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Time to blast back to the past! Enjoy AoS this week ya'll!


Agents of Shield - 5x10 Past Life - Group Reaction



I wanna see these next few reactions so baddd man when’s our next double drop


Enoch's a sociologist. Earth was his assignment. He also explained why he intervened. He explained that he could to Fitz because it was an extinction level event.


You were wondering how Yo-yo became the seer? Remember in 5x8 when she stormed off in the lighthouse to fight the Kree and May tried to stop her? I’m pretty sure that’s how.


Right same!! Honestly the next couple episodes are some of the best of the show IMO


Yup exactly, he already said that he went to help because he has to help if its an extinction level event.

Zach Sonnenblick

advice to Normies: please stop reading patreon comments rest of the way . dont get me wrong. love when yall can engage with us. but theres some big time episodes happening all throughout the Rest of Season, id hate for some comments on here to ruin it for you guys. have fun with it. us fans can talk about shit without worrying whether it ruins it for yall. and there will be comments that tell you 'get ready for [insert] episode, bc people are unable to control themselves. its just so much better to blindly go into it. so please- for your sake. stop reading comments


Chloe Bennet's (Daisy) real name is Chloe Wang, she changed it because she wasn't getting casted for good roles with her Chinese surname so instead of using her surname she took her dad's first name Bennet as her surname to still honour him.

Jonathan Jones

I completely agree with you. I wish people would just discuss the current episode and leave it at that. Just let them enjoy the episodes as we all did at first viewing.


She was also trying to get away from her former pop star persona

Christopher simeon

Off topic but after you guys watch season 5 is it possible for us to get a AOS podcast. Or would that be too much?

Warren Taylor

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNUvqIsYo7k You're Welcome


This conversation is so good!! When I first watched Season 5 I was like but Season 4. I love that you guys are so feeling it!


Has anyone recommended the AOS v Agent Carter Dubsmash war yet, because it's awesome!


When I first saw this episode I thought the reason why Jemma reacted to Fitz like she did was because it was less of a SHIELD tactic that Fitz did and more of a The Doctor tactic ... I feel it reminded Jemma of that version of Fitz from the Framework