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What a finale!!!  What an ending!!!  The best outcome for all sides.  Despite how desperate and dark this show is, everything kind of turned out better than expected!!  Especially if you consider the events of Treasure Island (if you haven't read it and you liked this show, you should read it!!!!!!!)

What a journey.  Shout out to BlindWave for recommending this!  And to all of you Black Sails fans for recommending it as well.  Thanks to all of you for sticking with us.  We will def be recommending this show!!!  So sad its over but cannot wait to rewatch with hindsight.  Enjoy our series finale reaction to Black Sails!!!!!

#SuckItRodgers #TitCurtains2020


Black Sails - 4x10 XXXVIII - Group Reaction

We're finally at the end of this amazing series, and we are proud to say this is one of the best shows we've ever watched on this channel! Thank you everyone who recommended it, and thank you to everyone who has watched ever reaction from the beginning to the Season 4 Finale! The Normies discussion and review, follows the reaction! Gaming Channel link: https://www.youtube.com/thenormiesgaming Weekly Show Schedule: https://www.facebook.com/TheNormiesGroup Support us on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/thenormies Link to our Discord: https://discord.gg/thenormies You can send stuff to us at PO 785 Fishers, IN 46038 Check out our social stuff too: facebook - facebook.com/thenormiesgroup twitter - @the_normies Instagram - @the_normies snapchat - thenormies



The perfect ending to the perfect show. Thank you all for going on this adventure, it has been a blast!


And here we are... a masterclass in how to end a story.


None of the endings are actually good, and are quite tragic. Jack Rackham has maybe a few months of freedom, before he's hung in Jamaica. Technically he shouldn't even have made it to the end of the show, having been executed before Charles Vane. Woodes Rogers is reinstated as the governor of Nassau several years after this, so Max definitely loses her place and position in the world. Then there's the Treasure Island endings that really are just messed up in the long run. No real happy endings. John Silver's compromise ruined everything.


Also, John Silver totally killed Flint.


I understand what Chris was getting at when talking about Flint being gay being ”last on the list” when describing him, but I just want to remind him that Flint’s entire reason for becoming a pirate was that England destroyed his relationship with Thomas because they deemed it wrong. I get that Flint was a complex character and a badass but he also literally became a pirate because he was gay and his country cast him out for it. His sexuality really is quite a big defining thing in his character and his motivations. Black Sails in general is to me a story about marginalized groups fighting against the oppressor and the sexuality of the characters plays a huge part in the themes of the show, and I don’t see that as a bad thing at all. Great reaction though, thanks for sticking with the show <3


What a great journey this has been and im sad to see it end but im glad you were able to experience such an amazing show and grew to love it as much as we do


Side note im glad the "There be dragons" line and The Expanse was referenced cause I watched Black Sails first so when I watched The Expanse and they had that whole thing is was really cool😂😂

Rich Cassou

Ok Normies I gotta know if Nahid regrets giving up on this?

Champion Bescos

Wanna see character development? See Marketa’s thoughts and reactions to Flint in seasons one and two. Then come tot his episode. Wow. Such an amazing journey.

Alejandro Gil

“A story is true, a story is untrue”. Silver absolutely killed flint. He even brakes out the a day, a month, a year phrase with Maddy like he was just reciting a rehearsed lie


I know another user above gave some of the tragic true endings of some of it, and how Mark Read was another female pirate (disguised as a man) who historically ran with both Jack and Anne, but thought you could use a happier true fact: the famed jolly roger is attributed to Captain Jack. I want to recommend again the excellent book about this true story, with Rodgers and Teach and Vane and Hornigold, and all of it, that I mentioned in a previous post, "The Republic of Pirates". I didn't want to spoil you so I didn't say the full title: "The Republic of Pirates: Being the True and Surprising Story of the Caribbean Pirates and the Man Who Brought Them Down". Oh! And that "General History of Pyrates" book from within the show is a real 1724 book and one of the earliest sources of pirate lore, not all of it likely true.

