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We did not start watching RWBY until 2020.
Some of us did not know Monty's name until 2021.
But we were all incredibly touched by this man's compassion, endearing spirit and love for his craft. His legacy lives on in stories we love and in those who were inspired by his work.

If there is anything we took away from the video one of our patrons recommended (reaction is included in 3x1), it is that live is short and our time is limited. So spend your time wisely, hone your skills, and give all of your loved ones a big hug when it's safe....

Why is even this man's signature a masterpiece?!

Season 3 of RWBY begins. We're happy you're here with us for the ride. 



Edwin Ayala

If you look closely at the end of the Grave Scene in 3x1, the birds fly towards the sun in the form of Monty’s signature. Now excuse me while I go cry into a pillow.


Glad you guys are enjoying Monty’s work. It’s too bad that he passed away, his animation was incredible to watch.


I'm happy to be a part of this ride too


Is incredible to watch~ We're still enjoying it


I still remember the day I scrolled through my YouTube sub feed and saw the news story about his passing. That was a really difficult day for everyone in the Rooster Teeth community. Remember to make sure your loved ones know that you care, y'all.

Chris Poveroni

there's a video on youtube of the man playing a two-player DDR arcade machine. If my legacy is half as badass as that video, I'll be okay with that.


Well uhhh.... RIP even though I couldn't care less about the RWBY series. Even though RWBY means nothing to me it still sucks to see a young person pass on. I wish his family the best as they mourn him and press on forward.

Andrew Hart

Same, that’s how I found out. I couldn’t believe it, especially when the news of him being in hospital was posted only a day or two earlier, it was just so sudden

Dean Cyphers

It's always safe to hug a loved one I wont miss a single opportunity to do so as long as we stay consciously hygienic


he was an amazing guy, you should check out his dead fantasy youtube clips if you havent. someone has hd'd them recently. also i heard that he would disappear for a week, come back with a bad ass fight scene, and they had to figure out how to incorporate it into the show


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