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Season 2!  Let's Go!


My Hero Academia - 2x1 That's the Idea Ochaco - Group Reaction





Ochaco the cinnamon roll come to life 😊🤗


Lol that's really funny that they're watching a tournament arc in both Naruto and MHA


People calling this filler dont know what filler is.


Chris - "Can I have this orange piece?" ...*puts it into his mouth* Suraj - *yeah, sure*


“I like the guy with the fire beard” ohhhh dear

Sou saetern

I cant wait for you guys to really meet gran torino. He's pretty badass


you guys have to remember that nobody in the entire society of human beings thinks that transferring quirks is possible. It's not documented in any literature or encyclopedia. There's almost no way that they would come to that conclusion, They're more likely to think that Deku is All Might's son than his predecessor, and that that's why his quirk is so similar.


I love their theory crafting, i just hope it doesnt translate into head cannon like it sometimes does.


Someone's high lol

Commander Dodge

The opening scene of this episode with Deku fighting all of those villains is always gonna be one of my favorite scenes of this anime and will always give me chills!!!!


We’ll see if marketa still likes a certain hero after a couple episodes 👀


"I like the guy with the fire beard" AAAHAHA HAH HA

Aadit Doshi

Hmmm. There is a scene with a smash in season three that is a strong contender. One of All might's smash. I'm being as vague as possible to avoid spoiling anything.

Rebel Pilot

so glad Marketa is in this. She really has become my fave normie of late. (probably since Community) Also yes the flaming beard guy is endeavor and a hot dude. ^^ Also #2 Hero in the world. (with a chip on his shoulder) Now... I just wished they would do more eps. Cause those new ones are like: Torture to watch week to week.


Ok everybody, bone break time!

Champion Bescos

All Might > Vegeta... come at me. (:


I honestly think anime shows should come in pairs until they're up to date, on a regular basis, in this case there are like 50 episodes left, that is like half a year in double episodes. Anyway, I really like this anime, the manga is absolutely amazing, glad you guys are enjoying the series.

Shady Mozy

Bruh, My Hero is the anime equivalent of Harry Potter #loveit

Alexandre Boutin

Nah, MHA is fine, whats a bit sad is HxH and Naruto, but theyre already on episode 40, time moves fast.


suraj should try singing along to the new OP


This season is entirely awesome. The UA tournament arc is amazing and the arc immediately after is amazing! Marketa, you are awesome!


Marketa is going through the comments? Love you, Marketa!! I'm glad iida is your favorite character, he's a real gem <3


Anime is the only thing that can have an audience where we all agree that it is fucking awesome to watch a bunch of super powered kids punch each other in the face for sport 😂


Any chance they will fill out a bracket with their picks similar to blind wave?

Michael Diaz

This is the show where you realize you like almost every character the more you see them. And surprisingly, you'll end up remembering most of the characters and maybe even their names. lol It helps that they're so colorful and unique. Also I think they're going in for the long run here because if you're expecting anything to change quickly, think again. The things you expect to take longer will be shorter and the things you expect to be shorter will be longer. I think the series literally attempts to advert expectations. Also, when my fiancé and I saw this, and even when I watched it with 2 of my friends, every time we were like "I wonder if they'll explain this or do that or why not just do this?" THEY ADDRESS IT SHORTLY AFTER! (I think they manipulate you into thinking about it)

Michael Diaz

NAJID! Why does it bother you that this new character became Chris Sabat's new favorite role? Shouldn't that excite you about All Might? Maybe Vegeta is cooler but it's already been worn out and All Might might just be a better WRITTEN character. More feels and inspiration and whatnot. No one's dissing Vegeta. XD


That thumbnail though they both look so high

Liam D

Wow just realized they will be watching both tournament arcs at the same time, wonder which ones they will like better? And watching this episode with them made me remember how dope season 2 is, Been following the manga and mostly rewatching season 3, but i'm super hype for this season now!


remember ALL MIGHT said that he came to that school to choose someone to take his power but he met DEKU before that.


Look up what the characters names means the author made every characters names to tell you their quirks and personalities

Gerardo Azofeifa

The best tournament arc is coming!!!

Sarina P

You're not ready for this tournament, fam.


To clarify Allmight's intentions....he's not telling Deku to announce that he's allmight's successor....he's saying that he wants Deku to perform in such a way that people will notice him and his potential as a future hero who will say "I am Here"


Loving Rana's reactions to Midoriya's story, specifically where he came from and where he's going one day. Seems like it really resonates her which I don't see often in reactions. Most people bash on him (jokingly or otherwise) at some point for being emotional about wanting to be a hero. Maybe not many have desperately wanted to become something only to have people tell you you shouldn't pursue it? Dunno, but I can say it's a pretty horrible experience. Personally, I really wanted to be a 3D Artist but was constantly met with doubt and alternatives ("You're good at math, you should be an accountant!") by most of my family. Today I'm a working 3D Artist, but I still feel like I have a TON of room to improve, so I can really relate to Midoriya's story. I think I'm on my way though. :)