning, further confirming it resided in his lungs. Just some uncommon knowledge from the guides and data books as the Anime doesn't explain that. Also it is believed Itachi was 14 when he met Madara.

Bliss 28

Itachi the 🐐

Kevin Kovacs

There is no comment below this reaction this time... something like "These episode was crazy/wild!!" 😅😂


So soooo excited to watch these two!! Thanks for the early upload!


please dont google madara's VA lol


Uchiha symbol is a hand fan btw

Adam Vialpando

Next week is the reaction I have been waiting for.


Next few weeks really boutta be amazing😭

Rasmus Kjær Poulsen

I think Sasuke's wish to destroy The Leaf is very simple. He hates The Leaf because they made Itachi go through all that. He doesnt care that his brother wanted to keep peace, he just want to make the leaf pay for what they did.

Alejandro Gil

Sasuke is the type of dude that reads a book and completely misses the point


Haven’t watched the reaction yet but I think it’s weird that Itachi is so like...unconditionally praised by fans when it’s canon he murdered innocents who weren’t powerful enough to solo the leaf village. Then there’s his use of Tsukuyomi on Sasuke twice, dragging him into a match where he could easily have died if he wasn't strong enough, using him to commit suicide as if that could possibly produce a mentally healthy person, telling him to kill his best friend (to make him a hero? How?) and him being a more or less ineffective spy who was sabotaging the leaf village’s mission as late as the gaara retrieval arc. I think the reveal added a layer of complexity to his character and the leaf village which is cool, the lore is interesting as well, but some of the dots really don’t connect unless Itachi is seen as a misguided victim rather than a hero. As for Sasuke, he should think about the innocents that would be hurt in his new revenge quest, but he doesn’t owe Itachi anything.


Itachi is the type of dude who thinks torturing a child will make him a hero and not a crazy psychopath

Brendin Ivey

Ok but the next 2 months finna be 🔥


Hidden Leaf abused his brother's loyalty, why would Sasuke go and follow and trust the Hidden Leaf


My grandfather passed two days ago this reaction made the pain go away for a moment. These reactions always make my day


The return of Suraj x banana the best ship of them all😆😆😆😆


Team early today lol


Did they notice the Mangekyo?


Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior Itachi Uchiha? -Madara


One thing while Itachi may have wanted Sasuke to be a hero but Itachi put the village ahead of his clan. But Sasuke does not love the village more than the clan. he loved his clan more. So why would he want to be a hero to the leaf.. Just because that's what Itachi prioritised the village doesnt mean sasuke would too

Kamina 1

Welp. Sasuke's full heel now. The decision that divided a fanbase. Welcome Normies.


I mean them not being strong enough to solo the leaf is kind of the point with why Itachi saw their deaths as inevitable. If they were to fight the leaf all the Uchihas would die anyway, and Itachi believed that doing the act himself would at the very least save sasuke and some of the leaf ninjas/villagers that would die in the middle. He told sasuke to kill his best friend so he could awaken his mangekyo, which I interpreted as he believed he would then become 1. an invaluable asset if he returned to the leaf 2. strong enough to then fend for himself, especially if he ever had to confront madara. His work as a spy I can see people saying was up and down, but at the end of the day Madara said he did negotiate with him to not attack the leaf, so he did protect them from within. He also ended up killing no leaf ninja when he and kisame went to the leaf despite having multiple opportunities to(kakashi even questions why he's not dead in part 1). Itachi telling Kisame to retreat from both Guy and Jiraiya also seems like "sabotage from within" because he would try and avoid confrontations when possible


Get ready for....ahem, quite the rollercoaster for Sasuke

Darrell Henry

Keep that same energy y’all had towards Itachi and how nothing could justify his killing the clan.


And then read the novel

Kamina 1

We all had that same energy before we found out the truth. What the heck are you talking about man?


He met madara younger than that, but he was 13 when they linked up together again


Hey 140 &141 discussion just cut early for me idk if that was the intended edit also did they not notice Sasuke's new sharingan??


I have notified Hunter the editor of the cut offs, should be fixed after lunch he told me.


