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Tensions rise as Asuma and the crew face off against the next Akatsuki duo, affectionately called the Zombie duo. A real merry bunch to square up to for sure. How will it all end? 

Episode 77

Reaction: https://streamable.com/5po9bd

Uncut: https://streamable.com/w1lu7a

Episode 78

Reaction: https://youtu.be/r8QCeT2BN5I

Uncut: https://streamable.com/7gzfhj

*Update: Here is an alternate link for our Episode 77 reaction!




Link for 77 is blocked


Ep 77 is blocked.

Jarryd Thompson

Wow its hasn't even been 2 mins and TV Tokyo already fucked us in the ass like god dam can't catch a break 😥🤬🖕🏽


I can’t watch it’s blocked lol


Gonna hit up that uncut for episode 77. It's a good episode for it, too.

spoiled milk

holy shit 77 got blocked in the matter of seconds


Can’t see 77 blocked wtf 🥴

Explorin Dylan

chill guys they got a great team it will be up sometime soon

Akash Shetty

77 Got blocked guys

Enver Doran

TV tokyo blocked 77


Wow. Our reaction to 77 was blocked right after we made this post. Please stand by! We will update this post ASAP when the new link is ready. Thank you all for your patience!


The amount of people who always say the two guards should abandon shikumara and go attack are annoying. Its almost like shikamaru is stuck in one place and can't defend himself from the other member standing right to his left if he was alone. SMH. Most of the reaction at the end compromising of yelling something stupid like abandon shikumaru.


Shikumara would have Had more stress worrying about 3 people all at once. 😭

Richard McClure

I’m sure they know but 77 is taken down


Early Naruto was too good to be true 😭😭😭


“The zombie duo” that is fitting


Fucking TV Tokyo. It's ok Normies, we know this isn't your fault. We'll be waiting patiently <3

Pervy Sage

Where's Shippuden... holy crap!! Thank you!! edit: NOOOOOOO blocked for copyright WHYYYYY


I don't get it. Reactions like these just build up the fan base, get people to revisit old episodes. And especially if the show is old and is only airing repeats I don't see how reactions could hurt their money AT ALL. Copyright take downs are out of control. No one is actually thinking about how use of their content helps or hurts them they just take them down reflexively. Like even if you have seen the series already and aren't going to rewatch it except through a reaction you're more likely to buy Merch if you're rewatching it. Do they just want people to forget about naruto or what ?


No one likes you TV Tokyo....


Copy strike jutsu!

Chaos T

To be fair to the other two in Asuma's group, Kakuzu was standing pretty close to the group and they were probably standing there just in case Kakuzu did something. It would have been tactically stupid to leave Shikamaru alone.


Yea but hidan did tell kakuzu to stay out of it i see where they coming from although izumo and kotetsu couldn’t risk it


Just so y'all know (ahem Mickey), Izumo and Kotetsu did not destroy the circle because they were guarding Shikamaru from Kakuzu. If one or both of them left, that would mean Shikamaru is defenseless and they need him for this fight. They had no way of knowing if Kakuzu would stay out of the fight for long, so they decided to protect Shikamaru instead.

Jamey Dumeus

Damn I was looking forward to it


*abides perfectly by all the fair use guidelines and restrictions, constantly promotes the official content literally every chance they get* *video gets blocked anyway* Lmao idk how you guys put up with it man, but thank you for still giving us reactions even if the world doesn't want you to 😂😂😂 take your time


EXACTLY. I can understand them going after the people who just upload whole ass episodes on YT, but reaction and commentary channels? Hell no. I'm sure The Normies have brought in a lot of new fans to the series just by them reacting to Naruto. If it weren't for this reaction series, I wouldn't have bought all the recent Naruto merch, or the merch from AWA last year.

Dylan Kelley

They weren’t helping asuma because they had to protect shilamaru. I don’t get why people don’t understand this!


