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GREEDO ISLAND!! here we go!  Hope you enjoy this one with us!

 Reaction: https://vimeo.com/330865407
password: hxh59


HunterxHunter 59

link to reaction: https://vimeo.com/330865407 password: hxh59



there's no link


Can’t watch it yet


just added the link guys! - M.


Can’t find the link 💔


The link is in the video description of this video on youtube! :)


Link not there still, I can be patient tho lol


<a href="https://vimeo.com/330865407" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://vimeo.com/330865407</a>

George Byrd

My favorite ending song


She is right, it was obvious from the intro and the talk before that it wasn't a normal game, you should big her up for following the hints

Alejandro Gil

Really happy by how energetic and excited they were about new things!


How do I recommend a show I want them to react to Aldnoah Zero. Is there a process or something


Yeah you guys are gonna love Greed Island

Edwin Gonzalez

Look just to save you guys from the headache that is to come. You guys should skip the intro for a while because my god.

Dean Cyphers

Rana is clearly the smartest and most observant one in this group and the guys are calling her out because they cant remember shit lmao

Kevaughn Hunter

Yeah its been hinted at for a while. I mean they went into the Hunter website at that bar a while ago. It wasn't just a lucky guess, especially with the new intro. Won't comment on what else she said for spoilers. She's been right more than wrong on most of her guesses since I've watched them.

Sou saetern

That would be awesome. I love aldnoah zero. But Idk if they have time slot for it in the near future.


I seriously question this for the longest time on how Mad House got rights to Hunter x Hunter


Rana, is always the most accurate one even on other reactions lmfao.. yall should start listening to her more tbh



Ruben Lopez

Didn't we already go through this awkwardness during ATLA? Lol feels like deja Vu


My favorite arc is finally kicking in


Gon is basically trying to do what Uvo does with his Big Bang impact. In case you guys forgot, Uvo was an Enhancer as well


It's actually Rana who should be calling you guys out for not knowing about the game, not the other way around (yall should have figured that out by now) XD! Rana, good on you for paying attention :D!


I love how smooth the arc transitions are in this anime.

Jason Lim

I think I almost heard Nahid say Chimera in the first few seconds of the vid. hmm...I could be completely wrong though


they have probably heard about it through the grapevine. people watching this series try and be cute with spoilers and talk about arcs and stuff.


video doesn't work