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The mood all changed, the cels did to. We are getting that clean motion so you know it's going to be good.

Episode 123

Reaction: https://vimeo.com/491786095/2769ec5e9f

Uncut: https://vimeo.com/486470091/da699dfe5d

Episode 124

Reaction: https://vimeo.com/491783557/6f0efe2f9d

Uncut https://vimeo.com/486470261/78080326a6

*Update: Just updated the link again. You should be able to view 124 after the link is finished processing! 10 minutes or so






no triple baby yes

Brendin Ivey

Stg every time I’m like uhhh where’s naruto, they post that thang


Sasuke Shippuden 🙌🏾


The people can stop fake being impatient now


Dope we got the full Deidara/Sasuke fight 🔥🔥




Ahh the 1 o'clock drop. This actually works out perfectly for me


Because I know ppl are gunna ask (Suraj had covid- even tho they say it)


nice! right at the moment I woke up in the morning! LOL


Episode 124 not available in Australia?


124 is not available for me

Kay Scruton

124 isn't available in Australia


but wut about 125 :(

Jan Pospisil

124 also not available in Czech Republic.


124 is not available in France.

Fred Carmichael

One of my favorite naruto fights, and the normies post it on my birthday, dont know what more to ask for.


Not available here too

Redouane Akel

124 not available in Belgium ://


124 not available here in asia... thats pretty racist, man! lol jk


uh i cant watch the second one, it says its not available in my country

Xackz aple

124 not available in Mexico :(


124 isnt available in Brazil


sorry guys but 124 isn't available in the UK either


124 not available


124 not available in south Africa


If there ever was a time for a triple drop it would’ve been today, we need 125 too


124 not available....


we lost 124..


124 isn't available in the uk


124 is not available in Uruguay either


Episode 124 is limited to US and Canda only atm for everyone interested


I can't watch 124...


124 is unavailable :(

Cory Hawks

Man I wish they would have had a triple drop last week so we got 125 today. Can't wait for it.


Suraj was gonna post his own reactions to the last few episodes iirc. Have these been posted anywhere yet?


we were already on ep 133 if they do triple drop at the end of each month this year like they used to do.

Flex i cute

All I want for Christmas is episode 125 reaction lol.


FYI they made a mistranslation, it wasn't Super Fly art. It's Superflat, an art movement by Takashi Murakami. They also reference Pop art, like Andy Warhol. To fit in with Deidara's art theme


124 is unavailable even with vpn


124 is not available in Italy 😩


is diedara dub actor the same for ezio? i can't stop hearing his voice

Loic Reviews

124 not available in France, I guess we have to wait for a new edit.


Triple drop😭😭 125 is a huge moment

Kuro no Arashi

i will never understand people like u, but have a great day and stay healty. :)


Cant wait for 125



Ali Atiea

Oooof 124 not available in UK, YOU LIL' TEASERS 😏



Gabriel Moreira

Cant see 124 In Brazil guys...

Kamina 1

Sasuke wasn't even trying to kill Deidara. The whole time whenever he had a chance to kill buddy, Sasuke just asked him about Itachi lol


Don’t use subtitles for episode 125 it spoils the whole show basically lol

J Hunte

Since some countries can’t view 124, I think 125 should get a specialty drop 😌

eli uzumaki

Are they triple dropping today or sum?


Im glad suraj is back hes my favorite reactor for Naruto


sorry but sasuke's big brain moment here is a lot better than shikamaru's.. he did it during the first encounter of the enemy too.. well i guess the sharingan is a huge boost


Guys use usa vpn it will work


Just to clarify guys, substition jutsu it's one of the most basic jutsu's ever, the lowest Gennin could do it, but the way you use it tells a lot a bot your skill level. Ex¹: a low level shinobi would use the jutsu on the most obvious way, where everyone can see him, way earlier than he should, and everyone realized what he just did, fooling no one. Ex²: a skilled shinobi (like Kakashi or Sasuke) would make sure that the no enemy has any line of sight towards him before using the substitution, like dodging an enemy attack passing behind a tree, creating a clone, and sending the clone foward to people think it was him, like Kakashi has done dozens of times, making nearly impossible for the enemy to realize he just changed places with a clone.

Kay Scruton

Can we at least get an update on when 124 will be available for everyone outside the US and Canada?


Normies are you guys planning to triple drop at the end of this month? Because if everything goes as scheduled it will be crucial to end this month with the triple...just saying 😌


sorry but we need suraj in reactions.. he's the hype man of the team!

Rasmus Kjær Poulsen

Can you fix the country problem. Cant watch 124 where i live


Tobi is a good boy. He tries his best.


Hi there! Sorry about that. We've updated the link, so it should work now.


Nope, still not available.


Not working in Brazil


Uh it still doesn't work...


Still not working in Germany


The way I see it, yeah, Sasuke is stronger than Gaara, but this fight shouldn't be held against Gaara. Sasuke is literally the worst person to go against Deidara


Still not working in Sweden.

