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Lots of good points raised in this episode and a jaw drop of an ending! What will Diane do with the information she just got on Bojack?


Bojack Horseman - 5x4 Bojack the Feminist - Group Reaction



I didn't really like this episode. It was funny but too strawman-y to qualify as an actual discussion.

Jacob Rossitter

Dude Mark Wahlberg used to go around beating up minorities outside of Boston in the 80s. He was charged with attempted murder and assault.


the simultaneously realization of what tape Ana was playing was amazing. Also, Mark Wahlberg a douche is definitely putting it lightly.

Eric M

And so it begins.


Great reaction to a great episode - even though you strayed from the episode in the discussion. Also, you look a bit tired Nahid. Don't work too hard!


This season gets really meta with the writers using "Philbert" as a sort of self insert to talk about what they think of Bojack Horseman as a show. Some parts of it are more obvious like Philbert being played by Bojack ,or Philbert's house looking exactly like Bojack's. Starting from this episode onward you can definitely hear it in some lines like when Bojack's getting interviewed by "Ryan Seacrest type" he says , "You're not supposed to like John Philbert or agree with the things he does. It's a TV show. It doesn't glamorize anything... but maybe it normalizes it."


as a survivor of this type of stuff, I’m actually someone who is very in favor of rehabilitating abusers (though i understand people who are resistant) and love this show for bringing this discussion to light. The unfortunate reality is sexual violence is really prevalent, and chances are most of us have people we know and even care about who have teetered on the edge of inflicting abuse or actually abused someone, which was illustrated perfectly here with Diane realizing her best friend nearly assaulted a minor. It’s impossible to jail everyone responsible and not all victims are even comfortable with jailing perpetrators. So i agree with mickey that what’s necessary is owning up to being a piece of shit and attempting actual reformation. The problem arises when the majority of people owning up to it aren’t sincere and don’t address their issues effectively through rehab, therapy, or any other number of non-punitive methods (assuming they aren’t going to jail). People can change but it’s a difficult process.


Oh also the guy who made bojack was inspired to write this season after finding out Harvey Weinstein was a big fan of and identified with bojack. He said it made him reevaluate the message his show was sending


I disagree! This episode was great and I can’t think of any real strawman arguments. And it inspired a massive discussion with the crew after the episode becuase it brought up so many points.


You guys really aren't going to provide any update on Parks and Rec?


I just came here to check on Parks and Rec... I have to go to bed soon. ☹️

Neil Prospect

For the record Chris Brown has been accused of assault multiple times since the Rihanna incident and was just accused of rape like this week


I really started hating Diane this season


Yep, Karreuche had to get a restraining order from him for his persistent harassment and stalking.


Can I ask why? What problem do you have with her this season especially?