Alexis Cardarella

Um.. I posted a huge ass post pouring my heart out about the show, arguably very mushy and nerdy, and after posting it, it disappeared...


My favorite show of all time, thanks so much for reacting to this. Silver definitely killed Flint but I love how it is left open to the viewer.

Kyle Semenoff

And that, ladies and gents, is how you tie up your top-tier TV show. I've enjoyed watching you guys fall in love with the show just as much as we all do. Now go forth and spread the word! I hope you keep this slot in your schedule similar sonI can continue to support your work - but if not, thanks very much for this.

Linsey Morris

i had an entire comment typed out but my computer froze and i lost it so WHATEVER lmao this was great, i loved seeing your growth watching this show with these characters. fingers crossed luke arnold (long john silver) finds your reactions and reaches out to you guys like he did with blind wave!

Linsey Morris

yes 10000% thank you for saying this, i had something similar typed out in my long comment but my computer froze before i could post it lmao saying him being gay wasn't a big part of him kind of comes off as being "he's badass in spite of being gay" and i feel like that's a disservice to the work of the writers and toby stephens who worked very hard to make sure we knew that him being gay was an integral part to his character and was absolutely the entire basis for captain flint even existing in the first place. he wanted to watch the world burn because they took away the man he loved and dubbed him a monster. this entire show is built on gay rage and it is not subtle about it lmao.


Such an amazing ending that leaves the characters in a good place. Unfortunately history tells us that Rodgers served his time in jail, was released and became governor of Nassau for a second time. In the end, he had the best redemption story 😂


There's a million things to unpack in this finale and the show as a whole. I saw the theory that Silver killed Flint and lied to Madi posted above which is neither confirmed or denied by the creators. Their masterful plan is to end Flint's story with a story, told to us by Silver, and let the audience decided if they believe him or not. There's enough there to believe he's telling the truth but also enough to believe he's lying. Or enough to believe he's telling half a truth and half a lie. I love Luke Arnold's thoughts on it which was, to paraphrase, whatever answer he would give is boring because it would end the story. The best answer is left up to the viewers because then the story goes on in their minds. There is so much quiet tragedy in the finale. Pat is spot on about Silver's white male privilege here in thinking he knows what is best for everyone and he alone gets to decide Madi's future. This is why he's one of literature's greatest villains. I love that Flint's speech at the end talks about how they (the pirates) will be turned into the monsters in the stories told to children because the next time we see Silver is in "Treasure Island", a book written for children, narrated by a child in which Long John Silver is the villain. It's poetic. For Silver and Madi, I'm not sure if their relationship ever really recovers. When we first see them as a couple in bed, they're as physically and emotionally close as they can get. The last shot we get of them on the cliff, they're standing so far apart and Madi looks stoic & cold towards him, symbolizing the emotional distance that has formed because of Silver's betrayal. I think Flint's "curse" on him comes true -- he doesn't have the happiest marriage now and will one day look back and see the moment he went wrong and want to have it back. it gives a new spin on "Treasure Island" that he doesn't just come back for the treasure but also because he wants to reclaim a lost part of himself. Anyhow, I hope you guys have many happy rewatches. The show only gets better and better on revisits. I really enjoyed your journey with it. One fun little tidbit, the actress who played Eleanor's lady's maid is married to Toby Stephens and the children she's reading to in her final scene are her and Stephens' real life children. So the whole family got in on the pirate action.


For Micky and your question about Ben Gunn and "Treasure Island" and Billy as well -- the events of the book are 20-25 years away from where the show ends. So that gives a lot of time for Billy to get off the island he washed up on and for Ben to go treasure hunting himself.

