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Hello guys!

We felt like a lot of you guys have had issues with uncuts and some reactions that have to be published on vimeo for one reason or another. 

When we decided to move our reactions of Naruto to Vimeo, we warned you that your viewing experience might be a bit trickier but  we definitely did not anticipate that there would be so many issues accessing vimeo videos that are published through our Patreon page.  So many of you have reached to us being unable to watch uncuts, Naruto or Parks and Recreation reactions,  and there is a continuing effort on our side to improve the viewing experience for you all with the means we have accessible to us at this point in time. 

First advice we have is for phone users. If you access our Patreon page through your internet browser, vimeo links or videos will probably not work for you. We recommend downloading the patreon app on your phone and try accessing links that didn't work for you that way. This has helped a lot of our members. 

Secondly, and this should be a bullet-proof solution to access vimeo links for all of you, browse our patreon page through your labtop / desktop. After hours of trouble-shooting, we still cannot narrow down as to why some people who are from the same country or use the same device can't access certain videos that other people can access with no problems. 

Whenever you have a problem accessing any video, feel free to leave us a comment or message us via patreon and we will get back to you as soon as we figure out a solution. We apologize that this continues to be an issue while we are being forced to add some of our videos to vimeo for reasons beyond our control. 

Thank you all for your continuing support! We feel very blessed by every single one of you!


The Normies




If you have browser addons or in any way have disabled auto-play vimeo will hate that and will freeze.


At what time come the earlys for the day?


There's only so much you can do. Keep up the awesome work~💜

Steffen Bauknecht

Another thing to try is going to the desktop version of the website from your phone.

Tim Ott

I know the PrivacyBadger app was causing issues with the vimeo player on desktop. That might be a solution for many. Turning it off on patreon stopped all of my issues.


Thank you all for the helpful tips!

Sheriff Uchiha

The only problem I've had is when you posted the wrong links.

Chris V

The only problem I've ever had with Vimeo is that sometimes it takes ages to load a video and even then, it sometimes stops halfway through to buffer, which is excruciating if it stops at a good part.


Oh shit. I always thought this was my internet but this happens all the time with Vimeo

Alejandro Diosa

No issues on my phone using the patreon and vimeo apps


"Early Normie" Tier is locked for "Premium Normies" tiers currently. Don't know where else to post this

Mike Ramirez

Hi Normies. I’ve been trying to get LOST 1x23 uncut for a while now. Any chance that can be re-uploaded to Vimeo? The link in the original post doesn’t work.


That's how it is supposed to be. Change was made a while ago


Hey Mike! We're working to transfer Lost uncuts all to Vimeo now. It appears 1x23 is the only broken link so far here is the alt: <a href="https://vimeo.com/319998807/d507f43e04" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://vimeo.com/319998807/d507f43e04</a> - suraj


Hello. I'm a premium user and I tried to watch HunterxHunter episodes 33 and 34. They were both posted in the first premium reaction uncut post, but neither of them work. Since I'm a premium user I can't access the $5 tier post that may or may not have a working uncut link. I'm using my a laptop and all other reactions work, it's just those two