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Hey everyone! What do you all think of Band of Brothers so far? Let us know in the comments!

[Uncut]: https://vimeo.com/458281522/07ac500bbd


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Band of Brothers - 1x5 Crossroads - Group Reaction

This is a sponsored video. Welcome to the multiverse of Forks in the Timeline, the party card game where everything is possible! A game for history lovers, sci-fi and pop culture fans, alternative realities theorists and science and tech aficionados! Go find us at http://www.forksinthetimeline.com and use the coupon code "NORMIES" for a special discount. Enjoy the Timelines! Let us know what you thought of this episode in the comments and leave a like and subscribe! Be sure to stick around for The Normies Discussion after the reaction! This is Band of Brothers, Episode 5! Crossroads! --- NEW MERCH! https://thenormies.threadless.com/ --- COMIC BOOKS!! https://thenormiesllc.com/ols/products/the-normies-comic-book ---Thumbnails by Kya Gaming Channel link: https://www.youtube.com/thenormiesgaming Weekly Show Schedule: https://www.facebook.com/TheNormiesGroup Support us on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/thenormies Link to our Discord: https://discord.gg/thenormies You can send stuff to us at PO 785 Fishers, IN 46038 Check out our social stuff too: facebook - facebook.com/thenormiesgroup twitter - @the_normies Instagram - @the_normies snapchat - thenormies



One of the best shows of all time

Chaos T

Thank you for reacting to this mini-series. I believe it's one of those mini-series that everyone should watch at least once in their life. Also, I love the opening theme.


The pacific should be next i hope

Elle B.

I love these reactions! It’s educational and informative while also being gripping and emotional

n p

Michael Cudlitz does kind of look like Sean Astin in this... I mean, apparently it's already a thing that exists on google images


Loving these BoB reactions, you guys should def watch the "other part" which is " The Pacific" its all shot pretty much the same with the same quality and great story telling, obviously taking place in the Pacific theater of war instead of BoBs European front! Keep up the great stuff my dudes!


Very few of the german soldiers in this battle were SS (if any). They were conscripted soldiers like the Americans, and they conscripted citizens of the countries they controlled, including Poles

Frankie H

So Captain Winters shooting the lone German soldier in the field happened a bit different in reality. The lone german threw a grenade at Winters, and Winters threw one back. Neither grenade went off though, so Winters pulled his rifle and shot the guy. Apparently Winters put tape on his grenade pins because he was worried about his grenades accidentally going off, which is why the grenade he threw didn't explode. Also about the dude that shot Moose, he wasn't exactly a kid, it was an experienced paratrooper who was very jumpy after surviving so long, it wasn't a rookie new guy who shot Moose as it was depicted in the show. Anyway, great reaction, really fun watching rewatching this series with you guys.


One of my favorite episodes! Some notes about this episode: The precision firing on that German squad absolutely was a thing and one of the things Winters was proud of. Everyone lined up their sights and had their designated target. And with one swift bang they brought them down. Someone else touched on the lone German soldier so I'll expand on the battle itself. Winters was dumbfounded as to why everything happened the way it did. It was like everything happened in slow-motion. He noticed that the German soldiers were very lethargic. Their reaction time was so slow after noticing him. It could have been due to severe exhaustion but he noticed that they were all awfully slow to respond to anything. About Moose. There's a reason he's called Moose. The show doesn't really convey why he has that name. He is a gargantuan human being and a big booming voice. A Moose. About Dyke. I don't remember if the transition from Winters to Moose was accurate, as in Moose took over Winters, but Dyke did not take over Moose. After Moose got shot, they went through a variety of commanders and all of them supposedly sucked. (Scratch that, I have that in reverse.. there were several replacements between Winters and Moose.) As for the guy who shot Moose.. here's what I found from the book: "The soldier who shot Heyliger had been tense, frightened, unsure of himself. The incident broke him up. He was a veteran, not a recruit, Winters decided not to punish him. Soon thereafter, he was eased out of the company." His name, afaik, wasn't mentioned. The infantrymen retreating from Bastogne looking absolutely defeated was absolutely true. They were beaten and absolutely fucked up. Easy Company saw them and got as much ammo and stuff from them as they could. One of my favorite lines in the show. "We're paratroopers, Lt. We're supposed to be surrounded."


The SS was the military branch of the Nazi Party and comprised of hardcore Nazis with strict requirements to even get in based on Nazi ideology. Membership was only open to ethnic Germans but after Operation Barbarossa in 1941 rules were relaxed and continued to as the war progressed. The SS would have almost 1 million volunteers and conscrips. There foreign SS legions which put into legions by origin so there would be Norwegian, Estonian, Croatian, Ukrainian, Belarussian, Soviet, ethnic Muslims from Bosinia and Serbia, and even one compromised of men from the middle east units and even one called the British Free Corps which were British POWs that volunteered to join the SS. By late war as show in this episode the SS was a shell of it's former self due to combat causalities and combat fatigue of 5 years of war with units combining just to be combat effective. Also alot of Indian troops fought in WW2 under the British Commonwealth in both Europe against the Germans and Italians and in India and the far east against Japan, if i remember Germany had an Indian unit either in the SS or German Army. More high profile foreign units were the Spanish Blue Division which fought for Germany on the eastern front until recalled to Spaim in i think 1944, and the Brazilian Expedition Force which fought in Europe under Allied command.


In hindsight we know how genocidal the Axis Powers were... but in 1941 when we entered the war, we didn't enter it due to some desire to stop genocide, it was political and economic. We supported Britain and the Allies because we were politically aligned with Britain and shipped them weapons and equipment. Also our 'ally' in WWII, the Soviet Union was as bad and worse than Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. The Soviets genocided millions more people than the Nazis. And in the post war we let them take half of Europe to rape and pillage and oppress it. It started because Poland was invaded but we LET the USSR keep Poland and oppress it just as bad as the Germans. The fact we see WWII and our invovlement as some 'pure' and 'noble' endevaour where we had the moral high ground while Vietnam and Iraq and Afghanistan are not moral... is due to believing our own propaganda. We got a much warmer welcome from the populace in Iraq and Afghanistan than we did in Germany. The countries the Germans conquered treated us as liberators, but the Germans didn't. We were absolutely right for getting invovled in WWII, but we DID commit war crimes and we DID abandon half of Europe to half a century of oppression. We have it backwards. We weren't noble liberators and slowly became amoral invaders out for our own interests, it was the reverse.


Ahhh prepare for the glory of Foxhole Norman


"Also our 'ally' in WWII, the Soviet Union was as bad and worse than Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan" lmao, us educational system doing its job it seems lol


I wish Rana would have joined you all for this series. You may have had to stock up on tissues. It may have broken her to be honest. But I think this show, since it was a retelling of real life occurrences should be shown in high schools.


Supposedly the person that Jimmy Fallon played, George Rice, was in his family tree. Haven't seen validation but that's the rumor of why he was in it and had that part.


Also as the Germans started losing the war they started drafting in young teens and old men into the military as all their military aged men were in the service already. The same reason they had to use horse drawn carts instead of trucks at times. Because that's all they had left.