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The awesome and tragic tale of Jiraiya the toad sage. A story of fate, of time, of some increasingly heavy stuff, geez Shippuden, you okay?

Episode 127

Reaction https://youtu.be/K5pNkCpZ_d8

Uncut https://vimeo.com/491234073/afb1c12149

Episode 128

Reaction https://youtu.be/vx9UiDRZDfA

Uncut https://vimeo.com/491234321/e1c78227dc






yes! <3


The Tale of Jiraiya the Gallant 🐸🔥



Brendin Ivey

I’m watching uncut prolly the next 15 episodes lol


Also, just throwing this back in the air again... December 30th would be a GREAT time for a triple drop in honor of the Toad Sage. 131-133. Putting it in the universe 👀🤘🏾


Practice what you preach in replies.

don’t call me lev

Jiraiya’s Story 🙏🏾🙏🏾 Can’t wait to watch you see guys see it unfold. Also, us Naruto fans would greatly appreciate it if a triple drop of 131 -133 happened to end this year off with a blast 🤞🏾🙏🏾. Thanks for your hard work

Jarryd Thompson

Finially y'all show the know pain and come to understand true pain


Jiraiya hype! 🐸

Kamina 1

😂 Navi's HAD IT with you fuck ups lmao that editing was perfection Hunter.

don’t call me lev

Heat upon heat upon heat these upcoming episodes 🔥


Love these episodes a 131-133 triple drop would be hype and appreciated


In the words of the Great Chris Johnson: Please STFU.

Devin Hahn

Do any of their higher tiers have the next few episodes available? Or is this the furthest they’re at right now? I’m on the $10 tier




Also, the war Jiraiya and the other sannin got their names in the second great ninja war. Minato and Kakashi fought in the third. Even the sub got it wrong unfortunately.

Adrian Eccelston

Hopefully other people say it too so you guys will see but the anime got it wrong. They got their names as Sannin in the 2nd Ninja War, not the 3rd.


Episode 129 is where one of the best openings of the show starts.

Flex i cute

That one character that looks like Tsunade’s love Dan Kato is actually from the same village as Kakuzu. The Village Hidden in the Waterfall.

Eric Quan

For Christmas, can we have 131,132, and 133 released at the same time :(


Yup, was a dubbing error. To further clarify, they said the third great ninja war was where kakashi got his sharingan.

Flex i cute

Wow that was a very thought provoking discussion 👍. Great foreshadowing for later discussions!


At the end of December please do triple drop 131 132 133, as Christmas gift for patrons ❤️


God, I love Jiraiya


Them come up with all these theories in 128 was great haha

Chaos T

Shout out to Chris with that Bunk coat. Trying to do his best impression of Springer Bell from the latest episode of The Wire.


I CA'T WAIT until the next few episodes! ahh man! I really love how much they all enjoyed the lore, especially Mickey and Chris. I hope we can get a Nahid and Rana reaction to these episodes. Thank you Normies

Alex cleveland

Jiraiya, definition of a GOAT sensei. ❤️🐸


i cant go through this arc again. i tear up just thinking about it


cry no jutsu


You guys are watching some lame version. Missed the entire fight between the sannin and hanzo lol/


I know this is the 1000x time but next week triple drop would fit really well


I had forgotten they lore drop sage of six paths in these episodes...some hype arcs incoming!!!!!


Didn’t the sannin fight hanzo in the second war?


Damn, can we get Nahid and Rana to record their reactions separately?


Hope we get a tripple drop 131 - 133, we need it.


I hope they triple drop at the end of the month. This is one of the most important triple drops in the show lol


Please do a triple drop of 131-133! It will make the viewing for you guys and us much better and it fits it together very well. Also it would give you guys and us 140-141 at the same time too!


Can't wait for ep129. For Sign

Pervy Sage

this is my favorite discussion so far, I really wish Nahid and Rana were there as well

Chaos T

Chris is right. It's hard to recommend this show to people who want to get into anime. I hope we do get a Naruto Kai at some point.

rickie woodson

orochimaru is a tortured soul who feels too much. so much death and violence he just wanted to end all the pain for himself and his people. and the further down that path he went the more unhinged and depraved he became. i get him. like i get sammy. and mystique.


Yes i want a "naruto kai" so bad!! If we can just get the essential canon episodes in the way they were written in the manga it would be great. I mean people can always just read the manga but i think Naruto has done such a good job at setting the tone of an episode with their music choices so that's why i rewatch the show so much but because of the long episode list i always prefer the manga over the anime in terms of actual story content. Hopefully within the next decade they will give us a more condensed version of the show! (but they have to keep all their original music lol!!)


I don’t use their discord channel but if anyone does, please let them know to triple drop at end of the month for 131-133! It seems like they read discord!


So are they going to be skipping the next opening since it contains some spoilers in it?


Please normies can you bless us with a triple drop at the end of the month. 🔥🔥


I think the Normies kind of glossed over the fact that this guy Hanzo literally 1v3'd and WON against the legendary Sannin of the leaf.

MarkeMarke .

usally never comment. But just have to say. im so hyped for the upcoming arc. and Pain is my favorite Character of all of anime.


