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Episode 129

Reaction: https://youtu.be/QFbtr7i6Cwc

Uncut: https://vimeo.com/494116594/28558f6139

Episode 130

Reaction: https://youtu.be/DV5RAwiQSus

Uncut: https://vimeo.com/494116768/17c756985f 




Yes!!! Jiraiya!!!


Invasion on the Rain Village!!


Now this puts a smile on my face

Jarryd Thompson

Now that y'all know pain and felt pain its time for you to understand pain


Best OP starting this EP, FITE ME


I am so pumped for these reactions😁


Btw, next Wednesday.. looks like nice weather for a triple drop 😏.. Js.. WWSD (What Would Santa Do) - Happy Holidays Normies


Just as I made breakfast, now I have something to watch while eating!


Can we also talk about how gorgeous Rana looks today 😍




Props to the editors for getting this shit out so quick the last couple of weeks.

Bliss 28

I done felt too much pain


HERE WE GO! The Pain Arcs start here!


jesus do yall remember when you first watched these eps. seeing the rain village for the first time was soo good.


So..... 3 episodes next week one said hopefully l?

Gabriel Reynisson

would be so awesome if you guys did 3 episodes next week! it´s just fits so well <3


3 ep next week! Feliz natal para todos nós


yeah 3ep's next week would be the perfect set of episodes. it's been long time since they did a triple drop. pleaseeeee normies give us a naruto triple drop for this christmas..


3 episodes next week 🙏🏽


3 episodes for Christmas ehhh???😭😂

Kamina 1

A whole ass husband out here and still a genin 😂 that man is the definition of TRAAASH lmao

Cory Hawks

Is that uncut of them watching the Jiraiya flashback up already?


triple drop next week, please? Also, greeting to Pain voiced by Troy Baker


This is legitimately the first reaction I've watched where someone's immediately realized that Pain is trying to implement MAD.

jose giron

I would suggest y'all release 3 episodes next week, its one of those instances where all those 3 episodes work with one another and should be seen one after the other in one sitting


Nahid saying that Americans are the superheroes lol...


quadruple drop next week


Let's go best OP track


Good reaction and discussion guys!! Love that u have so many questions about Pain and nine tails and madara uchiha..Naruto as a series has outstanding and entertaining villians...enjoy!!!


One more week...


fun fact: pain was supposed to be the final boss for naruto shippuden but the production house wanted to squeeze the franchise more and pushed kishimoto to continue writing the story forward


i want the next reaction already


Everyone brace yourselves, we've finally arrived at the Pain Arc 🙏🏽


The history and lore starts now🙌🏼 This where Naruto takes its leap.


Loved these reactions. Pains speech is soo good


Let my man Pain preach


Triple drop to end the year 👀🙏

Lord Madara

Madara and Pain, the best villains of all time


OMG I love pain best 'villain' in the series imo. Now the normies can begin to understand pain and no one will tell them they don't understand ever again.


THE WORLD SHALL KNOW PAIN man can we get an F in the chat for the pain they finna go through for the Pain Arch


I’ve grown from a man to a GOD That was so cool


Pain has the best voice actor in this show 🔥


Don't make us beg for a triple drop for next week!


These are one of my favourite episodes. The mysterious Hidden Rain village, extremely believable villains (not goofy, not just crazy, not just angry, but rather calm, sad, determined, actually SCARY with their god-like vision and posture), the lore. Everything is on point, and above all - amazing voice acting. Believable. Realistic. Dominating. Normies actually being silent during Pain's speech. Just *chef's kiss*

Adrian Eccelston

Great reaction guys! Really enjoying everyone's theories and seeing you get more lore. The series gets really crazy in the next arcs. Next week NEEDS to be 3 episodes!


Great discussions. Ya'll should watch Akira for sure at some point.


Gai's dad was also a Genin but had all 8 gates, I mean you never know.


Hey @thenormies just to clear it up half of the nine tails chakra is in Naruto, but the other half is somewhere else, don't know if its a spoiler or not so i'm not gonna say. But all you need to know now is that Naruto only has half of the nine tails in him.