77 is copyright blocked






Alright y'all, c'mon lol. First, this is anime time - the amount of time it took for Shikimaru to figure out Hidan's trick after Asuma got hurt was probably less time than y'all figured it out - and he analyzed every possible contributing factor. Second, y'all were shouting to erase the circle but there are several life-threatening possibilities to consider all at once in a short time. None of them knew 100% that the circle was the key to the jutsu. Maybe Hidan was just a fanatic that drew the circle for a symbolic purpose like Christians drink bread and wine on first Sunday lol - there was no way to know for sure until they confirmed it. Thirdly, the 2 other shinobi couldn't risk leaving Shikamaru because he isn't an offensive or defense type in one-on-one combat - he's typically meant for capturing someone. The only reason Hidan was able to be captured and get decapitated was because of Shikamaru. If ANY of them slipped up, and Shikamaru got seriously injured or died, they all would've died. The Akatsuki are all S-Class rank criminals and the only Jonin in the group is Asuma. They didn't know if Kakuza was going to attack so they HAD to assume that he might, because the chances of them winning in a one-on-one fight with Kakuzu is practically zero. Everything they did was calculated and the most informed thing they could do in that situation. Lastly, yes, the way Shikimaru explained the secret to Hidan's jutsu to the other 2 was exaggerated, but he had to tell them regardless just in case they hadn't figured it out on their own. They took advantage of Kakuzu not attacking, while protecting Shikimaru, and explained everything upfront so that they could all be on the same page and increase their chances of survival. Anyways, I'm glad y'all are enjoying these episodes :)

Siraj Khalid

77 got copyrighted. F




AHHH...Shikamaru..big brain hype!!!!!!


Normies, some openings actually contain huge amount of spoilers, you probs need to skip them in the future


Damn 77 blocked


77 is blocked :(


zombie combo is my favorite akatsuki combo for sure!!

Alex cleveland

LEGIT, Shikamaru would be unprotected and prob fucked up the whole plan if he let go of his shadow jutsu

Alex cleveland

Aye its my birthday so I appreciate the uploads Normies!!!🥳 🥳Especially for Naruto, but PLS FIX EP 77 lol. 🙏🏽😂


Its working for me now


its back up


aaiight , uncut it is. will be rewatching the cut for hunter's Tv Tokyo jabs & comedy.


if those two ran to the circle, they would leave shikamaru defenseless. in case kakazu decided to attack


YES Nahid you better tell them about the fillers!! They aren’t all unnecessary!!!




Izumo and Kotetsu can’t leave Shikamaru defenseless next to an Akatsuki they don’t know about. It would be pretty stupid for Shikamaru to ask them to do that. And Kakuzu isn’t “dumb” for acknowledging Shikamaru’s shadow abilities. It’s their first time seeing each other and whatever happens in that battle is always a surprise for both parties. It’s like how you guys witness Hidan’s jutsu for the first time in the episode.


I just found out what Nahid got spoiled on (saw the list he posted) and I’m upset 😠 YouTube reactors really need to stop fucking spoiling things in their video titles and/or thumbnails. Obviously I won’t write it here so other the Normies don’t get spoiled.


tbh the dude himself keeps reading comments and shit even when people said dont do it. He has himself to blame not the other youtube reactors

Dino Morte

I don't think everyone gets the camera angles we do and in the middle of battle their not watching it on a screen where they can analyze like we can. Only when things calm down Nd the two guys can't leave Shika while he's shadow possessing cause Kakuzu could just attack any moment lol he's a villain. While these two tired nd took him down their energized to face Kakuzu.



Kevin Kovacs

Nooo it's got blocked again... XDD

Tauan Felizardo

It annoys me how you guys cant even think that the 2 guys with Shikamaru cant join the fight. 1- Asuma ordered them to stay and backup Shikamaru 2- If they leave Shikamaru's side, their Strategist will be wide open to get killed. If you guys still think they could do something, you guys would get all your team killed. There are 2 super skilled Akatsuki there.

