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Game of Thrones 8x6 Full Reaction

This is "Game of Thrones 8x6 Full Reaction" by The Normies on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



RIP, it was exactly as the leaks said. They broke the wheel by....making two wheels? And Tyrion's new rule of the King/Queen title not being something inherited, but rather voted from a council, is immediately broken by Sansa - what's stopping the Iron Islands and Dorne (two very strong and stubborn lands, with vastly different cultures to the other kingdoms) from going independent? Yara has no reason to be loyal to the Starks, same with the Prince of Dorne (who also supported Dany apparently). People saying House Starkw on the Game of Thrones but its actually House Tully. Sansa and Bran are half-Tully, Edmure Tully has the Riverlands back, and the Vale is ruled by another half-Tully. Guess the fish win lmao

Jay Singh

Arya: Whats west of Westeros? Jon: i dont know... Arya: no one knows... Bran: "am i a joke to you?"

Jimmy hepi

it’s so sad you guys weren’t hype about the theme at the start it’s so sad 😐😞


Drogon pulling a Simba killed me


Jesus Christ this is early. Up and attem, huh?


Hannah's face during the end credits 😂😂😂


Overall I would give the season a 6 out of 10. Not great, but not horrible

Josh B

I thought it was fine. Thematically it all makes sense. They rushed to get there, but it doesn't ruin the show or anything for me.

Josh B

Also who's cares about the rest, Jon pet Ghost!!

Champion Bescos

Glad to see Hannah here (I love her Dunder Mifflin shirt!), but bummed Nahid and Rana couldn't make it. At least the house of Normies finished the season strong with my man Pat! In all seriousness... whew. What a wet, bland, and nonsensical ending to an absolute trash fire of a season. The obvious good aspects aside (unlimited praise for the composer, the cast, the crew, etc, but did we really expect any less from this production?), how supposed 'fans' defend this season is beyond me. It's like they watched completely different shows than the rest of us did. Or perhaps many of them simply jumped the bandwagon late in the game and didn't really absorb the depth and brilliance of the early seasons aside from their spectacle. Nuance was lost on them? These fans tend to hide behind blanket statements and strawman arguments like "You hate it because it wasn't the ending you wanted" or "You're bitter because your theories didn't come true", or recently, "You're sexist". Really trite and largely baseless statements. They willingly ignore the deep fundamental flaws in the writing throughout the last two seasons - from major thematic upheavals, stark minimizing of any world building, complete loss of character consistency (or any consistency for that matter) - because they don't think they (or anyone else that's critical) could have done a better job? Like.. what? Anyone that watches Mauler's fantastic videos on the recent episodes would be a complete fool to defend the season afterwards as he is just one of many critics who points out how utterly bad this season has been, sans rose tinted goggles. I'd be curious to see what Mickey or even Hannah would say in regards to the video. *le sigh* Regardless, it's a shame that a few still hold out that this was somehow quality material. Practically a decade of investment gone down the drain, and people act like fans have no right to be upset or downtrodden. Part of me envies those who did enjoy this; at least they felt they got a 'satisfying' ending. For the rest of us fans of ASoIaF, well... "I wish us good fortune in the wars to come." 'Till next time, Normies! Lova ya'll.

Zach Sonnenblick

If the fear for jon ruling was that it would start a war and the unsullied wanted Jon dead so badly why did they hold him prisoner for what i assume was multiple weeks for that entire counsel to arrive. they killed innocents with no hesitation but take jon prisoner. makes no sense. him being a targeryon and the rightful heir all for nothing. half that counsel knew who he was - bran, sam, sansa, arya, tyrion too. Show really blew an opportunity to just do away with the throne all together. Drogon destroyed it could have carried so much symbolizing. the throne lead to danys fate. the idea of the throne drives people powerhungry and crazy. sam somewhat invented democracy - they could have even had each kingdom rule itself - with bran weighing in that hes seen the history of the world and the throne corrupts people. could have ended with the throne being gone. tyranny being destroyed. democracy kicks in with the throne gone forever. and not do jon so dirty. he could have willingly chose to go live up north instead of being sentenced there. jesus its like the missed a wide open layup of opportunity


Damn the leaks were true , sigh I guess we have to wait for the books. George hurry up they ruined your life's work


i already forgot it that's how avarage and insignificant this ending was.


Am I the only one cringing every time they talk about the wheel? It was a one-off metaphor used in season 5 and for some reason the showrunners thought it was very deep and kept overdoing it.