Twin Hallow

Damn we need a triple drop next week pleaseeeeeee lol.


Triple drop to end 2020


Triple drop next week pls 🙏🏼

Brendin Ivey

I am ready to shed tears next week


Haha, I have to agree with Nahid, at least about myself personally, for not connecting Naruto politics to real word stuff. I was in college when these episodes were coming out and I was still just like "I want to see ninja shit" haha. But that was mostly frustration from me having to watch the series as it released weekly and having to go through all the fillers. I definitely appreciate this story more on the rewatch as I'm older and can binge episodes and skip fillers as I please.


3 episodes next week is a must for a perfect reaction

Mark Stein

happiest day of my week, Im not even joking, this lockdown is being my doom.


Praying with all my heart we get a triple drop next week


when Chris asked if America were the bad guys technically that's perspective based. Japan targeted a military base so everyone basically signed up to fight to the death for their country. America targeted innocent people killing thousands of men, woman and children who had no say in anything that happened. then you can argue the fact that more people might have died if that hadn't happened. Perception is everything, and everyone perceives differently.

Chaos T

To Nahid's point about Mutually Assured Destruction, historians have labeled the time from the end of WWII to now as "The Long Peace". While there have been proxy wars, I don't think the top 40 economies in the world have fought one another since then. You have to go back to the days of Pax Romana (27 BC) to find a time period similar to the one we're currently experiencing in terms of total peace. It doesn't seem like it but we're living in arguably the most peaceful time in human history.

Mike Drop

These were some good reactions and discussions. I agree that we will need a triple drop to finish the year !!

Chaos T

In WWII they were. That's one of the few wars where there definitely was a good and bad side even though both sides committed atrocities. It's hard for me to feel any real sympathy for the Japanese, just like the Germans, given the Nazi like shit the Japanese did in Asia. It gets forgotten but Japan killed nearly as many innocent people in Asia as the Nazi's did in Europe.


Pain is absolutely Troy Baker's best work. Other than Madara, Pain was one of the best villains in the series, and it was largely thanks to Troy Baker's performance for me.

Hank yang

Perfect timing for triple drop next week


Someone in the comments on YouTube really said "You guys watched the OP like you're avoiding Itachi's sharigan" 😂😂


triple drop next week? would be nice.


I disagree with Nahid. Naruto is a show for all ages, as long as you get the concept of what pain is saying then you're not missing any type of information. What pain says is pretty blatant. You don't need to know the real life historical background of things because it doesn't effect the anime's story itself. Yes there are connections from the real world to the show but not knowing the connections isn't going to hinder the understanding the story.

Chaos T

In that war, it's hard for me to look at it from the Japanese perspective. Modern day Germany acknowledges what they did in WWII and have called it their great shame. Japan... not so much. China is still salty because Japan never really apologized for their atrocities there and rightfully so. Part of it is our fault because we needed Japan as a strategic base of operation after WWII so the Japanese government got off relatively light compared to the Germans. I find the argument of looking at it through their perspective in WWII much the same way Southern Sympathizers try to minimize what the Confederacy was fighting for. Japan was very Nazi like in the war and no nuanced perspective will change what's objectively true. They killed 10 million people based on their aggressive actions. It's the forgotten Holocaust.


The Third Hokage kind of explained where the other half of the 9 tails is during his fight with Orochimaru.

Keep It Zen

Love that Chris brought up Akira as a parallel since Kishimoto was greatly inspired by that film and he says it’s his favorite.

Bliss 28

Why didn't they keep episode 130 on vimeo. Please put it back on vimeo



Daniel Gotenks

No minato divided the nine tail into the yin and yang. He put the yang in naruto and put the yin somewhere else. The key is what releases the nine tail.


