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Here we are at the penultimate chapter in the SKYWALKER SAGA! Where will The Normies opinions land on this polarizing Star Wars flick? What did you all think of it? Has your opinion of it changed over time?

We have already seen Episode 9 as well. So feel free to discuss those plot points in the comments if you would like to. As always, thank you for the support, happy holidays and may the force be with you!

Uncut: https://vimeo.com/493940762/a0cac28602

Reaction: https://youtu.be/SYa7FiK73Is

(Also, yes we know how to pronounce Jedi)



Venom Shroud

The Last Yedi? never heard of it. Sounds good though better than last Jedi?


Depending on the day of the week Episode 8 is my favorite Star Wars movie.


Oh boy. I don't even know if I can get through a highlighted reaction of this awful movie.


What a unexpected treat


Oof .... Here we go

Richard A

Nice, I absolutely hated it the 1st time through. But it's improved now to my 2nd least favorite after Attack of the Clones.


I saw this movie at a midnight premiere, so initially I rode a wave of hype and loved it, then I thought about it a bit and decided it sucked and now I'm somewhere in the middle. I think its 1/3 - 1/2 of a good movie; I like most of the stuff that happens with Rey's and Kylo's stories -saying Rey's parents were nobody was the best choice and I wish it didn't get retconed - and I also kind of like Luke in this movie, though I understand why lots of people dont. Finn's and Poe's place in the story is just so badly handled though it really annoys me. Finn's arc in this movie is basically learning that war is bad and that it affects people outside of those immediately fighting - which is an really weird story for him to get since he was a child soldier that got kidnapped and indoctrinated by the First Order. Poe spends his time in the movie failing at everything and doesnt really seem to learn a lot from it, beyond sometimes listening to your commanding officers in a war is a good thing I guess. I still think this movie is better than the prequels (yes all of them, 3 is memed a lot, but it still isnt very good and whilst the clone wars does a lot to redeem the prequels, in a vaccum they're really really bad) and episode 9 is much worse imo, but its worse than 4-7 and either of the two 'stories' movies

J. J.

This movie was absolute shit


The only thing that pissed me off was throwing away all the set up of the first movie to be like. Rey is nobody. Wtf?

J. J.

They changed directors and told Rian Johnson he could do whatever he wants, boggles my mind how anyone thought that'd be a good idea.


This is probably my favorite movie in this trilogy and perhaps in the entire skywalker saga.

Kanan Jarrus

Second best Star Wars film


Um whats wrong is wasting a whole set up.


How can it be awful? It's a remake of Ep.4... EDIT: This is VIII and I'm an idiot :)

Luis Rodriguez

I hate how Finn and Poe were treated in this movie. I also didn’t like Rose but in no way does that mean she deserved all the harassment.


Idk how its Arya Stark that dude should have cut her head off the moment she let go to catch the lightsaber,


You should consider watching some of the criticisms of the film. I would recommend maulers extensive 5 hour review(he goes scene by scene explaining in detail the problems) . When it comes to the lore/ previously established character development/state of the galaxy- but what do i know:::: I’m sure we’ll hear news about Rian Johnson’s trilogy soon along with trump tax’s returns... I bet we’re getting them on the same day


I hate the Last Jedi, BUT. I won't knock anyone who likes it. I understand how these individual movies are better than the Prequels but the Prequels had a plan and the knew where they were going. The Sequels never knew where they were going to end up. That's why they introduced shizz, they dropped shizz, introduced them again when they felt like it. That's why I think the Prequels are far better then the sequels. Episode VII and VIII are just IV, V and VI in two movies with some things added. They made Hux into a joke for VIII. There was no suspense left at the end. Nobody thought that Kylo would ever be a threat to Rey after TLJ. They had to introduce Palpatine/Snoke to create a threat. Why would they shoot at the base first instead of the ship they used to escape? The humor is more akin to Marvel (I love Marvel, but I don't watch Star Wars for Marvel slapstick). TLJ is the most good looking movie out of all Star Wars, I'll give it that but I can't stand it... I could go on and on. But watch Maulers critiques for a terrific breakdown.

J. J.

I thoroughly enjoyed the criticism videos on youtube moreso than the movie itself, really hit the nail on the head on how bad it was.

Storm King

My favorite part of the uncut is from 1:24:00 to 1:24:30

Chaos T

The Normies: This movie was ok. Had some meh moments but also some really good moments. People who really hate this movie: Please watch a 20,000 hour confirmation bias youtube video showing why you're wrong for having fun watching this film.

Kage Uzumaki

For everyone complaining, let it go it's a movie.

Chaos T

Bingo. It's mindless entertainment that shouldn't be taken seriously.


When this movie first came out it was dreadful I hated it. Nothing made sense. I saw it a couple more times then I started not even taking Star Wars seriously anymore the movie was so comically bad. A couple years later I hate it even more after the masterpiece of The Mandalorian was presented to the Star Wars universe. Now I can only think about what could've been if it wasn't for the shitty ass episode 8....

Anthony Villena

The fan cut of Leia destroying the fleet is amazing


Copy pasting my comment from Discord: "Great Star Wars Last Jedi reaction (on patreon early access), was waiting for it to go up. First time I've rewatched since seeing it on premiere day in the cinema. I was never a huge star wars fan but rewatching the movies (and mandalorian) via reactions has been a great experience, especially seeing the series through the fresh eyes of people like Rana and Marketa who are new to the series - you've even got me watching Clone Wars for the first time in anticipation lol. good shit!" for my money, this is my favourite Star Wars movie. I was honestly surprised when I heard so many people didn't like it. I wish Ep 9 had continued some of the threads introduced in this movie - that greatness can come from anywhere, and that relentless adherence to the past is unhealthy. But it is what it is.


