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Hello everyone!!!

When we revisited our perks at the end of 2018, we decided to add a little element of luck into your pledges! I used an online fortune wheel app to spin and pick a random name off the list of all of our active patrons, no matter what your pledge is! The winner gets a $50 giftcard to ThinkGeek! 

This month, our Wheel God favored Jenny Schymanski!!! CONGRATULATIONS!

For those of you who have not won this month, I hope you find solace in Suraj'es bewbs.  Jenny, please confirm with us your active email address so we can send you your e-card!



Philip Kay

Looking good there Suraj


The best Suraj has looked in awhile.

Jenny Schymanski

God that picture LOL Great!!! I almost overlooked the fact, that this winner anouncement had my name on it. GOSH!!! I'm stunned. YAY!!! Thanks I'm totaly happy. GOD!!! Love you all!!! ♥


lol first day here and this is the first thing I see on the page... I think I'm gonna like it here!

Lego The Office

LOL!! This totally brightened my day!


Suraj lookin like a snacc

TJ Frangie

Ugh we are so close! I love this show so much and the last 3 eps are great. I am so anxious that I have to wait 3 weeks to finish this show with you guys. But I can’t wait :). Glad you guys have enjoyed this show, definitely one of my favorites.

Danny Jasper

How cool! Congrats Jenny.