Pain's theme is called "Girei" and it is forebodingly awesome


Please do more frequent drops


just watch the opening LOL

Abdul Manneh

Watch monster, psycho pass,berserk then come back and say that. Top in naruto but it stops there


Oh god Mr Gamakin is here, it’s like watching an arthritic geriatric try to pop and lock. So ungraceful.


Oh and guys, the effectiveness of Rona antibodies is still an unknown, and you certainly can still be vectors, be careful.

Kamina 1

Tripple drop to finish the yr off strong in memory of losing Jiraiya boy. Also a Christmas gift to your loyal fans lol. I believe you did something similar to this last yr, or the yr before.

Abdul Manneh

Him and itachi but I still prefer the sub voice actor for tendo pain


Suraj mentions they can watch the intro starting ep 134. Um, without spoiling anything, shouldn’t they wait until 138/139?

Dominic Caciappo

uh no they come out every wed like they have for like the last year, stop being entitled.

Dominic Caciappo

no thanks, rather not have them watch an opening full of insane spoilers, just so you can pre cum.


Man you guys haven't given us 3 episodes in like months, and with Christmas coming I doubt next week will be any different. Just say your not doing it any more rather then get hopes up!


I pay you guys so gots the right to say how I feels damnit.. I'm not that mad but it sucks and its false advertisement I say!!

Richard Cabanas

On behalf of the literal other HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of fans, we fucking LOVE YOU guys, please do not listen to the pointless criticism of some "fans" you guys are literally watching a million shows so although we love the Naruto reactions, PLEASE take ur time with them, it's all good. At the end of the day it is important that you guys can calmly enjoy the show for what it is and not rush it. Much Love!🖤

Dominic Caciappo

That is no false advertisement, triple drops were never set in stone, they are a bonus, oh no you don't get one extra episode a month, what a terrible atrocity, its almost like covid has made everything much more difficult and maybe giving entitled naruto fucks a single extra episode a month is just not exactly a priority.

Dominic Caciappo

Why would you say anyone is losing Jiraiya boy? before calling yourself a loyal fan you might want to do a double take on your comment...


theres always the vocal minority and the silent majority. and the most of us are just glad that you are all reacting to this show that we love and were here for the ride through it with yall.


Fire! I can’t wait for you guys to watch the rest of this arc!


Yes it takes its leap, looks like it’s going to land, but then promptly falls into the dark abyss known as the 4th Great Shinobi War arc - one of the worst Arc’s and ending to a series i’ve ever seen in the anime/manga medium

Richard McClure

It is the yang inside naruto loved the reaction have good holidays


Hi, I contracted cancer from this comment section, could you please work with the Make-A-Wish foundation to triple drop next week? I'm an entitled man child so I think it technically counts, and plus I used my mom's credit card to pay you a few bucks in the pursuit of instant gratification, so technically I’m your boss. This is literally the most important thing ever, and I cant last long at anything (ladies?😏) . *Sigh* us nice guys just can’t catch a break, am I right @Dustin Carter 😔? I might be a little bit special though, because I actually know the whole plot of Naruto. It's an exclusive club, but I'll go ahead and sprinkle in some unsolicited tidbits here and there to make sure that you have my objectively correct interpretation of the show. And if you're lucky, I might even throw in a racial slur on the house. Just doing my part to make sure this experience is as unpleasant and uncomfortable (ladies?😛😺) for you all as possible, because nothing gets better reactions than complaining and coercive obligation. I’m legally entitled to what was always a bonus and never promised in the first place. I'm not just a vocal minority with an inferiority complex, and I'll never give up (Believe it!) until you associate this shit fandom with one of the greatest shows of our childhood. Very much disapoint, I'm taking my five dollars and going back to Roblox.


Suraj was quarantining for some time, and Chris before him. It's been widely documented that a person with mild illness is no longer infectious past 10 days after the onset of symptoms. I'm sure they sat at home for at least 2 weeks. Lucky more people didn't have to sit out. Antibodies or not, nobody wants to be that person who somehow got covid twice. Reinfection does happen. Just stay safe and mindful of others. Cori is an MD, no? I'm sure she wouldn't have let Suraj leave the house if he could put others at risk. At this point, everyone's just back to square one. No one's sick. Just keep doing what you're doing, be safe, wash your hands, hang in there. Thanks for another awesome reaction. Have a Merry Christmas, everyone!


nah its new years next week, they should take a well deserved holiday break.