Linsey Morris

oh, i did want to post this though. it's the tumblr post i was telling you about a few episodes ago about billy bones (treasure island spoilers): https://solomonlittle.tumblr.com/post/616026928704536576/in-treasure-island-billy-bones-appears-at-the

Linsey Morris

just wanted to say this comment is perfect and you hit on all the points i wanted to before my comment got all messed up and i lost it so thank you for that lol. also thank you for that little trivia about toby's family?? my mind is blown that that's his wife!! a whole family affair for him on this show, what with his brother also guest starring. what a wonderful family he has (also obviously including him being professor mcgonagall's son irl)

Alexis Cardarella

I think the turning point for me in terms it going from I like this pretty well so far- to wow, I see great potential for this show, was probably mid to end of season 1. I’m pretty patient with shows, in terms of the slow burn and build.. but yes, what an incredible- to quote Marketa- work of art. The dialogue, however damn long winded- was just quite masterful, in and of itself.. Hats off to those incredibly eloquent human beings who crafted such good dialogue. And, as a woman, a feminist, this show did a bang up job, (no pun intended), in terms of all of these female characters. I think Jack is probably my favorite character, but omg.. Elenor, Miranda, Max, Anne.. They really, really did an amazing job creating complex nuanced women.. I loved Flint’s revolutionary ass the entire series. And I think that had a lot to do with my politics. He did some really abhorrent shit- things I don’t think were justified, but I understood and agreed with the underlying intentions that motivated him. I’m not sure if I am okay with Flint’s ending. I wept, like most of you.. but I’m still left feeling really ambivalent about it. I LOVE him and Thomas.. This show.. really did push the envelope in regard to views of masculinity and femininity. I’m sure it changed a lot of people’s views. And like Chris said, Flint’s sexuality was just an aspect of him. They fleshed out this amazing, complicated human being without going into tropes.. which was very unique. Not that I wouldn’t have minded more male on male (specifically Flint and Thomas) stuff during this series. Lol 😍🥰 I loved watching this show with you guys. I envy the conversations you guys are able to have with one another. It been extremely funny to watch you guys. It’s been a really dope fucking vicarious experience. So much so I tried to go out of my way to remember what I posted originally, before it disappeared. It was.. so frustrating to type THAT much and be that fucking nerdy about it, it just be gone, so.. yeah. Fuck. God. Here it is again- ish. 🤷🏼‍♀️

My Toasty Toast

Thank you so much for watching this show! It was awesome to see you guys get all emotional and invested! In regards to the Silver/Madi dilemma, in an interview the writers said that final scene where Silver is on the beach with Madi is the closest the two are emotionally ever again. Silver remains faithful to Madi but their “marriage” is just in name as she never forgives him.

Anders Pettersson

For me this show been a great journey, had watched it before you but i've enjoyed every episode you released. And as for shows i've been following this for sure is a top five all time, (two of the others are also ones you reacted to and i love both you're reaction and the show, GOT and Vikings) Think the characters of this show are great, love Vayne, Jack, Flint, Teach, Silver, Anne, (Joji as maybe an outsider but he was awesome the short time he was on). Even Billy and Rodgers. Think they are all great characters that made the show great, and the the dialog just take it to another level. You guys and you're reaction for sure did this show a great justice and love the fact you spread the word of this great show. For sure enjoyed the reaction to it and looking forward to more in the future


And now Marketta sides with Flint! Her journey is complete! :D Great reaction everyone. This show is a classic. Now if only they could make a prequel about the life of Charles Vane? lol


that happened to multiple people in this thread that they typed out something long and then it disappeared!!! noooooo damn you internet!!!!

Emily Whyke

One of my absolute favourite shows. So good to see you all get so emotionally invested as it went on. Seeing how much you all loved this and Viking’s, The Last Kingdom on Netflix should 100% be a show you react to. It’s astonishingly good!


I agree. I think you guys would love The Last Kingdom. I think it’s set about 100 years past Vikings. The lead character, Uhtred, reminds me of Jon Snow or Jim Holden. Only more hardheaded. 😂