The uchiha crest is a Japanese paper fan

Gabriel Moreira

"oh but It was not the vilage, It was 3 people only" Yeah... Because when a country goes and invade others and kill people, its only the president fault... No one blame the country right? Sasuke fells the same way EVERY person in any country fells about USA. Sasuke is a terrorist right now. And no terrorist hate and want to revenge against Bush or other president, they hate ALL the country. Makes total Sense for Sasuke to hate the Village and all what It represent right now. Its a "good" country, but ALL based on lies.

Ben Felton

Am I missing the reason why there isn't a triple drop?


U new here or somth. Fuck off with them spoils

Queef Burglar

They're going to milk this series, it's their most watched show on this channel...they are in no rush to finish it lol


I think it's fair for them to criticize his insane terrorist logic though. Especially since it's such a massive shift from how he used to be. Sasuke was always villainous but he was selective about his kills and tried to spare people when he could.


well that was fast

Storm King

Exactly, yes his decision is still the behavior of someone young and naive but he basically thinking why should his brother and him have to had suffered just for the leaf village.


With the after show discussion, I do agree that Madara manipulated the information in a way to get Sasuke to come to the conclusion that he does in the end (target = hidden leaf) but I think ya'll are only focusing on what Itachi had to do. Danzo and the two advisers knew of THAT mission. But the Uchiha planned the coup because the village as a whole had already shunned them. Hence why Madara told the entire story from the beginning.


also ....the hidden leaf village sucks....i didnt fw them from the treatment of naruto (an actual child) for the first 14 years of his life and i surely dont fw them after this story


i couldn't and still can't blame danzo and the elders for looking after their nation but, i also can't blame sasuke because i would be angry too. i was just torn




FUCK DANZO BRUH. HE RUINING EVERYONES LIFE MAN. any Danzo fans in here lets throw hands. lmao


the uchiha symbol is a fan :)


Personally I don't think he's full heel yet, his thoughts and actions are still reasonable. He's barely hanging on the cliff by 3 fingers but he truly goes off the deep end later imo.


Nahid and Chris gets where Sasuke is coming from haha. I get it cuz my people (Hmong) were recruited by the US government to fight in a Laotian civil war (search The Secret War). The communist leader declared the extermination of Hmong people when we did not side with them. The US government that recruited our people then proceeded to abandoned us after this declaration, leaving thousands to flee for themselves and die at the hands of the Lao. I mean I get it. My people don’t have a country, we’re recruited and used, then abandoned.

K Vonnegut

Dude, how long do you need to finish a banana? Suraj I'm starting to ask some question over here


Did you guys notice Sasuke’s mangekyou sharingan

Darion Belt

Just a few points for the 141 discussion: I don't believe that even if Sasuke was to return to the village, it would be all sunshine and rainbows. You have to remember, Sai was introduced to the story with a mission to kill to KILL Sasuke, given to him by Danzo. So whats stopping Danzo from trying again? Next, when it comes to the elders, they are among the most honored and revered people in the Leaf Village. To attack them is the same as attacking the Leaf, still making himself a traitor. Even if he only wanted to kill Danzo, he would have to go through members of Root (who are made up of ANBU, not all of the ANBU) Which is still a faction of the governing body of the Leaf Village. He can't do his own research on it because the only people who know are sworn to secrecy. At the end to the day, there are no good choices for Sasuke to make here, so he makes the one that feels right for him.

Alex cleveland

Theres more to Itachi, Normies! Just u wait!!! Itachi def is a character that can be put on the pedestal of some of the best written characters in anime; also being the most beloved anime character of all time! My mans Itachi is iconic🔥🙏🏽🤩


I don't think Itachi managed to forgive himself even in his last moments - for killing his clan, families, children - he realised it was the only thing left for him the moment he decided to spare Sasuke's life: to die from his hands, in his presence. He knew what he did was unacceptable, yet necessary, because the circle of violence had to be stopped. He witnessed it, he knew the conflict was unavoidable, and decided to put his clan to an end, to put his clan into even darker shade, to take all this burden on his shoulders. He was a personification of a word shinobi.


And yeah, Itachi was blind, dying from illness and holding back - and he still would've wooped Sasuke's ass

Chaos T

Danzo is the Ramsay Bolton of the Narutoverse. You love to hate him yet he's one of this show's best villains.

