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Double drop HYPE for the Season 5 finale of Agents of Shield!! This would have been a fantastic series conclusion as well... Enjoy and thanks for the support throughout this season! Onward to S6!

5x21 - https://youtu.be/auLNWgeMJrQ

5x22 - https://youtu.be/OyoeUk9zPDQ




Woop-woop, thanks!




Don't know which surprise was better, getting a double drop or seeing Navi!!🎉 👋🏽 It's been a minute!


Im so glad this wasn't the actually ending cause I just know the s7 ending is going to be fantastic!


This reaction was everything. Navi back! The shock, disbelief, apprehension, Pat being done with this show, Micky holding his breath, and most of all Rana crying her eyes out. Same guys, same. The Fitz scene hurts so bad. Chris' reaction to Pat saying that Fitz was happy in the framework was hilarious.


These might be my favorite reactions from you guys!!! The way you were so involved with what was happening (especially Rana bawling her eyes out as soon as the bricks fell on Fitz lol), it really was amazing!! To look back at season 1 and how you kinda made fun of the show mostly, and then to this!! It was an amazing journey and I can't wait to see your reactions to season 6. Hopefully you'll get caught up before season 7 airs so you can watch it live with the rest of us. (Also, Fitz's death and Coulson/Daisy's "I love you" scene still kill me to this day. My heart is still broken)

Christopher simeon

It’s gone full circle. The first episode they tried to saved mike Peterson and they succeeded. This episode they tried to save Talbot and failed. The point isn’t that they will always save everyone from themselves The point isn’t that Talbot died(though that does suck) It’s that they never stopped trying to save him. Killing him was the last resort. Sometimes you can’t save everyone and killing is sometimes required but it’s never the first choice.

Mike Drop

I loved the look Chris gave Pat when he said "Fitz should've died in the Framwork where he was happy".


i kinda wish you guys knew about all the conflict between Marvel movies boss, kevin feige, and the marvel tv people. Ike perlmutter and feige hated each other, plus Loebe had a hard time. keep that in mind and how that can affect things


Oh and now that they are caught up with season 5, I really need someone to explain to me how the loop was actually broken lol. Because for me it doesn't make sense that it was Coulson giving Daisy the centipede serum instead of taking it, since that footage of Daisy yelling at someone in the quinjet happened in all the previous timelines because Voss showed it to Daisy in the future, which would mean that Coulson didn't take the serum in all the previous timelines as well and instead gave it to Daisy (which also makes sense since in all the flashbacks/flashforwards we saw in 5x08, Coulson was never there which implies he died). And I know Mack and Polly surviving/Fitz dying mean that the loop was broken, but those events were more a consequence of the loop being broken rather than the reason why it was broken. So I still don't get what event actually broke the loop. Or is it simply that Daisy in the previous timelines didn't see the serum that Coulson hid in her arms, and was instead absorbed by Talbot who used her powers to destroy the world, hence why people thought she was the destroyer of worlds? But why would she notice it now if all the times before she didn't?


It's likely that Coulson never gave it to Daisy to find and just left it in the case Jemma gave to him. Jemma would've found it and then use it on Coulson. And with out the serum Talbot would have the upper hand and would use Daisy to do the end of the world damage.

joe shmoe

i aaaalmost wish this was the last episode, but we stil need closure on VIJAY NADEER and i will not rest until we have it

Alvin Cura

"EAD Chicago!" Instant classic. Also, I remember thinking it clever that Chicago got all effed up because New York was off-limits. Because, you know, Stark and Strange and stuff and things.


Man, you guys are NOT READY for season 6!


I’m sorry but I feel bad for Talbet

Christopher simeon

I’m pretty sure everyone feels bad for Talbot. But the point is it’s all hard choices. If it wasn’t someone we care about then it’s not a hard choice. If it was just another villain for example then daisy wouldn’t feel the need to hesitate and try to get coulson to talk him down because she wouldn’t really care if he gets killed.


