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The finale of the HUNDO has arrived! Who are the grounders ya'll?? WE ARE THE GROUNDERS!!! Enjoy our reaction to this lit finale!


The 100 1x12


Jules Eris

Awesome! Thank you!

George Byrd

I like the guy on the left he brings something new to the reactions imo.


if they chose Bell's plan and stayed in their fortfied position, they would probably lose evetually. Either by starvation, or being unable to repel the enemy attacks.However, should they inflict heavy enough casualities on the enemy they might to choose to retreat, though the grounders might use that as a ruse, and ambush the 100 when they leave base. If they go with Clarke a few might survive the grounder's ambush which is most likely already set. I guess you could say they are facing lose-lose scenario.

David Mrugalski

All of this early stuff is necessary for the emotional and impactful moments that come later. Good on you guys for sticking with it. This show is in my top 5 along with Lost for good reason.

Jayden Shepherd

How are you not gonna double drop on a two part finale man


They do like to build things up. Most of the time it really works well. It's too bad season 3 exists...


Yeah, i'm with Marketa on that one. You probably shouldn't talk about other countries "dumb decisions" when you elected the most racist and vile president in history and none of you care enough to protest and get him out of power... even though he goes as far as imprisoning children, concentration camp style... Oof...

Jason Lizotte

oooh my god Raven i am so sorry that this happend to you :(


Our system is designed to make sure no one man can break it. We Gucci. Nice try tho.

COREY Ervin Scott-Johnson

When there are 2 part episodes can we vote on if both should be uploaded on that day. waiting a week for part 2 is ahhhhh.


I was expecting both parts, now I'm going to be mad all week (?)


Why didn't you guys do both parts of The 100?


I still think the best name is Couchkru.

Big Mike

Can a Normie get a double drop!! Lol ... Quest to season 5 reaction continues ....


They could call themselves “The Couch People” as a play on the name “They Sky People” that the grounders give them.

Amy k

Fun fact: Bob Morley lost his voice for a week after this hanging