Zerras Lo

Please make sure to mute the subtitles in the next few eps there's some major spoilers in them :/


I would definitely disagree. Like you said, sasuke perfectly hard counters deidara, and deidara was holding back against gaara because he couldn't kill him, deidara > sasuke here. I don't think this sasuke is beating gaara either. If sasuke had any nature other than lightning, say fire and wind or fire and earth for instance, sasuke would've been killed. Wouldn't see this sasuke surviving a fight against any akatsuki member except for hidan, cause hidan is trash lmao


no suraj and no triple drop? depression


Still not working in Brazil


Gaara would not have survived those nano size explosives so Deidara > Gaara I’m sorry


still not working in germany

Kishan P

deidara didn't take enough clay to the battle remember? so technically gaara could still have won. Also if they arent in village and in neutral location it would be interesting as to how deidara would fight against sand tsunami.


My Boi Tobi. Please do 125

Mike Strider

Do yourself a favor and look up the Japanese artist Taro Okamoto. It’s what Deidara’s saying “Art is an Explosion” comes from. Also, his sculpture the Tower of the Sun inspired the form of Deidara’s final bomb.

Daniel J Ononose

“I remember that screaming pain”

Chaos T

It's funny seeing some of the Normies shit talk Tobi. Their observations aren't wrong at this point but man... I can't wait.


I know this question is a few weeks too early but will they watch the next OP or will they not because of spoilers

Randy Cooper

Loved this week's episodes but I'm waiting for next week!


Mute the subtitles in the next few please, for spoilers


Gaara vs Deidara kinda can't be used for scaling because both characters could not go all out. Deidara could not go for a kill, and Gaara had to worry about defending his village from harm. I'd argue Deidara and his C4 nano explosives are pretty much uncounterable for Gaara. Gaara has no way to deal with that. He would not even know it was happening. So I give Deidara a slight edge over start of Shippuden Gaara personally. Late shippuden gaara is another story. Regardless, Deidara, Gaara, and Sasuke at this point are firmly withing the S Rank or Kage level tier. Those tiers have a wide range of power levels(Hidan, Orochimaru, and Itachi are all S rank, for example). But still, they are all very strong. Kishimoto did this with a bunch of Akatsuki. He made a bunch of them absurdly OP against everyone but the person they die to. They person they die to tends to be a perfect counter to their gimmick.

Zen Reacts

i always skip this arc cause i find it the least interesting so ill be glad when the next finally starts

Lively Nili

"Do you want to dance as well?"


Really not that cool of a quote but I guess that episode is hype


Where’s that Seven Deadly?


Who is stronger: Sasuke or Gaara? I'm sorry, didn't you see a shiny brand new plot armor on Sasuke and an arsenal of unfair breaking-every-fight-in-Naruto weapons (substitution, Sharingan, Genjutsu) this whole time. Win or lose - it's only a plot. Plus Gaara was just outsmarted after Deidara drop a nuke on Sand Village.



Dean Li

Fun Fact: The shape of Deidara's final explosion bears a resemblance to Tarō Okamoto's Tower of the Sun. An actual building in Osaka created by someone renowned for its ''Art'' :)


Tobi is useless ? LMAO Y'ALL SHALL KNOW PAIN !!


Bruh the next few weeks is about to be fucking 🔥🔥🔥


The Deidara vs Sasuke fight is a fucking joke - the fact that chakra natures has been completely irrelevant for the vast majority of all the fights in the series, to now suddnely be the deciding factor, is stupid. Also, when Deidara used his abilities during the Rescue the Kazekage arc, he never weaved that specific hand seal. Sasuke's victory felt really cheap to me. If chakra natures were so important, maybe the yshould have been introduced early on, instead of partway into shippuuden? And chakra natures are only factored in at times it seems, since Kishimoto has a habit of downplaying them except for specific moments.


My guy, you’re missing the whole point of the fight. Chakra natures have always been a factor. WATERdragon jutus,FIREball jutsu, LIGHTENINGblade. It’s just that we as the audience have been forced to see the world through the lense of Naruto. A kid who skipped school and thought being KIA meant you must be some super cool badass. Kishimoto decided to give the us the pseudo science behind it. Like later on when the specifics of how the sharingan works are revealed. He didn’t have to. It fundamentally wouldn’t have changed how the fight played out even without the explanation. One of the thematic reasons for this fight was to display that even the simplest of Shinobi fundamental concepts can be the determining factor in a high level battle. It’s also used to parallel naruto’s battle style to Sasuke’s more cerebral style of fighting.“Someone with shuriken may be taken down by a mere pebble if thrown by a master.” Sound familiar? Sasuke won because he was smarter. That simple.


Next week is gonna be so good.


i don't know why i look at the comment section of these posts. they almost instantly make me cringe/want to gouge my eyes out. how you Normies do it... i will never understand.


