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Hundo crew we are back with more!! MAN What a love story!?!? Gabriel and Josephine so tragic but beautiful in a weird way!! Clarke is back and we have the bigger threat of Sheid-Heda to worry about.  Yo I can say without a shadow of a doubt this series get truly better with each episode!!! WE CANNOT WAIT FOR MORE!! - Nahid


The 100 - 6x10 Matryoshka - Group Reaction

The Normies are nearing the end of Season 6, story lines are coming to an end as new ones are developing!Let us know what you thought of this episode in the comments and leave a like and subscribe! And be sure to stick around after the reaction for The Normies discussion and review! This is Episode 10 Season 6 of 100! Matryoshka! Gaming Channel link: https://www.youtube.com/thenormiesgaming Weekly Show Schedule: https://www.facebook.com/TheNormiesGroup Support us on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/thenormies Link to our Discord: https://discord.gg/thenormies You can send stuff to us at PO 785 Fishers, IN 46038 Check out our social stuff too: facebook - facebook.com/thenormiesgroup twitter - @the_normies Instagram - @the_normies snapchat - thenormies


A De La Torre

Might as well have been “True Love’s kiss” bringing her back to life... The parallel between Gabriel’s “I have to let you go now,” and Bellamy's “I’m not letting you go!” 😭


*inhales* BELLARKE!


Bellarke!!! My fangirl heart 🥰 Suraj said the TRUTH man. Idk for sure but I think Rana is right - the mind drive was taken out but Josephine hitched a ride on Clarke's neural mesh. But then Clarke killed her officially, she wouldn't back up automatically onto Clarke's neural mesh, just her own mind drive, which was gone at that point. And actually you CAN restart someone's heart with that punch move Suraj lol, crazy right? It's called a precordial thump.


This is such a good episode! I think Bellamy has every right to act like this towards Octavia. You guys keep bringing up shit he did like 7 years ago in their time line, things Octavia was mad at him for more than an entire season. But Octavia does what in my opinion is a lot worse, considering she put the people she loves the most to die, and Bellamy is supposed to be ok with it in a couple weeks? What? Don't get me wrong, I love both of them, and I agreed with Octavia when se took her time to forgive Bellamy when he did wrong, and I think he needs his time to do the same.




Also - can we just bask in the glory of Belldog's awesomeness? With that helmet pull reveal and a toss of that gorgeous mane of hair? He's a fucking action hero man. 🤣👍

A De La Torre

I agree...I love Octavia but I also understand Bellamy’s frustration. It’s not just that he’s also done bad things.. It’s that Octavia was the one calling him out for them and yet she allowed herself to go dark. She deliberately chose to continue the cycle of violence. He holds her to a higher standard after what they went through because of his mistakes. Anyways Octavia's anomaly storyline is one of my all-time favs!


Yeah, I never realized it but it is totally similar to a Snow White "true love's kiss" moment. Interesting


Nahid, you're right - they did an amazing job portraying Josephine and Gabriel's beautiful and tragic love story. By the end, even though I needed Clarke to win, I was so so sad for both of them. .... It also really humanized Josephine.


i think bellamy has every right to ignore Octavia for now. i mean in a show where people kill each other, ignoring her is no big deal. she deserved it, just like people gave people shit to Bellamy for a while for his mistakes. you deserve shit for a while then let it go. also i'm tired of shipping haha


Josephine is dead. That's why Gabriel said goodbye. He knew it would kill her. And that's also why Josephine stayed behind in Clarke's head and tried to kill her. She knew as soon as Gabriel said that that she was about to go bye bye, so she stayed behind in Clarke's head. She kept her consciousness there, and then tried to kill Clarke, knowing only one of them could stay there. Thanks to some help from Bellamy, Clarke ended up killing Josephine. Sad to see such a good villain go.


Also, love love love how y'all are just like "Yeah no Bellamy totally DOES love Clarke, now we just need to argue over how they're gonna get rid of Echo". Suraj and Rana started as Bellarke shippers, and now you're all there haha

Celeste Mibenga

Bellarke forever the head and the heart, since I'm ahead I won's spoil . and i like echo as an individual character and don't want her to die for bellarke to happen i just want echo to find someone she truly likes i think Bellamy is a person to Depend on .

A De La Torre

I think there's a difference between shipping and acknowledging that a relationship has strong romantic undertones. I guess it's about perspective, but Suraj is a good example of someone who sees it and isn't an obsessive fandom "shipper." That's just how I feel of course. I prefer to talk romance on this site rather than on twitter etc..because then I encounter true shippers that just shit on everything about the show because they think Bellarke or some other couple should be together lol.