Jason Rodriguez

Next week's reaction needs to come with haste, if only I could speed up the pace, YEAHHHHHHHHH

Keep It Zen

I would say yes, everything Itachi did was for Sasuke, even the slaughter of the Uchiha clan. (Of course he also had maintaining peace and the village in mind.) If the Leaf emerged victorious, would the elders of the Leaf just allow Sasuke to live and let him become another Eren Jaeger? That is if he didn’t die in the bloodshed of a civil war first. In 141 discussion, you guys mention wanting Sasuke to think for himself (that would be the best situation), but then ask for him to blindly follow Itachi’s will to protect the Leaf. Itachi, after the trauma he suffered (seeing thousands of innocents die in a war,) was a Shinobi who placed VILLAGE > CLAN ... Sasuke after the trauma he suffered (losing everyone he knew & loved, and seeing them butchered like animals,) is a Shinobi who values CLAN > VILLAGE. This is Sasuke’s lowest point since the genocide, he defeated Itachi but here he’s the one who looks defeated. Of course, Madara is there at this perfect point in time to tell this story. Also keep in mind, as collected as he may seem, Sasuke is not exactly an epitome of Mental Health. He was only 8 years old when he saw Itachi kill everyone, not just once, but hundreds of times with no way of stopping it. On top of that he just found out his entire life was a Lie and that he just killed the one family member he had left that actually loved him. Logic is out the window, emotional decision-making takes over. I don’t think you can expect a kid who is going through what he is to think calmly and rationally about what to do next.


Whenever a sub-only person says the dub sucks, it's very clear they haven't heard Madara's voice


Why did the post discussions for both episodes end so abruptly?


Madaras Voice actor is Neil Kaplan he is white not black. Also youll get spoilers looking that stuff up.

Cliff Douglas

Stop making excuses for the Third Hokage. This is the part where everyone starts making excuses for him. He was weak and had to rely heavily on Danzo to do the dirty stuff. I guess you will continue to find out more about how that relationship worked. And the ANBU is under the Hokage. Danzo had his own ANBU.

Gabriel Arreaga

True and sasuke is still a teen at this point not even old enough to drink legally lol

rickie woodson

i feel you rana. when chris told that "joke" i too was zoned out putting on my makeup.

Matthew Money

Yea a lot of the bad shit that happened in shippuden was instigated by Danzo's bitch ass


They know. Chris literally said that in the video.


ohh the Uchiha simbol represents a fireball jutsu. The white is the chakra becoming the fire,wich is the red part.

rickie woodson

i dont get it. they love the leaf village so much they cant view them as corrupt or wrong in any way. hokage is just the pres, the senate still exists. danzo could NOT have done this on his own, that would be treason. they voted and everyone on the council except for sarutobi said "lets kill em" aka the village


Dude is so trash I've never even seen a fan base about him..doubt he has one, he's the truest villain


Shout out to Nahid for getting why Sasuke would want to destroy the Leaf Village - from the Village's inception the Uchiha were being mistreated, and yeah it might have been only "a few people" specifically responsible, but the village still benefits from the actions of their leaders and would need to be completely overhauled to actually change any systemic issues that allowed the massacre to take place. Itachi's sense of duty to the village doesn't mean anything if that duty was misplaced from the beginning.


i dont think they noticed LOL the lighting made it kinda hard to see too.. in the manga, its so evident


Bro they're watching a TV show that requires you to have it develop in your brain the same way you watched it the first time...stop expecting things without understanding and just shooting the mouth


If sarutobi didn’t agree to the massacre it would never have happened. He runs the anbu black op and his in charge. Why are they defending the worst hokage of the leaf.


The Hidden Leaf isn't a completely clean village. They have done a lot of wrongs and manipulated. They started showing the groundwork with Sai but you gotta do what you gotta do to make sure your village stays in a position of power.


I would like to point out that RANA is always right, and correctly stated well ahead of time that Itachi's motivation for joining the Akatsuki was, in fact, LOVE, even if it was by mistaking Konan for Itachi XD


Like I said before, well done to Itachi's dub VA here. Thoroughly enjoyed the performance. But the Japanese "Yuruse, Sasuke...kore de saigo da" line will always hit different for me (Forgive me, Sasuke...).


ITACHI 2 STORY DAYLIGHT & MIDNIGHT NOVELS, came out in 2016 about what happened with him and his LOVER NAMED IZUMI UCHIHA! The shows adaptations of the filler episode that was created, it was honestly did no justice compared to the heartbreaking story of the Novel of how Itachi killed his lover Izumi. ITACHIA TRULY LOVED IZUMI!!.

