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Episode 8 of Pacific got us very emotional and extremely humbled. We decided that instead of a poll, we'd focus today's post on remembering Sgt. Basilone's heroism at Guadalcanal and Iwo Jima. 

In the honor of his memory, we've assembled 2 inspiring quotes about John Basilone and added a famous quote by Basilone, which was also included in this episode. 

More on John Basilone's life story and military accomplishments can be read in Jim Proser's book titled "I'm Staying with My Boys: The Heroic Life of Sgt. John Basilone."

Pfc. Nash W. Phillips, who was with Basilone on Guadalcanal, recounted the intense scene:

“Basilone had a machine gun on the go for three days and nights without sleep, rest or food. He was barefooted and his eyes were red as fire. His face was dirty black from gunfire and lack of sleep. His shirt sleeves were rolled up to his shoulders. He had a .45 tucked into the waistband of his trousers.”

Jim Proser: 

“Sgt. Basilone in his personal humility and unwavering dedication to the men who served with him, became a true hero of the American people during World War II.” 

John Basilone: 

“Never fear your enemy, but always respect them”




Basilone was from Raritan NJ which is a town over from me. There’s a statue and an annual parade in his honor. Also some buildings and bridges and fields named after him

Joe Mags

It's powerful!

Chaos T

Thank you for posting this, Normies. Here are the official citations for his Medal of Honor and Navy Cross. Congressional Medal of Honor: The President of the United States of America, in the name of Congress, takes pleasure in presenting the Medal of Honor to Sergeant John Manila John" Basilone (MCSN: 287506), United States Marine Corps, for extraordinary heroism and conspicuous gallantry in action against enemy Japanese forces, above and beyond the call of duty, while serving with the First Battalion, Seventh Marines, FIRST Marine Division in the Lunga Area. Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, on the night of 24 - 25 October 1942. While the enemy was hammering at the Marines' defensive positions, Sergeant Basilone, in charge of two sections of heavy machine guns, fought valiantly to check the savage and determined assault. In a fierce frontal attack with the Japanese blasting his guns with grenades and mortar fire, one of Sergeant Basilone's sections, with its guncrews, was put out of action, leaving only two men able to carry on. Moving an extra gun into position, he placed it in action, then, under continual fire, repaired another and personally manned it, gallantly holding his line until replacements arrived. A little later, with ammunition critically low and the supply lines cut off, Sergeant Basilone, at great risk of his life and in the face of continued enemy attack, battled his way through hostile lines with urgently needed shells for his gunners, thereby contributing in large measure to the virtual annihilation of a Japanese regiment. His great personal valor and courageous initiative were in keeping with the highest traditions of the U.S. Naval Service. Navy Cross: The President of the United States of America takes pride in presenting the Navy Cross (Posthumously) to Gunnery Sergeant John Manila John" Basilone (MCSN: 287506), United States Marine Corps, for extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty while serving as a Leader of a Machine-Gun Section, Company C, First Battalion, Twenty-Seventh Marines, FIFTH Marine Division, in action against enemy Japanese forces on Iwo Jima in the Volcano Islands, 19 February 1945. Shrewdly gauging the tactical situation shortly after landing when his company's advance was held up by the concentrated fire of a heavily fortified Japanese blockhouse, Gunnery Sergeant Basilone boldly defied the smashing bombardment of heavy caliber fire to work his way around the flank and up to a position directly on top of the blockhouse and then, attacking with grenades and demolitions, single-handedly destroyed the entire hostile strong point and its defending garrison. Consistently daring and aggressive as he fought his way over the battle-torn beach and up the sloping, gun-studded terraces toward Airfield Number 1, he repeatedly exposed himself to the blasting fury of exploding shells and later in the day coolly proceeded to the aid of a friendly tank which had been trapped in an enemy mine field under intense mortar and artillery barrages, skillfully guiding the heavy vehicle over the hazardous terrain to safety, despite the overwhelming volume of hostile fire. In the forefront of the assault at all times, he pushed forward with dauntless courage and iron determination until, moving upon the edge of the airfield, he fell, instantly killed by a bursting mortar shell. Stouthearted and indomitable, Gunnery Sergeant Basilone, by his intrepid initiative, outstanding skill, and valiant spirit of self-sacrifice in the face of fanatic opposition, contributed materially to the advance of his company during the early critical period of the assault, and his unwavering devotion to duty throughout the bitter conflict was an inspiration to his comrades and reflects the highest credit upon Gunnery Sergeant Basilone and the United States Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life in the service of his country. source https://valor.militarytimes.com/hero/1829


Its really cool to see you guys so into and respectful of the veterans and their stories. As someone that spent 8 years in the service this warms my ❤. Especially NOW in these times. You guys should check out THE LIBERATOR on Netflix. Its a true story and i was so moved by it.


This is an amazing tribute normies

Rando calrissian

Class act normies men like this deserve to be respected and remembered for as long as we're on this planet


as an iraq veteran myself who saw combat i appreciate yawls deference towards those who served, i can tell you take these alittle more serious then others and not many would