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 A pretty cool revelation made about Hydra and another stellar episode of Agents of Shield! Enjoy our reaction to 3x8! 


Agents of Shield - 3x8 Many Heads, One Tale - Group Reaction



Preview shows the reaction to FitzSimmons? =)

Conner Coates

It'd be great if y'all posted that BrBa episode in the morning!

ashar waseem

I think why people like Ward is because he is such a good villian and a badass character. We all know hes a bad guy he kills people etc etc. But you can still like him as a character cant you?

Christopher simeon

Trust us guys this show still has surprises. I’m glad your starting to enjoy it chris.

Kelly Parks

Simmons saying she's in love with Will --> Rana changes her guess as to when FitzSimmons will kiss to season 4 ---> 10 seconds later: Kiss!

Kim Carragher

Ward reacts to things. things happen to him and he gets upset because he can't reconcile his own part in these things and so he lashes out. I loved his conversation to Andrew be cause even then he sees himself as innocent. May only believed him a monster, but Andrew is one, therefore the fault is with Nay, not himself.

Kim Carragher

btw awesome reaction!!!!!

Kelly Parks

The plane probably made an emergency landing. There are protocols for explosive decompression. The pilots would put on their oxygen masks and then dive to get to a breathable altitude. But yeah, Ward didn't especially care one way or the other. He certainly risked the lives of a great many innocents just to achieve his goal. He's a genuine bad guy, but what makes him so interesting is he doesn't see it that way. He's the good guy in his story.

Etty Gafa

You guys, awesome reaction as always ! Ohhhh there is so much more surprises ahead 😱 can’t wait for your reactions !


Great reaction guys! And also, i enjoy your discussions afterwards more and more, great to see how everyone is on board with this show and has fun and some good theories while talking about it. Marketa, you're so right with what you said about Hydra and how the show is able to show new aspects of it. No spoiler, but they will do even more of that stuff. Not only with Hydra but with the shows villains in general.

Christopher simeon

I like ward as a villain the same reason I like Ramsay as one. They are both sociopaths and should die. But the charisma they show when trying to achieve their goals is impressive. Suraj you should be reminded of a certain charismatic sociopath on a mysterious island in the South Pacific that was an amazing villain


Excited to see how much you like Ward after next episode 😎😎


Also I always assumed he killed the pilots


10:19 lol I believe today’s mvp is Chelsea


Season 6 trailer dropped recently. I hope you don't come across any recommended videos on theories with spoilers in their titles or thumbnails.


Still with "The Darkness"

Ryan of New York

Great reaction, you guys had me cracking up several times. Can you do a double drop of episodes 9 and 10 next week? I don't think episodes 9 and 10 are officially a two parter, but episode 10 starts off exactly where episode 9 ends and the two episodes REALLY go together. I know you've said in the past you'll do double drops of episodes that go together and I think these two fit that criteria.


That reaction to the fitzsimmons kiss!!! Ive been waiting for this !


FitzSimmons kiss is my life HYDRA reveal is fantastic Bobbi/Hunter antics are always enjoyable Ward is a brilliant villain, so cool "Ward is OP, pls nerf" Lol he's great, but we know that if May or Bobbi was in that hotel suite... those assassins are going down even quicker, and that's just straight FACTS.


I use to watch AoS but stopped a while back. I've been thinking of getting back into it. I stopped watching right before the Thor people made their appearence. Can anyone tell me what episode that is? Thanks!

Linsey Morris

been waiting for this fitzsimmons reaction since the start of this season! you did not disappoint!! i love that the show does things most shows won't do and they were like "ok we can't drag this on any longer here u go" too many shows are afraid of what'll happen when they finally take the plunge with the will they/won't they couples. they think it makes people lose interest in them. i'm glad shield isn't one of those shows bc fitzsimmons just gets better and better the longer they go on. probably one of the best ships i've ever shipped if not THE best.

Tau Katungi

Depends on the season you stopped on. Asgardians show up early season 1 episode 8 and episode 15. Season 2 show up episode 12.

Heru Muharrar

Love this episode and this reaction. I'll be taking a break for the next two weeks so I can watch the next two back to back. Can't wait.


Hail Hydra!

Dylan Carpenter

3x9 and 3x10 are perfect candidates for double drops. PLUS: next Tuesday is... *looks at calendar*... the Lunar New Year, and 3x9 & 3x10 both revolve around Maveth, which has two moons. If that's not a sign that fate wants a double drop, I don't know what is.

Justin Neason

I am so glad they didn't force-redeem Ward just because he's cool. That woulda been wayy too typical and CWverse-like (I'm sorry, I had to). Instead they committed and created one of the most entertaining villains of Marvel TV


nah he didnt kill the pilots, he cant get into the cockpit


I kind of want the editor to tell them that their darkness thing is ridiculous because it is really skewing their predictions


Great reaction guys, the next two episodes are really good.


Finally! The episode I have been waiting on!