Keep It Zen

watch the uncut discussion for now.


Props to Suraj in an earlier episode for catching onto Itachi's cryptic dialogue from the throne, which bears out here. About fantasy vs. reality, and what Sasuke could actually perceive with his Sharingan. Turns out, there was great meaning in it :P


They missed his Mangekyou Sharingan aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh


This man said "we need more patriots like Itachi" lmao 😂


This entire situation comes down to opinion. I hate when people get so mad that others defend a characters choices. The real world isn’t black and white. This situation was one of the more realistic parts of naruto


Guys if you can in the future react to the movies like Road to Ninja once you get past the episodes


SPOILERS ABOVE DO NOT LOOK AT HANEY’s POST . Unless this person deletes their first post


Sasuke didn’t owe the leaf anything. If it wasn’t for the 3rd and itachi danzo would have killed him a long time ago. And why would he care that itachi wanted him to be a hero lol. Itachi valued sasukes life above alll else. Sasuke feels the EXACT same way. He’s saying brother I value you more than the village. So they will pay. Take that thinking and add the trauma he has to be going through mentally and you have yourself a villain with great plot lol. He’s a realistic character. Let’s be honest anybody who would just return back to the leaf like nothing happened is insane. It’s another reason why itachi didn’t want him to learn the truth. Because the village would be looked at as villains. Sasuke snapped. And it’s completely understandable imo.

Fred Carmichael

bro next week is gonna be crazy af lmao

Alex cleveland


Alex cleveland

Im pretty sure they'll show it in the anime. Thats what makes Itachi one of the most heartbreaking lost in the series.


I don't understand how so many reactors don't notice Saskue's mangekoye at the end. When I saw this live I was so hype.


Aye TURN UP SASUKE!!!!!! Its totally understandable why Sasuke has hatred towards the Leaf..


To be fair its easy to miss when what he says at that moment carries so much weight

Marcel Thimsen

remember 144-151 is filler :)

William Pahau

making the uchiha police was another move by the hokage for the people to hate the uchiha even more , because in real life there are some people who hate the fucking police and thats exactly was tobiramas goal was for everyone to hate on them. because lets face it its FTP 24/7 for some people

William Pahau

and people tryna say that mha is better than naruto hahahaha fucking hillarious

Merlo Ivess

Right now to me, they're the same level. But MHA will probably overtake Naruto eventually. MHA is just THAT amazing.

Ivõřy Jøñèś

So they dont do 3 episodes at the end of the week anymore?


Message them privately about this idiot


Sasuke is Kobe, ain't no coaching...you just let that muthafucka do what he wants, sit back and get a ring. Dude a gangsta


That doesnt make sence at all... Sasuke is a part of the village there for he cant value sasuke more than the village by basic logic, thats why he wanted both things he wanted to protect to coexists, the village and sasuke as its hero and the future rebuilder of the uchiha clan. But yes, learning the truth was obviously what fcked that all up, soecially since sasuke doesnt have the same integrity as itachi or his morals/philosophies, so obviously he is going to act the selfish way wich is good for the plot, but personally i dont agree.


Im mad at how they translated Itachi's dying words. Instead "Forgive me, Sasuke, this is it" he actually said "Forgive me, Sasuke. There won't be a next time" which is related to what he always said to Sasuke and what was shown a couple times in this same episode.


Bad behavior starts at the top and if the elders who select the hokage are racist and cool with nepotism then that signals to everyone else that's just how we do things around here. The Uchiha were all-in for peace, you remember that? They forced Madara to sign on then unanimously ousted their war-hero leader because he still harbored trust issues. So for a peaceful minority group to be abused to the point of insurrection, that's generations of untold discrimination and racism...can you really narrow that down to just a "few people" responsible? No, that was MAGA country piling on, the Uchiha were being oppressed for decades. They literally caught all the the blame despite zero evidence for a terrorist attack they actually had nothing to do with. People need to read between the lines, the story doesn't add up unless this was the case. You have to assume Sasuke knows what's up so it's eye-for-an-eye time. The Uchiha didn't commit any physical crime, they were just plotting shit and for that, they didn't spare a single woman, child or elderly person just living ignorant of any regime-change secret meetings. The Leaf can eat shit, they had it coming. Tsunade's directly related to the 1st and 2nd hokage, nothing against my lady but how the fuck is that ok by committee?


