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Is Donnette the worst? 


Kamina 1

First time i watched through it was a hard YES. Hated her guts. Now I'm just like "yes" lol


Nope. String is. Absolute dog. Donnette is heartless but she's trying to keep close to the men at the top. She's definitely no worse than Brianna who is probably Donnette v1.0

Chaos T

She's up there. Hard to say yes when there's a lot of bad people on this show.

Jan Pospisil

She's bad, but not The Worst of The Wire. A certain S3 momma comes to mind.


She’s the best


Donnette is just young and may grow up to become a better person. To be honest there aren't any good people on this show.


Seeing how Stringer has been scoping Donnette out since S1 Ep2 when he twirled her around at the get together. She is either 1A or 1B.


Beatrice Russel, and a certain character that doesn’t smell good.

Ruben Lopez

Shes super trash. Girl's gotta have a code.




People gotta realize, Stringer and DeAngelo are essentially just "co-workers". They aren't blood like him and Avon. String doesnt owe DeAngelo anything. Which will become obvious very soon.


Levy the attorney is probably the worst person on the show until you get to S4.

The Answer

Did you just spoil them on purpose 🤔 😳 💀 why waste your money 💰


Donette is just as bad as DeAngelo, for being with the girl the dancer in orlandos that Lester seemed to have an interest in. So they are both cheats. Of course our fondness for DeAngelo might cloud that fact. For me it is moreso Stringer i cannot stand right now, due to the fact of what he is doing. I am wondering how would Avon react to knowing his nephew being played like this by his right hand man? Besides I know for a fact Stringer can get any other girl, so why her?


D'Angelo was also cheating on her, so...I honestly don't even dislike her? *shrug*


She is. Right now. In season 2 of 5. All in the game baby!


Shit, I never even thought about that. Good point...but a stranger vs his Boss. I guess she doesn't Wallace or anything else bad String did by D though...


Not even close, by any measure you choose to use. I mean, she's not great. But far from the worst.

Michael Kang-Beats

Same people who believe the most unforgivable thing to happen in Breaking Bad was Skylar cheating.