So you got until this summer if you want to be ready for season 6....also, in my opinion Suraj won the kiss prediction because Rana changed her bet from episode 10 to season 4

Calculatus Eliminatus

Enjoyed the reaction. This episode brings together so many of the threads and plot points that have been laid out over the course of this and previous seasons. Starts the closure of many of the loops and small details that seemed like nothing all along. The truth about the ATCU, Hydra, why the Inhumans feared the monolith, why there were cavities carved into it (think about that one being planned for in the previous season), why the whole Jemma to the planet and back was a deal, why they showed us the old Hydra guys picking stones to go through, the symbols and why the made a deal of it when they were in the castle, the real reason that Ward went after Von Strucker, Why the ATCU was actually storing Inhumans, Why Malick went and talked to Andrew (and find out about Jemma), the KISS and then the second KISSSS. Reminding us that little things, like "How did Roz know about TAHITI?", we should pay attention to, because the writers do. Acknowledging the Fitz-Simmons "curse". They showed us earlier in the season that Fitz had managed to miniaturize the cloaking tech with the new Dwarf. And now we see it with Bobbi's new batons. The very name of the episode. A single Tale the unites all the Hydra history and its Many Heads. The episode starts with the Octopus and ends with the reveal of old Hydra symbols. Suddenly, all the things that seemed like different stories, side plots, minor side talk turn into the actual bigger story. So many more that can't be mentioned.. Chris does have an odd sense of what offends his suspension of disbelief. Not a bad thing, just so unexpected. Inhumans with powers? no problem. Ward gets a parachute, Quinn Jet disconnecting from the Zephyr in a dramatic way? That's just way to unrealistic to accept.

Raymond Strand

Marketa and Chris being the only people who remember that Hydra are basically Nazis is why I'm glad they're back for these episodes. Like Ward is a horrible person and he only gets worse.


So "Ward needs to be a bigger, more dangerous villain", does he? Be careful what you wish for)))) Can't wait for Maveth Ark)


Micky's all over that "Iron Chef" connect :)


I always love the way this show shifts the perspectives and makes people like a thing that when it happened in the previous season some people had issues with. Coulson sends in 3 agents to infiltrate a “friendly” organization because there is something shady about them and its cool but Gonzalez sends in 3 agents to a shady friendly organization and its the worst thing ever because we were on the other side of that one. I heard no one on the couch say, “why doesn’t Phill just about all the stuff that doesn’t add up in the ATCU?”


The plane didn't crash. The only thing Ward blew up was the door. A plane can fly just fine without a door. The only thing that would happen to those passengers is the oxygen masks would drop and they'd put them on while the pilot was diving to a lower altitude, then they'd find the closest airport to land at. It would be traumatic for sure, but not deadly.


IS it me or is there a bunch of spoilery stuff in these comments??? Cause it seems like there is.

eric lemieux

i think ward on that plane is my favorite ward moment


not really, haven't seen any significant or detailed spoiler related things in these comments here.


Man, it would be hilarious if they watched the new Season 6 trailer. I know they wouldn't because they don't want the juicy spoilers but given where they are now they'd just be like, "WHAT even is this show?!"

Rufus May

It really has changed so much in scope from the low-key 'street level' stuff before.


I liked it, but I think him trying to figure out in season one how to make Fitz Simmon's table work was pretty good.


I feel you Micky, when you know its him, its hard to unsee this <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPtMHSYtPc4" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPtMHSYtPc4</a>

Justin Jefferson

I really hope you guys go hard on the AOS binge to catch up because the new season looks like it is going to be so good.


Well this episode just explained that Hydra isn't basically just Nazis.

Cheddah Slammer

What makes Ward so complicated is that does he really have a goal? He functions off chaos that he creates himself. None of his supposed goals are actually real, and are undermined by his own actions because he actually has no goal. Wants Daisy, decides to completely betray her. Wants Kara, decides to kidnap Bobby leading to Kara's death. Tries to restart Hydra, based off his own revenge, because of the death of Kara. ect..... If he had a goal he would be worse then he actually is. He is a completely lost and hopeless character and that is why people like him. Also certain reasons why you guys don't like him is because of head canon, like for example pushing that he killed all the people in the plane in this episode when none of them died.

Linsey Morris

wanted to leave another comment saying thank you to chris and marketa for always being real about ward and knowing from day 1 that he was nothing more than a bitchass white boy lmao everything you say about him are things i've said to my friend who loved him too and things i CONTINUE to say about him upon rewatch. he's the worst. your feelings are valid. thank you for representing us on the couch!


Watching these reactions is the most frustrating and fulfilling thing. It's the never ending, they got but not really but kind of but not at all.

Jay Johnson

yea he is bad but has no one explained to them that you can LIKE villains? just cuz they dislike them don't mean its wrong for everyone else to like ward...like me for example, i know he is an ass sometimes....but who don't like ass ;)


Hey guys hope u guys consider a double drop this week since the first arc ends in EP 9 and 10,if not it's totally fine 😊. Love your reactions btw.


Did anyone else caught Marketa mentioning “the octopus thing on the planet with the nazi arms” is she referring to the Hydra shrine on Maveth? Cause they only show that 2 episodes from this one...


So...HYDRA worships Apocalypse?