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Hello! It is time again to get to know you, you, specifically. Please, join us during a live hang out! We love getting to know our patrons and what better way to do it than during an exclusive live hangout! 

This month we hope to see you all on Sunday, January 13th @ 2 PM EST!


LIVE Monthly Q/A Hang out !



When is Pat coming back? And is Navi still watching AOS, haven't seen her in any reactions for a while.


Where the my hero reaction

ashar waseem

Hey Guyys! When are you watching The Wire? 🤞


If you could act in any show, which show would you want to be on?

Savaun Lollis

what are you guys' new years resolutions


Is naheed ever gonna cut that hair ? 😂


So at this moment only episode 8 of MHA is up on Patreon so none of us have seen episode 9. This is addressed to Rana. So, you criticized Bakugou in the review for episode 8, saying instead of running away he should stay and work at being better. After finding out he was actually doing exactly what you said he should do, did that kind of affect your opinion at all of Bakugou in a good way?