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Ziggy and Nick pull a crate to make some extra cash while Avon is looking out for Dee in prison... 

Yet still, Sobotha meeting Clay Davis was top tier! lol

uncut: https://vimeo.com/491755324/5ac6e78952


The Wire - 2x3 Hot Shots - Group Reaction

Ziggy and Nick pull a crate to make some extra cash while Avon is looking out for Dee in prison in The Wire Season 2 Episode 3! The Normies review and discuss the episode after the reaction! --- NEW MERCH! https://thenormies.threadless.com/ --- COMIC BOOKS!! https://thenormiesllc.com/ols/products/the-normies-comic-book Gaming Channel link: https://www.youtube.com/thenormiesgaming Weekly Show Schedule: https://www.facebook.com/TheNormiesGroup Support us on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/thenormies Link to our Discord: https://discord.gg/thenormies You can send stuff to us at PO 785 Fishers, IN 46038 Check out our social stuff too: facebook - facebook.com/thenormiesgroup twitter - @the_normies Instagram - @the_normies snapchat - thenormies


Ruben Lopez

Always look forward to these reactions.

Kenneth thomas

Just became a premium patron again to watch more of these Wire reactions! S2 has always been one of my favorites despite it being known as a slower one. Also I just overheard an NPC talking about Frank Sobotka in Cyberpunk.


When you're talking about how Nick and Ziggy could get another job, remember the conversation between D'Angelo and Shardene in season 1: "Do something else." It's different circumstances and there's some truth in what you're saying, but everyone in this show is trapped to some extent. For the Sobotkas and people like them, the docks aren't just a job. They're a culture and a family.

Kiana B.

hahahaa the hot shot predictions lol.

Kiana B.

all of y'all was feeling that kiss, folks was turned on lmaoo, same.

Nerd Going Outside

Great episode! A couple of things jumped out to me from the discussion: 1) You were talking about how Nick/Ziggy could get other jobs instead of sticking with the dockwork and the union and stealing to get by, and it made me think of D'angelo. He had that monologue at the end of last season where he talked about being brought up in the game, how it's a family legacy and that's all you know. Unions are all about group solidarity... a lot like the game, actually. This show is all about how our institutions effect people's lives and it really felt like that was a parallel. Blue collar union work started getting rough in the 70s and selling drugs became more violent in the 80s but despite the challenges you still have these people brought up in those institutions struggling and doing whatever they have to to get by because it's how they were brought up, it's all they know, and breaking free of that is really really hard. 2) A slight correction - it isn't the union money Frank is handing out on lobbying, windows, to struggling union guys etc. It's the money the Greeks pay him to help them smuggle shit off the docks. Frank is all about the union and helping it survive. He wants to repair the grain pier so they get grain ships and dredge the harbor so they get bigger ships so that there is more work for all these union guys struggling to get hours, and to accomplish that he's doing dirt with the Greeks in exchange for cash to try and save his/their way of life. Like you say, it's similar to coal - probably futile, but he's committed to trying. Just like the other guys the union is all he knows. Loving the reactions all. :)


This season is really underrated imo

Kamina 1

Damn, Ziggy is already getting on you guys nerves so much 😆

Gaïa New Gate

I don't know if you guys noticed but Mr Pornstache is actually The leprechaun in American Gods lmao


Love how y’all keep being disappointed by all the characters in turn. Stay optimistic guys, I’m sure a hero will turn up eventually.


To add to your point about how Frank is using the money he makes from the Greek. The Union doesn’t really have any money, Like what Valcheck says in the beginning, their Local doesn’t have 100 guys paying dues currently. Which is what clues him in to the idea that Frank is doing the dirt. Normally a Union would use the dues they collect for Lobbyists, helping out Stevedores who aren’t getting hours, and buying stained glass windows. But since they’re not getting enough dues Frank has to supplement the Unions income to keep the Union from collapsing.


One of the best examples of the frame-within-a-frame shot this episode was D'Angelo in the library. The shot mirrors the shot of the door closing on McNulty in a really cool way. McNulty and D'Angelo are both out in the cold, so to speak.

Enver Doran

Where is Mickey s reaction?

Morgan Nicolas

11:00 Do liberals ever consider where the money has to come from?