This season made the concept of the wheel cringe


Wow.. I forgot that Jon could talk and could say words instead of “my queen”


Maybe I’m slow, but am I the only one who thought it was off that the big decision was proposed by someone who was suppose to be a prisoner ?

Fred Carmichael

Well he was only a prisoner to the unsullied, not the other lords, who were actually demanding his release

Rafal Kala

I remember when Lost ended, that finale got me very emotional, the feeling lasted couple of days, then I just had to rewatch it whole. This though... just nothing, I don't even want to watch it again atm, it wasn't terrible, but after seasons 1-5 watching this kind of finale made me feel nothing. I'm disappointed.


There is no Night's Watch anymore. Remember the huge ass wall that was partially destroyed? lol... Jon just needed an excuse to go join the wildlings, and he used the Night's watch for it.

Ori Lotus

This is taken from reddit but best version of Tyrion's joke I've seen-Tyrion walks into a brothel with a honeycomb and a jackass. The Madam says to him "what can we do for you" and Tyrion says "I need a woman to lay with, for mine has left me". The Madam asks "whatever for? And what's the deal with the honeycomb and the jackass?" and Tyrion says "My woman found a genie in a bottle, and he granted her three wishes. The first was for a house fit for a queen, so he gave her this damn honeycomb. The second wish was that she have the nicest ass in all the land, so he gave her this damn donkey". The Madam asks "And what about the third wish?", and Tyrion says "She asked the genie to make my dick hang down past my knee"."Well that one's not so bad eh?" says the Madam, Tyrion responds "Not so bad!?!?, I used to be 6'3" "


Season 8 was fucking garbage

rickie woodson

is it a wig or did marketa go full targaryen and dyed her hair??? if its a wig its a good one

rickie woodson

why are you ignoring seasons 6 and 7 as if this was season 6 lol. loved it! solid ending to a solid show. i've watched each season at least 3 times (some more than that) and i love the show. did it end the way i predicted? no. but havent we learned anything from watching this show from season one? expect the unexpected! i almost didnt come back for season 2 cause of how season one ended. but then dany was ressurrected with those dragons and i was all "SHIT im coming back for this!"

rickie woodson

she got a taste of power of being khaleesi, then queen of mareen, now the seven kingdoms. whats next after that then to go: rest of the world. duh. plus she needs to get revenge on qarth for how they treated her. "didnt help me to conquer the seven kingdoms now i conquer you". it all makes sense to me

rickie woodson

"but there are no white walkers"..........you mean the beings they didnt believe in so they (the night watch) didnt exist because of them anyways???????? the night's watch is just to guard the wall from whatever comes from the north NOT just cause of walkers. to the people its the wildlings they are protecting them from. got to turn off that third person omnicience and think like a player not a reader


I'm probably in the minority but I enjoyed the finale.


Maybe on the internet but the reaction from friends/colleagues completely different in my experience. Everyone loved it.

Barney Rudkins-Stow

yeah but the wildings came south of the wall, under protection of the nights watch... they have nothing to defend the seven kingdoms from.


The joke just in case y'all haven't found it yet :) - 'A dwarf walks into a brothel with a honeycomb and a jackass. Madame: What can we do for you? Dwarf: I need a woman to lay with, for mine has left me. Madame: Whatever for? And what's with the honeycomb and the mule? Dwarf: My woman found a genie in a bottle, and he granted her three wishes. The first was for a house fit for a queen, so he gave her this damn honeycomb. The second wish was that she have the nicest ass in all the land, so he gave her this damn donkey... Madame: And what about the third wish? Dwarf: Well... she asked the genie to make my cock hang down past my knee. Madame: Well that one's not so bad eh? Dwarf: Not so bad!? I used to be six foot three!'


My favorite character, Sansa, got a good ending, but it was still a mediocre finale. There are so many aspects of it that don’t make sense at all. Tyrion should have been 100% dead the moment he threw the pin down the steps. I can’t believe Jon is alive. It’s unbelievable that the unsullied and Dothraki let him live after killing their queen.


I think a significant portion of the fans who think it was good are people who are very good at convincing themselves that it *has* to be good, because Game of Thrones couldn't possibly fail this badly at the end. I think it's going to be comparable to the fandom split regarding The Last Jedi - when it first came out, it seemed half despised and half loved, but as time has gone on you don't hear many people praising it anymore. It's just that you expect it to be great, so it takes a while for it to sink in that it actually wasn't.


That's not from any official source btw. Someone just decided to adapt the timeless "12 inch pianist" joke, but it works and it's probably as close to canon as we'll ever get.