Brian Poston

Bruh TV TOKYO is fucking quick with the take downs


it's because they spend time complaining about how the show explains things and they don't pay attention. sooo annoying

Rasmus Kjær Poulsen

So is anything happening with Episode 77? Its blocked atm


77 is good for me . Thanks for the re-edit :)

Tauan Felizardo

Yeeees. Actually, Asuma ordered them to stay and backup Shikamaru, it even wasnt their choice. But only logical.


Well we know who won the bet😂


Well he just said his attack speed is the slowest we shouldn’t tell them they’ll know whose the strongest lol


You guys have seen Shadow Stitching before. Shikamaru used it against Sai in his introduction.


you got to stop watching the intro after this arc it will give away every thing that happens

Justin Neason

The soundtrack that starts around 19:14 in the reaction is one of my all time favorites. When those lil horns pop off at the start of a fight you know it's gettin real


Part of the experience of watching anime is the openings, so I think they should keep watching them. By you guys saying the openings are spoilery, you guys in turn are revealing spoilers. When they watch the openings they don’t look too much in to it, they don’t have the benefits of hindsight like we do.

Quinton Teratino

Nahid stop! Every naruto fan can tell you that the fillers dont matter. Stop trying to make it seem that it's a must watch. Sooner or later you'll find out how annoying the fillers will get.


Not all of them, there are fillers about Kakashi, Itachi, Orochimaru etc. There are some great fillers.


Cmon you guys. You're sitting there on a couch casually figuring it out, AND you saw his previous battle. Cut Shikamaru a break.


Been trying to say that for a long time. Hopefully they listen. They can close their eyes and listen to it until the spoilers pass. The finally have stopped looking at episode titles !


Hidan is probably the weakest in the Akatsuki despite being immortal. Can’t wait for you to see the rest of them fight.


I shared Kakuzu’s frustrations with Hidan. He mostly just complains and he made some bad decisions in this fight alone. His jutsu is deadly, but it requires him to stand in one spot, which is bad against an enemy with a restraining jutsu like Shikamaru. Instead of stabbing Asuma in the leg and indulge himself on Asuma’s suffering he should have gone for a quick kill so he could focus on the other three. By toying around with his enemy he left himself vulnerable to his enemy’s technique and sadly he was aware of this technique since he got caught by it maybe a few minutes ago. If I had to work with Hidan I would probably be short with him a lot too.


We are in the Golden Stretch of Shippuden. Enjoy it while it lasts.


Plus we have to remember while it may take a long time for us to hear the characters’ thoughts that these are also suppose to be really quick. Shikamaru maybe took a few minutes to analyze everything and figure it all out. While we might get there faster than him for the characters very little time has gone by. Shikamaru is taking all of this in way quicker than normal and able to spit it back out before everyone else could figure it out.




In my opinion, the whole rest of the show is the golden stretch lmao


give suraj some adhd meds before reactions lmfaoooo


To be fair izumo and kotetsu were ordered to be backup for shikamaru in case kakuzu attacks


Lol i also noticed suraj is way too hyper 😂😂


Was kinda hoping youd dig outro 7 more 😂😂


Terrible reaction...also the opening is top 3 all time in naruto but these fucks had to ruin that aswel..Suraj STFU u autistic shit


This is the first time I've ever seen commenters on Patreon and Youtube so mad about The Normies not paying attention. lol They're called normies for a reason. lol


At this point, I'm assuming TV TOKYO must be a patreon subscriber. lmao

Keep It Zen

The fandom is gonna send y’all back to the Academy for this one 😂😭


Every time their gaze falls on the subtitles, my heart pounds


I'm with the Normies. This OP is probably the most generic/boring in the entire series in my opinion.


At least Hidan’s got a personality


Lmao I hope the same people really this mad have that same energy for 79 😭😭😭😭😭


You guys keep reacting as if the characters have perfect knowledge of what happened like you do. Like... holy shit that shit gets triggering. None of them saw Hidan lick the blood. None of them saw the previous fights. All all of that shit happens in a few seconds (and is massively slowed down for the benefit of viewers). Shikamaru has seconds to think about all of that shit, but you all act as if he's been analysing that shit for the past 2 hours. And as some other people mentioned already, the 2 other leaf ninjas were there to protect shikamaru so he doesn't get flanked. They aren't "dumb" or "Useless". They are following orders to the letter. If they followed your advice, all 4 of them would have been killed already.


