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Hey everyone! 

We just wanted to keep you loop and let you know we're running a bit late on this one. We will update this post with the links as soon as the edit is finished within the next couple of hours!

Thank you for your patience! We're excited for you to see the reaction.

Reaction: https://youtu.be/ynSOpPrsnyc

Uncut: https://vimeo.com/463210781/1961071fdf


don’t call me lev

I want to see Pat defend Homelander after this episode 😂😭


*eyes light up red* How disappointing I was going to let you live unit this failure *Lasers all the normies in half* jk jk take your time no rush


Thanks for the update. Really looking forward to this reaction.


Can't wait! (but will)

Randy Cooper

Appreciate the update. Patiently waiting...


*getting fidgety like Homelander*

Pervy Sage

I want to see their Love Sausage reaction!!!!


I’m ready yall😏


2 hours later.....*sad noises*


Best episode so far


The beginning 😭😭😭

Pervy Sage

Brie was great here but i missed the others

Deviant Parker

Killing the vomiter and the crazy kid was justified in my opinion. If someone dangerous with a sympathetic background escapes a looney bin and attacks you, self defense is the only option in the heat of the moment. They weren't culpable, but that doesn't matter when you are under attack. Since Butcher couldn't disarm or neutralize him, killing was the only option. The car jacking was fucked, though. Almost inexcusable.


I think Starlight has been showing all season long how disillusioned she had become and showing signs she is caring less and less about individual people vs. the greater good/stop Vought. Gecko wasn’t really a bad person. He was a low level employee in the science division. Starlight point blank told him to his face that they weren’t friends and she didn’t care about him after she blackmailed him, despite him genuinely being shocked/hurt she would do this to him. I’m not saying Anne is an evil person, because she is still trying to do the right thing, but in the past we saw her agonize over trying to help people and show compassion toward them. This situation Annie didn’t care she killed that man. In the past I think she might have still done this to get Hughie medical attention, but she would have felt torn up about it and cared she had to that. Here it just seems like Starlight was just becoming numb to it. I think it is a good way to show how all of this is effecting Annie and probably highlighting she could easily turn out like Butcher, as in being willing to sacrifice innocent people to achieve her goal and not caring about it.


I think someone made a comment a couple episodes ago of about Starlight being a Karen? Yeah I don't see it.


Not sure how much you read the Patreon comments, but wanted to say that I really appreciate the crew you have for these reactions. Obviously not the whole crew is here for this one but that's 100% fine - Brie is adding a lot of energy and value to these reactions, Chris and Marketa being there adds another element, I'm just really enjoying reactions these shows (after watching on Amazon Prime obviously) with whoever is around from Normies, given other shows ending it's a highlight. Keep it up, and great editing work (I always listen to the preface and post-episode discussion after watching any uncut)

Chaos T

I have not read all of the comics but know enough plot points and story detail to say the show is better than the source material. Major props needs to be given to Eric Kripke. For a time when he was heavily involved with Supernatural, it was one of the best written shows on TV despite it being on the CW. He knows how to write great characters and it shows in The Boys.

Chaos T

With Homelander I think he's actually really intelligent however he's emotionally a child and doesn't have emotional intelligence. The first season proved he can think tactically so actual intelligence isn't the issue for him.


Homelander isn't stupid, he's emotionally unstable.


How did you get "bored" from Stormfront's look? She was clearly scared of him. And Homelander didn't burn the whole set down. He burned one trailer. The debris surrounding it WAS the set. Also, how do you not remember Lamplighter burning the children?


Chris, the gun clearly went off.


Starlight's attitude is expected at this point. It's not surprising at all.


If Maeve just put it on CNN, Homelander would have nothing to lose and kill them anyway. The threat of exposing him is the leverage. Just putting it out there would be the stupidest thing she could do.

Paul Mason

I agree. I think she's on a downward path. I think they're setting up Starlight to be a villain for S3 (maybe S4).

Paul Mason

What's Edgar's angle? He knows about/is behind the plan to stabilize V because the Sage Grove emails were from him. Is Stormfront hiding her true agenda? Does he know and think he can out-smart her? Or is it a Get Out thing and he's also a Nazi?

Chaos T

I think he might be the original Vought with some genetic changes. Edgar knowing his real history is a big clue for me.


I think stromfront and Edgar have different plans. Perfecting the forumla would help Edgar too. You could inject supermodels or more mentally stable adults. Stormfront wants it for an army tho.

Michael Wilson

The picture for the timestamp would be helpful. The start time isn't the same on Amazon.

Pervy Sage

I hate that they missed Frenchie ribbing on MM about the big penis around his neck while on the phone to Butcher


if you hit 'skip intro' it starts at that point, been doing it for the past 2 eps

Isaac Godoy

Anyone else realize what storm front meant by Homelander being “perfect”. ie his “perfect” Arian traits; white skin, blonde hair, blue eyes. I mean she could have just meant his powers but the other traits stand out way too much after her revelation of being a nazi.


Man fuck Starlight and Butcher. They just flat out killed an innocent man who was trying to help them. Starlight is a full blown murderer now. I really hope they don't try to play her off as a hero now. She's literally no different then Homelander now. In my opinion.

Tim Ott

I mean he was about to fire a weapon at Butcher. He said himself this is a stand your ground state. They stood their ground. I don't condone the death and Butcher kind of forced his hand, but self defense is self defense.