It's so weird reading comments like "When I first watched this movie I loved it, but then I watched a 5 hour YouTube video and now I hate it". Bruh, watch things on your own, form your own opinions. It's okay not to like things but at least come to those conclusions on your own.


Probably the best Star Wars movie. Certainly the best of the sequel trilogy.


This is probably the weakest of all the mainline star wars movie, due to many things. So many elements just come together to deliver a largely disappointing milestone where the conflict of two different directors decided to have a rap battle in the film making. Even Mark Hamil had to voice his disappointment with the treatment of his character, the story, and the legacy of his friends as well. Many things promised to come to fruition, and premises to bridge the gap from the past thirty years were left on the floor, in favor of "new" and "change", two things that are often mistaken for quality. Characters appear flatter than before, contradicting their own universe with actions sometimes called out for no reason. And Rose Tico, my god why. I can get that people do enjoy it. But I simply can not. Though, I am interested in why people like it so. I have so many questions. Why does Finn ally himself with the resistance? And why does the resistance considered him apart of the faction, even though he never said such a thing? Why is he so goofy, especially since he is supposedly been trained from birth. And why does he know so much about so much if he was merely a lowly stormtrooper or janitor? If the Holdo maneuver is so destructive, then how have we not seen it done before. Why not just create a big ship and launch it directly into the death star. And if you miss it, just try again. Why do they chastise Po for doing the smart thing? Do you honestly think that because it was reckless he deserved to be chastised? Why did hold not tell anything about her plan? Why when Po mutinied her, he didn't check her for guns and just left her alone. Are their two briggs on their ship? Why was Rose upset with Po about being a traitor even though he's not apart of the resistance. Why do they call themselves rebels? They aren't rebels, because that was discontinued in episode 6. Are you telling me they still called themselves rebels for all these years? Phasma even called Finn rebel scum, like he should know the significance of that place. hy is Luke so far removed from his original character trajectory? Are we supposed to believe that Kylo killed all of his students except the Knights of Ren? Also, where are the knights of Ren? Where did Snoke come from? How did he rebuild the empire, and why did the republic allow that to happen. And Luke decided not to do anything? Why doesn't the ghost of Anakin talk to Kylo and say no it wasn't him talking to you. Do the other ghost just decide it wasn't worth it? Yoda summoned fucking lightning, s don't tell me they would be useless. Why is Snoke so powerful with eh force? And back to Yoda. Why does he act like a sociopath when he comes back. Why don't luke see his student in person? Why does he taunt Kylo like a child? Was the ghost projection necessary if he could have been there in like a minute? Rose Tico stops Finn from saving everyone. Why? Also #metoo. And I have so many more. So so many more.


Probably my favorite SW film, and certainly best of the sequals (that's not saying much lol)


One of the best Star Wars movies. ESB still just too classic, but this has the most depth out of them all.


While there are a lot of things in this movie I didn't like, what I hated most was the fanbase's reaction. They were actively harassing cast members because they didn't enjoy their characters (like that's the actor fault). It got so bad that they drove Kelly Marie Tran off social media. Its a movie. Watch it, discuss it, praise/criticize it and move on. There's no need to attack anyone for it. Hopefully this doesn't apply to anyone on Patreon. I like to think that we're all civil (unless Naruto gets delayed).


The Last Yedi sounds like an animated Disney movie


I enjoyed this movie when it came out and after rewatching it later. It’s perfectly fine to like or dislike a movie based on your own preferences. However I don’t get all the people bringing up critiques of the movie to watch on YouTube (one of em is 5 hours?) cause that’s just someone else voicing their opinion. I think too many people hoped on the “this movie is garbage” bandwagon. It really doesn’t deserve as much hate as it gets. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t like the move I simply enjoyed it. As a long time Star Wars fan there were a lot of things I didn’t like, but this was a whole lot better than any of the individual prequel movies for sure and maybe better than Episode 6 (even tho I love episode 3, it’s not that well done). I respect people who loved it or hated it if they came to that conclusion themselves and not because everyone else around them liked it/hated it.

Champion Bescos

As both a fan of Rian Johnson and of Star Wars, this was a disappointing mess. There are indeed moments and ideas that hint at the great potential this film had, but... man, is it all fucking lost in the sauce. Probably my second least liked Star Wars film, just above Attack of the Clones and tied with Solo.


I tied it with Attack of the clones, because at least i understood the motivations of each character clearly.


Oh Jaysus... *downs a whiskey* ....here we go...

David Dotting

"I was never a huge Star Wars fan" ep 8 "is my favourite Star Wars movie" Honestly, that makes a lot of sense. This movie does a great job of basically taking a giant dump on the plot and characters of the original movies, and turns the hero's journey seen in the OG and Prequel trilogies on their heads. If those weren't your cup of tea, I can totally see why Ep8 would be a good time.


I need a rogue one reaction it’s literally the best Star Wars movie


you guys should just watch rogue one... it's way better than the last jedi and rise of skywalker, to be honest

Frankie H

I've never seen this all the way through until now, I thought I'd dislike it, but I thought it was ok. On one hand it was entertaining, on the other hand the characters were incredibly frustrating. Also, did anybody notice the alien rebel pilot in the background spoke english in the previous movie but only speaks an alien language in this movie? Yes, I recognize this is the most nit-picky thing to complain about but I can't be the only one to notice that.

Alex Mills

If you guys do clone wars ill be signed up for your patreon the next year straight NO CAP

The Anime Man

vimeo isnt good anymore