Chris, they're Zanpakuto

rickie woodson

just order a home kit at that point. thats what i did. did it yesterday, took like five minutes and thats counting reading the instructions and registering online. call fedex and BAM one day shipping and you are done


They look goofy with all the questions and shock. It’s the fault of the anime. They are literally dumb and useless in 79.


Normies please avoid intros from here on they are filled with spoilers.

rickie woodson

silver hurts vampires as well............#readmore

rickie woodson

depends on what mythology you go with. there is one where once you become a vampire your body transforms into its peak form. instant libo and face lift

Alex cleveland

And BTW Normies, U gotta understand that when u fighting for ur life and the situation is dire asf, u cant expect Shikamura to automatically assume Hidan does this and that just because he sees something unfamiliar. Shikamaru is VERY smart and patient, but most important of all careful!!!👀 U guys saying Hidan's abilities is very obvious which is ok understandable. However, Shikamaru is in the heats of a battle and one false assumption or guess can fuck up the entire squad. So Shikamaru has to be 110% sure and precise at what he REALLY TRULY sees that is the answer. 👍🏽

Alex cleveland

And plus Shikamaru and the guys didnt see everything on what Hidan and Kakazu can do. Both of their abilities r extremely weird and different.


Any chance we will get 3 weekly reaction drops soon?


Vote cozy 4 plus Navi


Also don’t watch the intro “spoilers”


op 4? Because op 4 for is boring lol I mean its forgettable af


Navi: Wow we are passing through these. Me: HA! not even close. lmao


You guys need to stop watching the intros listen to them but dont look at them screen


why though? It's basically the same for us back then


I love this arc. Shikamaru is coolest shinobi! Using intelligence, tactics, and strategy to fight is cooler than just using pure strength or special hax abilities.


just watched the Uncuts....the number of times you guys went..'cut his head off!!!' was hilarious knowing what was coming in the episode climax....:) great reaction guys!!!


They probably won’t do that. They do a lot of other stuff and they also have lives. 😂

James Keong Sin Gen

man i love this arc so much i would have loved a shikamaru shippuden type of small spin off :p


For those of you who play league of legends, does Kotetsu's voice kinda sound like yasuo?


DONT watch future openings until the major spoilers have passed. Close your eyes and listen to it until they have passed. Im sure someone can tell you when the spoilers have passed. SINCERELY, 95 % of the patreons who watch naruto shippuden with you.

Michael Diaz

Ya'll gangin' up on mah boi Nahid a little too hard. :Y lol He may be a bit radical in some of what he's saying and not realize that the fillers don't actually matter in the long run as they are not necessary for the story you're here to follow, thus making them extra and side stories regardless of how they work them to fit in and/or compliment the actual story... BUT, he's logic isn't completely wrong. If you can enjoy any of the fillers, it will at least amplify the experience of the official plot and make it feel like more is going on than just this straight forward path. Also, there are SOME filler that are "anime canon". (I mean all filler is. But this specifically refers to fillers that are canon to the overall story but weren't in the manga. You'll be seeing some of those far later in the series too. "filler" that is actually relevant to the plot and is sort've a loss to skip. These filler actually give you official information that you would gloss over without them most likely.)

Michael Diaz

Also, Chris, the swords in Bleach were called zanpakuto


Kakuzu isn't dumb, he would have NO way to know that the shadow makes you mimic the caster. He's probably never seen it before. All he knows at this point is it freezes them. Also gonna echo what everyone else has said and state the obviously that if those 2 others leave Shikumaru he's at risk. There's no telling what Kakuzu would do to jump in

Gabriel Arreaga

I see why their called normies


Maybe I'm one of the few who don't see the reason to skip intros. I never felt spoiled by them. I also found it great how when you first see an intro, you don't really think too much of it, but then when certain events happen, you go back and you are like OOHHH SHITT this intro is much deeper than you think.