Sorry Chris, but Nahid is absolutely right in the whole Deidara vs. Gaara battle. Gaara was fighting while trying to protect his entire village from a nuke. On top of which, Gaara never resorted to using the One-Tails to fight as well (probably to also save his village as he would just rampage). So Gaara was handicapped from the start. If it were Gaara and Deidara in a remote place, Gaara would most likely win. Unless Deidara pulled his suicide bomb, but we aren't going to count that lol

Chaos T

Good lord... this comment section makes the "The Normies Will Know Pain" skit funnier. I hope the people who are dropping those comments here know it's cringe af and you're an internet meme. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWlxRZRZI8U


Doubtful. I don't see how Gaara counters microscopic bombs that make you explode from the inside. though then again, I guess you could say Deidara wasn't trying to actually kill Gaara cuz they needed to extract his demon. So both were holding back quite a bit

Pervy Sage

NGL, quarantine has been good to Navi. Also missed Suraj's banana eating face, did not realize til now

The Evil Queen

It is not surprising that Sasuke uses scientific methods to fight agaisnt Deidara because he was after all the pupil of a MAD Scientist : Lord Orochimaru for more than 3 years. Sasuke was also around Kabuto during that time too, so he must have learned a thing or two during his training.


Disagree no version of gaara would survive C4 its pretty broken abilities unless you have the sharingan idk how they came to the conclusion that gaara is weak after watching deidara almost kill sasuke


I'm 100% confident they think Kakashi is still stronger than Sasuke. Kamui is the only thing Kakashi has that would be an issue for sasuke. And Kakashi sucks at it at this point. Also, sasuke can summon manda and other giant sage snakes. So they are severely underplaying Sasuke, and thus under estimating everyone else.


You're letting what happens later in the series cloud your view, by the writers own words on the page and understanding by the current powerlevels and titles in Naruto, Kakashi should be stronger, or atleast at the same level at this point. Don't let the awful power scheming that comes later confuse you, its fine they think hes stronger, Ninja battles at this point aren't all about how much chakra you have or what your bloondline is etc... at this point anyway, and its not like we've seen them fight yet

Cos M

Links are down


Such a great fight, really well thought out

Jules Eris



the reaction is private?

Michael Diaz

"Me and Suraj will be able to hang out with each other" Well until you get better that is. Since you can catch Covid more than once. Also, I guess that depends on if you guys have the same strand. You could get sick with multiple strands. Since I assume they're already better by now, that grace period is over if it ever even counted. (ALSO... Be careful to not jump the gun and think you're better as soon as you feel better. Record shows that people also often get better TWICE before it actually goes away)

Michael Diaz

TOMOE. I believe the commas in the sharingan is called a tomoe (Toh-moh, Eh)

Michael Diaz

Deidara was already a terrorist... so it doesn't matter if he was his own or part of a group. There's no reason to feel bad for him. He wasn't forced either. They convinced him. He agreed to the conditions of the fight against Itachi. And then there's the chance they may have killed him if he refused but.... I mean... a lot of bad guys are fighting and killing each other in this show already. They're the Akatsuki.


for christmas drop episode 131-133 and all of the sauske vs itatchi ark :3

Abdul Manneh

Can't relate this is a top fight for me. Transitions nicely to the next arc as well

Daniel Bouwman

i cant wait till you guys get to see the true power that is toby, his strength and story will amaze you



rickie woodson

this is what happens when you dont read comics or watch the right cartoons: huh? whats a nanite, i dont get whats gong on. did he erase him? lol

Benjamin Donahue

Naruto is leagues above DBZ/S in terms of combat writing. DBZ is a timeless classic but they destroyed any chance they had of making actual strategy credible in their franchise by making characters that can destroy galaxies and keep getting stronger. That's why everything after Cell is Trash. Not sure if Its more annoying because the strategy writing is bad but its annoying AF when it happens. Goku always loses because he's dumb or some technicality. Vegita is always pride followed by a power gap. Gohan is complacent. Everyone else is just a bench mark to show that we need a Saiyan to win. I will acknowledge the Broly Movie was great but ultimately wis they'd let the franchise rest.


I ain’t never feel the pain, cuz I felt to much pain


who cares about that. all about jiraiya. fuck sasuke


DBZ is not about "strategy", it's about the spectacle of the fight. To claim Naruto's fights are better is just wrong. Go watch every Dragonball fight, DBZ fight, and Super fight. There's more going on in those fights than you'd realize because they don't blatantly explain their strategies like Naruto does lol.


Normies, deidara had no chance vs sasuke remember that just a few episodes ago, jiraiya mentioned capturing is a lot more difficult than killing, sasuke was fighting to subdue in order to get info on itachi if he had fought to kill, it would have been easier for sasuke. most of the damage sasuke sustained was from the chidori he hit himself with. Also this is the only akatsuki to be taken down by 1 person alone every other akatsuki was taken down by the help or with prior information, sasuke didnt know anything about deidara, figured him out and outsmarted him. in fact it was almost a 2 vs 1 due to a little help from tobi setting up the bombs.

Vaidas Šukauskas

Why people even dubs after such abominations? Super fly, really? Make zero sense. It should be super flat, as in art style. Which has meaning on multiple levels, like evolving his art from pop art after getting his ass kicked by kakashi and team.


hope hunter tells them about the sun art


I own the dvds I think what happened here was a mistype in the subs from wherever they watched from. In my uncuts dvds the subtitles and the dub both say super flat.