Here’s something’s I just realized 1 Talbet was the only one who knew about Infinity War 2 either the writers knew how Infinity War would would and created this new timeline or they didn’t know but maybe were hinted about it and created this new timeline, either way they created a new timeline and AOS is technically not part of the MCU anymore Edit: feel free to say something or correct me if I’m wrong

Teddy S

Mm no that's how I consider it, new timeline created for our AoS and we're finally free of the shackles that weighed us down, the MCU.


No matter how many times I watch it, I still don't see how the plan to kill Talbot with the Odium was a good one. Yes, his heart would eventually give out but not before he's sent into a uncontrollable beserker rage and gotten a massive power boost from both the Odium and the Centipede serum, like nobody thought that maybe that's what cracks the world apart? Power boosted Talbot would just go apeshit and tears the world apart to get to the rest of the Gravitonium? I always thought that was such a dumb solution.


I'm with you here, and thought the same when I first watched. Odium+unstable Talbot+Gravitomium = definite mass destruction. May getting rid of the Odium is an MVP move, if they were to somehow find a way to use it on Talbot.


This is where i and others usually FULLY disagree. I would have felt so cheated with this ending. I would have found it incredibly depressing. SO I am soooo thankful for a season 6. Knowing we have season 6 makes this a perfect season finale for me however.


The way I see it is basically the time line changed. When Robin said something is different now it was during the scene when we were being shown three potential things that could change that we know in the original timeline were certain. In the timeline where the world was ripped apart Colson survived and in this timeline one of the options was that he could die end it would change things. The other option we saw happening at the same time was Fitz possibly dying which sadly happened. Because in the original timeline it was Mac who died instead and eventually Jemma and we know Fitz was very much alive past the break in the original timeline. Daisy was also alive in the original timeline. So basically there are certain things that could change that would switch this timeline into essentially being a new one. And coulson deciding to sacrifice himself and fitz dying instead of Mac was basically the change.


Also wait wait wait.! Was it ever addressed if Jemma was entirely wrong about the fact that she couldn't die. We saw season three when they were dealing with Robin's dad that they thought they might be able to change the timeline then. But it was almost like things kept happening to keep what happened in that episode from season three on its course. I.e. Andrew appeared so May had to stay behind. I.e. Robin's dad had to die. Here however we see that changing the timeline is possible. But it almost felt as if at certain times the universe WAS still working to keep that timeline on track. I.e. The bullet missing Jemma or her not getting the Bad drink. The only time we saw time Line actually have the chance to change was during moments when something from the original timeline that was very specific was supposed to happen. So Mac was supposed to die but because of Fitz's knowledge of this he didn't and right AFTER Fitz died. Creating a new time line. Or Coulson was supposed to survive but he didn't and right after we find out the Daisy has the vile. So what I'm saying is is it possible that Jemma wasn't entirely wrong. That certain things were working in their favor to keep this timeline the way it originally was but the only thing that changed it ultimately was something different happening in the moment that something very specific from the original timeline was supposed to happen. Also fun fact I talk to the actress who plays yo-yo and she said that scene where she was saying as if she was trying to do something but nobody was listening to her and it felt like she was drowning or something… The scene where she was very emotional. She says that she acted that see you now is it from the mine place of someone dealing with depression.

K Murray

I'm pretty sure the implication of the final shot of Talbot is that he's headed toward the Sun. Their plan earlier in the season was to destroy the Gravitonium that way. It's obviously a little contrived that Daisy could have that lucky of aim but once he gets far enough the Sun's gravity and his own artificially enhanced gravity should latch on.

Alex Mills

I Wanna Thank you guys for all making it through my favorite show agents of shield. its been amazing watching the groups whole attitude towards the show change since the start of season 1. Unfortunately this is the end of the road to me. SEASON 6 NEVER HAPPENED. the season 5 ending was the season series finally for me. it was a beautiful but sad ending to a beutiful show AND EVERY WAS THANOS SNAPPED TO DUST AFTER THE CREDITS. SEASON 6 NEVER HAPPENED SO DISREGARD WHATEVER THE FUCK THEY DID AND HOLD THE SEASON 5 SERIES FINALLY IN YOUR HEARTS FOREVER. PEACE LOVE AGENT MILLZ OUT LOVE YOU GUYS

Linsey Morris