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The teams are assembled, it's time for Sasuke Shippuden to getting ready to launch.

Episode 121

Reaction: https://vimeo.com/491788303/494a67c445

Uncut: https://vimeo.com/483606385/70f4d20cc7

Episode 122

Reaction: https://vimeo.com/491782958/ba6431fca4

Uncut: https://vimeo.com/483606616/e630a30612




Sasuke shippuden indeed

Jarryd Thompson

Almost time for the fight 😁


Second week in a row the reactions got uploaded literal seconds after I thought about them...am I being watched?


These two episodes could’ve been entitled “let’s go murk Itachi”

Pervy Sage

LETS GOO!!!!! ps: Not to sound like a perv or anything but Navi is FIRE in this vid. She's looking foine


Suraj is gonna love edgy boy sasuke.


Yay so excited❤️ Also, happy birthday to our boy, Sai❤️


My God, can’t hear a thing. Please, Adjust sound level, I watch these reactions for two reasons: watch your reaction and remind myself that happened in the show. But experience is ruined if one of this reasons are missing. It’s been all good till this moment. What happened with sound?

Kevin Kovacs

Man... I can't wait Nahid reaction to episode 125!! XDD and of course the others as well!


Sasuke absolutely understands sex. He has not one, but two goals. First, kill itachi. Second, restore the Uchiha clan, through depopulation efforts, if you know what I mean. He's more or less said as much before. He is 100% aware of the effect he has on women, and is 100% using that to his advantage, manipulating characters like Karin to do his bidding.

Kevin Kovacs

he already has Sakura and Karin in the bag soo... that's for sure at least now! XDD


can you put the English subtitles in the video overlay for us, with all the reactors in the different rooms it's very hard to hear what they are reacting to in the show


Since I don't work tomorrow due to Thanksgiving when I first saw this I thought "Wait what? It's Friday and we got Naruto? Is it a reupload, or an early drop?" All in the span of 2 seconds...then realized it's Wednesday my dudes.

LeBron is on roids #NOT TOP 10

Every Shippuden canon episode from 119 -> 256 is the peak of Shonen, aside from OG Naruto of course.


Tobi is in the Akatsuki because he is a GOOD BOY! Deidara and Tobi and Deidara and Sasori. Love both pairings. Deidara just one the best members imo


Hurricane Suite playing when Sasuke turns to see Tobi and Deidara gives me chills everytime.


Wait why are they still using the subtitles?


All this tobi talk makes me happy they've seen 125 already... and after that is one of my favorite Gaidens.. everything about to get so good for the next 15 episodes

Jason Jeffory

Get ready! The next 6 months are Naruto at its absolute peak!!


if i remember correctly two of the ninja hounds are supposed to look like naruto and gaara. the one that got paired with sakura is the one that looks like gaara.


Can you guys do triple drops again pleasee. Its getting to the goooood parts. I neeeeddd a time machine.


The best part about these batch of episodes is how a lot of their questions and theories are/will get answered back to back


They were only told to skip it at 125


Right? It’s indirect hype lol

Queef Burglar

They really should watch some episodes off camera..so we can get the good episode reactions


does anybody know if they will possibly be doing triple uploads for some of the upcoming epsiodes. Would be like an early christmas. Im going crazy with 2 episodes a week lol :p


rip triple drops




Nah, Tobi ain't important at all

Kamina 1

@Nahid Like Chris and Mickey already stated, it is pretty hard to trust someone that has watched The Wire in It's entirety, and objectively believes it to be not a very good show lol. I highly recommend you take their advice to heart regarding a re-watch. This time pay attention man. @Chris @Mickey Keep on him to re-watch the show guys. It's going to be tragic watching our boy surrounded by Wire fans once the crew finish the show, and he can't jump in to any of the conversations being had because he didn't watch the show.


Reincarnation as in the second coming of that person. Not literal reincarnation, but like, spiritual successor. I believe the same word is used in the very end of Final Fantasy Crisis Core where (spoilers for a 20 year old game) Zack is dying and he calls Cloud his "living legacy" before passing on the torch to him (literally). A different translation for the same Japanese concept.


Yeah. I think Kishimoto originally wrote him as joke character but forgot to kill him off.


Nooooo where is Suraj 😤😤😤 we got chris back now suraj is out 😕


Let suraj film with u guys i want to see his reactions for the next two this sucks ☹️😒


Sasuke did absorb Orochimaru. Remember the corpse of the White Snake leftover? Kabuto took some parts of that and put it into his body.


I've watched all of the Wire and even though i don't think it's bad, i don't think it's amazing either. It's just..."good" lol. Like a solid 7.5-8/10. It's mostly because of season 2 and 5 tbh, When a 5 season show has 2 subpar seasons, it really drags it down imo. But season 3 and 4 are amazing. And season 1 is good. Overall it's a good show, but a bit overrated imo.


It's actually bothering that suraj isn't here


Where is vinland saga finale ? I bought the premium one just to watch it and its not even on here even though the in the 1x23 they said it would be up?


Please triple drop the next one


Facts But they actually need to triple up 136 137138


https://www.patreon.com/thenormies/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=Vinland%20Saga Best filter for older stuff since Patreon is usually a few weeks ahead on stuff.


i loved your discussions about Sasuke's frustrations and ahem how he relieves it! but let me remind you sasuke has two goals, kill Itachi and restore his clan....for that he definitely needs knowledge of birds and bees! lol 🤪


I feel bad for kabuto. He was just a child used abuse by the ninja world and those around him. Anyone would grow up to be crazy.


holiday triple drop patreon exclusive release pleaseee. lov u guys


They both absorbed Orochimaru. Kabuto absorbed his body and Sasuke absorbed his essence/jutsu knowledge


They're getting close to the opening "Sign"


Just wanted to comment on what Rana said regarding Deidara wanting to fight Sasuke. It appears that some of you think that Deidara is no match for Sasuke because he was able to kill Orochimaru. Just remember that Orochimaru was very sick and nowhere near his normal power levels. I don't say this to knock on Sasuke, but more to remind you to not underestimate Akatsuki members and to not overestimate Sasuke. Great discussions as always and I'm looking forward to the next one :)


the song that plays in the beginning of 121 when kisame and itachi are talking is called "many nights" (utachis theme)


you guys should really turn the subs off there gonna end up spoiling some pretty big reveals moving forward


They're never going to listen just an fyi. People have been telling them to turn them off since the beginning of shippuden.

AyPeeElTee .

122 reaction link isnt working :(




Dumb question. I can't find the 119-120 episodes. i guess they considerated them like fillers? Or I'm missing something?


Good questions