Itachi is such a tragic character, all he ever wanted was peace. It's sad everything had to befall onto him.

Ali Atiea

I cried with episode 141 so hard! God Bless Itachi, always was my favorite character


I actually don't know about that. The reasoning behind the Coup attempt were supposed to be such shitty treatment from the village administration and that their attempts to redress their grievances with it peacefully were being (actually deliberately sabotaged) rejected and shut down. To the point that they felt like the Coup was their only option for fair treatment. Which would technically make their coup legit via our own 2nd Amendment. Also, Itachi and Danzo are responsible for the murder of scores of innocent children at minimum. Itachi was a 13 year old kid who trusted his superiors way too much and tried to make the best decision he felt he had available. He may be a "patriot". But he's a patriot who's willing to murder his own family who has legitimate grievances with their government that they have tried to reconcile peacefully and been rejected and sabotaged at every turn before attempting the most profound act that people can take regarding their government: revolution. If that's the case, then he's not a patriot. A Patriot is willing to fight their own government to set that government right. That's what our country was founded on. Itachi loved his brother, but he was a 13 year old kid who got manipulated by a dirty politician into having his patriotism warped into being a government thug. I sympathize with his plight, but I also understand his family's.


The Uchiha symbol is a fan, for stoking flames


"The duty of a true patriot is to protect his country from its government" - Thomas Paine


Damn. After that uncut reaction, I feel like we need the ?"Truth about what Nahid said" backstory arc.


They haven't been able to do it so much cause of covid but for special episodes they will. If we're lucky...everybody is busy with their lives. They hear us.


From how I remember it, it was either he does the mission given to him or he gets wiped out with his clan along with his brother... leaf village was about that Gangster life. They couldn't trust the Uchihas anymore so went right over the 3rds head and went for it


I legit feel they should watch it but in those episodes has spoilers for the future arcs so they would need a cut


So you're saying if you had the power to wipe out the entire country for it, you would too?


Holy cow to the amount of people justifying Sasuke's decision to destroy the village. Ya'll are crazy. You don't right a wrong with a wrong. Didn't anyone learn from ATLA?


I don't think most people are saying it's a good idea, I think people just understand how a 17 year old who has gone through the trauma sasuke has would come to that conclusion.


Itachi is so amazing, the way he thinks he's not only strong but very smart, honestly, if you think about it the way he has the safety of the village in his mind he could have been the Hokage someday.


Nah, the translation is fine. At the end he says "kore de saigo da" which does mean "this is the end". You just have to put together that he is referring to the other times he said to him "next time".


Since It's going to be a very long time before they reach there. When it's time for Itachi Gaiden, which I think is episode 451-458. They are considered filler, but I don't think they should be skipped. Perhaps when the time comes they were going to do it anyways, since they did kakashi gaiden.


Itachi rolling over in his grave, and so begins the education of sasuke AKA the sasuke ass wooping parade.


Kakashi gaiden was in the manga though, it's considered canon. Never saw Itachi gaiden, maybe it's time to check it out. If it's sakuga quality, I'm sure they'd be interested in it.


for information next opening you guys can watch it in episode 163


I hope people understand that when saying it can have been avoided please make sure you have watched later on it makes more sense and to also understand that he was like 13


I don’t think it could’ve been avoided. *SPOILER* The Uchiha were planning a coup. The Uchiha coup threatened the leaf and would’ve caused their demise and next great ninja war. Along with that, they tried to stop it, Shisui was going to use his mangekyo on fugaku and put and end to it. Sadly, Danzo ruined it. Danzo wanted the eradication of the Uchiha no matter what.


I caught up too quickly smh


Itachi was wrong to betray his village. He should have helped his clan execute a smooth and bloodless (minimum bloodshed) coup. That way, there'd be a quick change of power to the Uchiha and the village would still have been stable.


Free Normies Patreon just paste in browser for redirect: http://discord.io/hiddenpatreon


What are y’all watching this on? Hulu stopped the dub at 141


yep majority of naruto fans after this episode also said fuck danzo lmaoo