Is it just me, but I didn't get the same impression at all. Sure, he might be feeling oddly nostalgic given his history in that region during the 2nd ninja war. But Jiraiya had no reason to believe the 3 didn't actually die when he first got the news, and that hasn't changed now. Jiraiya has no reason to suspect who is behind the shenanigans in the Hidden Rain. He is going in blind.


Yeah I thought the same. The scene will be repeated so hopefully they catch it the next time

Johnny Blue

I agree. Shippuden alone has 240+ pure filler episodes. That's tough to commit to even for seasoned anime watchers. The series needs a competent Abridged adaptation.

Alex cleveland

These next 40 some eps of Naruto is prob some of the best anime moments, storytelling, fighting, and emotion Ive seen in anime. Its all pure HYPE🔥🔥🔥

Johnny Blue

Yes, they didn't watch it until 134. They have a list of when they can watch OPs without getting spoiled.

Johnny Blue

And the show briefly went over how the Hidden Rain is tough to infiltrate and gather intel because of how controlled it is. And almost every Akatsuki member's body they've taken down so far has been destroyed or are unrecoverable.

Johnny Blue

We've been campaigning here instead. Discord has a no begging rule.

Johnny Blue

That was exclusive to the DVD's and Asia/AUS release of the show. Hulu/Amazon doesn't have those scenes.


I think there's a problem with the audio or maybe because nahid and Rana are missing 🤔

William Pahau

are we convinced yet that naruto will always be better than mha cause im right here .


Finally the next two episodes 😭 129-130 they’re my favorite

Gerard Lelouch

I get what you're saying about Naruto , I feel the same way with one piece. I know many people who would love One Piece , for the same reason you love , One piece has very interesting real world topics and the author has a very clever writing on it (Governement conspiracy , corruption , racism , slavery...) But how can you convince someone to watch an anime with 900+ episodes , it's impossible and I understand ^^ And there is no shortcut possible , well except the manga of course but it demands commitement too


These next 10-12 episodes are about to be a wild ride. Good luck. God speed. Hope to see you all on the other side


It’s been a long time coming but we finally get to see Kishimoto metaphorically punch the Normies in the nuts repeatedly. The next 40 episodes should be fun.


Then it goes down hill quick and the series turns to shit. These episodes are great though. Would have been best if the series wrapped up sooner after this.

Keep It Zen

Is Chris writing the descriptions? x)

Benjamin Donahue

Not going to read all of the comments to see if this is in here already. By this point you've seen the parts I'll bring up but the total will never be spelled out in series/manga (not sure if they will in Boruto). You are correct that Tsunade is in her 50's and using a jutsu to look young, however that's actually a need and not a question of vanity. You're aware of her Genesis Rebirth Jutsu that ultimately makes her able to heal any wound while active. It does that by forcing cells to divide at an accelerated rate however the draw back to that is that the cells in the human body can only divide a finite number of times through out our lives, and the changing of this process is what we call ageing. The more she uses that jutsu she actually cuts her total life span shorter and this is also why when she is weakened she looks significantly older than she should. She is 50 but because of using that jutsu her body might as well be 80+. Constantly using her Chakra to keep herself in operational condition and still going further into combat combined with the background we have for her is largely why Tsunade is my favorite female character in this franchise. This ALSO kinda justifies why she's always behind the desk lol.


I can’t wait to watch you guys react to this next arc!!!!


completely unrelated and unimportant question... why is nahid and micky changing their hairstyles? They seem to be going for the long-haired... I mean it's no issue.. just wondering lol I just thought they were a lot more attractive with shorter hair like back in their ATLA reactions


what episode are they on now? I mean they mentioned thanksgiving in the video, so maybe right now (mid December) they should be done with episode 134?


Not saying I didn't enjoy the reaction without them, but since they've been known to take the time to watch extra Naruto is it possible we could get Nahid and Rana's reaction to these episodes recorded to watch?


They both had long hair for a while . Both got hair cuts at some point this year . It grows


wish they had a Sannin series tbh


huh? Lady Tsunade is hokage she has to do paper work too... that's being part of hokage it's part of the job


This was seriously everything I hoped it'd be you guys are the best. Only thing that would've made it perfect was Nahid and Rana

Abdul Manneh

Prequel itself of the past war era especially warring states era would have been a good watch instead we get boruto

Abdul Manneh

With all its problems I enjoyed naruto more. Mha s3 and s4 were meh

Abdul Manneh

The fact that most fans telling me it takes 50+ ep to get good tells me its not worth it. Watched 30 or so ep and dropped that trash


So like, 131-133 has to be a triple drop right? They wouldn't leave us off at 132 in a couple weeks would they?

Jed U

Really hoping someone warned them to not watch the openings for at least the next handful of episodes and they actually do it like they did with the subtitles previously


You should do a triple drop for 131 - 133

Alia Yanny

Do you mean for opening 6? Cause that's not really spoilery its just like the previous openings like 4 for example where it showed some fight scenes of who will be fighting who. Unless you mean Opening 7 where that actually spoils a bunch of plot points that should be avoided


Lol, you have yet to know pain, but I'm appreciating you guys trying to figure it out xD. As usual, pretty excited getting to join you guys on this journey as it's my favorite show!


Surely triple drop next week

Charlie Santoyo

Suraj shut up and keep your predictions to the end of the video, the reason why you went back to look at some parts that you missed is bc YOU WERE TALKING and not paying attention. you and micky were laughing in unfunny moments and it’s so annoying