Just gonna leave this here, but Tsunade didn't have a crush on Orochimaru.. She said to Jiraiya that if she were to date either him or Orochimaru she'd choose Orochimaru over him.


Pain's theme is sexy

rickie woodson

i so dont get the over reaction to the intros and outros. you will see characters you DONT know and go "i wonder who that is"....there is no dialogue so............whats the problem? and ok you dont want to look it 1. skip it or 2. close your eyes no reason to freak out like a plague or zombie is after you lol oh normies

rickie woodson

what the coming to america does chris have on lol

rickie woodson

you didnt learn about world war 2 until college....and im older than you...and learned about it in middle school....including how every country has one nuke thats why there hasnt been another world war....this info has also been in tons of shows (xmen), movies and comics.....nah bro its YOU not us. so glad i was not born in the 90s, #dumb #clueless #fixtheamericaneducationsystem chile..........................

rickie woodson

in fact, captain planet did it before naruto. 1992 "if its doomsday, this must be belfast". look it up!

rickie woodson

chris is right. its called the middle path. there is no evil or good, it just is. yin is darkness and female. yang is light and male. acknowleging your feminine power and dark impulses despite what is between your legs is an example of walking the middle path, balance in all things instead of being on the extra ends, that is the way all life should be cause that is the way NATURE is. humans have become corrupted and therefore detached from nature, hence the creation of tribes (geeks, jocks, etc) and other man made nonsense.


Triple dropppppppp next week plz


Alright shit getting started


Triplo drop next week come on

Chaos T

Am I wrong in saying that Madera's character design is one of the best in anime? I've seen this damn series twice already and I'm still left with the impression "man... he's so god damn cool looking".


They didn’t skip the intro to make it easier for Hunter in the editing process when he syncs them with Navi .

Storm King

Nahid is always bad with words so I do not think he was really trying to say that it is show for adults only. I think the the main point he is trying to make is what you and everyone else was saying, "you can appreciate the concepts of the show more as an adult or with more understanding of how it compares to our world".

Storm King

Thank you!!!!! Glad I'm not the only one that understands this.


A triple drop next week would make a lot of sense (not just because of the 3 next episodes, but because the next few 20~30 episodes would feel way better to watch 2 at a time, if next week releases a odd number of episodes)


Next week should be a triple drop for this fight

Bayar Bajelori

3 episodes next week please!!!!


Every country does not have one nuke lol. There's only 5 countries officially and absolutely fewer than 10. And there haven't been "world wars" in the sense they've been named that but the Korean War alone took 5 million lives and it's often taught as a side note in the post WW2 world. Many more deaths than Pain was talking about avoiding.

Fred Carmichael

Everything lines up for a triple drop: last week of the month AND year (plus 2020 was a shit year). 3 episodes that conclude a mini arc. We havent got a triple drop in a while. Episodes that go together well. A triple drop would be perfection


so what you're saying is...female = darkness. *scribbles notes*

Lively Nili

Pls do a triple drop, guarantee you won't regret it

Abdul Manneh

Right at the theme drop as soon as he ended the sentence was spot on

Tim Xi

if you're gonna talk about "guarantee", it literally hurts them more by doing triple drops. them doing it is just a favor to us.


plsss a tripple bebeeee


triple drop pls :) pls pls


Reacción triple por favor 😁😅


If there was any time to do a triple drop. Next week would be the week


triple droooooooooooooop




They should do a triple for the next few weeks tbh

Terald Freeman

Can yall please do a triple drop from now on its getting good please 🙏🙏


Just put out 1 episode this week and set up next week to end on a major event.


i'm just praying for the tripple drop tomorrow...

Karman Wilmot

Episode 130 link isn't working 😔