Celeste Mibenga

Bellamy has every right to ignore O because ya'll love to bring up Bellamy mistakes but he learned from it and redeemed himself and everyone knew about his redemption so they moved on but Bellamy hasn't seen O's redemption yet as they have just met up and also he is also so mad at her because before One crew was in the bunker he warned her when she was Skairipper and told her not to make the same mistake he did with killing all those people with pike and then he warned her multiple times when they reunited and physically tried to stop her madness physically by poisoning her but she still continued and she commanded him to die in the fighting pits so that was a breaking point in their realtionship and caused Bellamy to isolate her . so he has to see her change from his own point of view so their realtionship cand start to heal .


I can't wait until you all are reacting together again!


they still say “ the one hundred”


so kane died cause he was going to another show. rip kane! Josephine i think is one of the best and funniest villains we have had idk why u guys hate her lol and Russel wasn't stupid for letting them live because in his eyes all of the primes will be able to rise and that's all he cares about. and we all stan Gabriel!! he is the cutest science nerd ever!!!


Just to clarify the 3 people that Ryker was talking to in his shop: 2 of them were Delilah's parents. The other guy (the one that killed Simone) was someone who sacrificed his baby for Josephine's oblation program. Remember that baby you saw in Episode 7 that was on the ground? He could've been the father of that baby. That baby died, consumed by the vines (like how you saw Clarke's body almost consumed by the vines this episode).


octavia was so mean to bellamy for seasons when all he wanted to do was protect her. Octavia then tried to kill him. Bellmay has the right to be mad at her for at least a season


A lot to process but I think it's great so far

Nigel W.

Y’all need to chill, I back Bellamy, it’ll take longer for him to forgive octavia.

Nyeisha Melvina Clark

It's funny how you all call Bellamy a bitch for not immediately forgiving his sister for the horrible things she did, yet when it was the other way around in seasons 3 and 4 you all understood O's anger at him and even said he deserved her hating him, (Marketa I'm looking at you). Yes Octavia has grown, and it was because she was outside in the woods that allowed her to grow, but BELLAMY didn't see her change, in his mind, she's still Bloodreina, and he above anyone has every reason to not forgive her just yet. I just find it funny that when it was Bellamy looking for forgiveness and O wouldn't give it to him, you all completely understood, and yet after all the things O has done Bellamy should just stop being a "bitch" and just forgive her, really also you Nahid are very hypocritical because weren't you saying you would have killed her, and that you need to see her redeem herself cuz just saying your different doesn't change the fact that she got 400 people killed, well Bellamy is thinking the same thing and yet he is a "bitch". Double standards much??!! I remember you all cheering when O beat Bellamy bloody and told him that he was dead to her, and now it's "stop being a bitch and forgive your sister."? At least Bellamy never beat her when she was handcuffed. The hypocrisy, especially coming from Marketa and Nahid is strong in this one. And excuse my language and sorry if you take this as an insult but ya'll are being more "bitch-like" by not understanding where he's coming from.

Bitch 1

Yes @Nyeisha preach it up and down. Octavia also was readily and willing to let him die and yet Bellamy is supposed to be all forgiveness and rainbows in a few days. She sentenced him to death. Octavia has always been a trash sister.


I love how everyone was triggered and mad at Nahid's opinion of Octavia a few episodes ago and now everyone's all triggered by them forgiving Octavia and being pissed at Bellamy (including me). Ahahaha we are such angry trolls lol sorry Normies.. although I agree Bellamy shouldn't have forgiven her yet (she was going to watch her own brother fight to the death!!), it made me laugh


Bro after he killed 300 people it took her almost a season and a half to forgive him. But now that she killed 400 people and left him to die he is supposed to forgive her or else he’s a “bitch”


and thus was the episode that send bellarkes around the word to their graves


suraj our bellarke warrior lmao


I love this show, but the constant Blarke screaming really starts to wear down. Yes we get it they have chemistry and you want them to be together, but please for God's sake stop tryna "kill" off Echo for them to be together. Pretty toxic if you ask me 🙄😏 No I dont hate it, but the constant every episode nitpicking "BLARKE! Did you see!! Blarke!!" Gets old after awhile, im pretty sure if they were gonna be a thing, SOMETHING might've happened by now. Yet all they have are "moments" that a lot of people take outta context to fit their idea of Blarke being purely romantic. There are other types of love and they always have called each other FAMILY. IDK what family y'all come from but I sure as hell dont have romantic feelings for them. Otherwise y'alls reactions are always lit and awesome 👍


I have no problem with your bellarke enthusiasm ♡ keep it coming!


Love the bellarke enthusiasm. I mean IT IS Clarke's story at the end of the day. So the plot and relationships revolve around her. Keep it coming.