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Here we go... The Dan Harmonless season.  Is it really gonna be as different as everyone says?  well... here we go.


Community 4x1 History 101 Normies React

We react to the first episode of Community without Dan Harmon! Weekly Show Schedule: https://www.facebook.com/TheNormiesGroup Check out full and uncut episodes of Community on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/thenormies Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/thenormies You can send stuff to us at PO 785 Fishers, IN 46038 Check out our social stuff too: facebook - facebook.com/thenormiesgroup twitter - @the_normies Instagram - @the_normies twitch.tv/thenormiestv snapchat - thenormies


Daníel Smári

Am I missing something? Why are they doing season 4?


See guys, season 4 isn't THAT BAD. It's a downgrade for sure, and the absolute best moments of Community are behind us now but season 4 is still okay and 5 and 6 are at least almost a return to form after that. It's still gonna be a lot of fun.


I wish people hadn't told them Season 4 was different, because I really don't think it's that different and I would be really curious to see if they'd notice any "changes"


Absolutely. I think ultimately they will probably enjoy it less overall because even though they've had low expectations, like you mentioned, they're going to be unconsciously nit-picking little things without meaning to.


I hope your expectations don't ruin the season for you because I went into it not knowing anything and I didn't notice any different "feel" to the episode. I like this season and I don't think people who bash it are giving it an objective look.


I found this season to be unwatchable, I think I gave up after the first four episodes when it was airing. I watched a few of the later season episodes that were considered better but they were just as bad (the finale especially is horrendous). It's pretty much fan fiction. The character development and plot points that Harmon built over the first three seasons are handled poorly - Troy and Britta's relationship was not explored in any interesting way, Chang has a particularly dumb story line, a big plot point with Jeff we've been building to was just not done well. Overall everything felt forced and simply not funny. Just my opinion - S5 and S6 are back to form at least.


Really the only real difference was the shows plots weren’t always as airtight continuity wise and the prop gags that the production staff included weren’t as brilliant but season four was still good just not great. A lot of people just wanted to see the original four season vision Harmon had.


I don't hate this season... there's some rly good stuff. But this episode, it was like all subtlety was lost. Almost like really good fanfiction. It's like... the call backs are up in your face with no nuance, and it kinda bums me out. They bring back everything from "crisis alert" to Dean's half man half woman outfit to the over reliance on Winger speeches several times throughout the episode. It just doesn't feel real to me. But that's just this episode. Like I mentioned, there's some really good stuff in this season.

Andy Joseph

"This is like some fanfiction" Yeah, that's pretty much how this season feels to me x)

George Baxter

This was an episode where it felt like a really good impression of Harmon's style in season 3; when the show was at its goofiest and the new show runners leant into it even more. The meta-joke about the show becoming a sitcom was actually pretty clever, but in reality it actually does veer into that territory. Everything becomes too safe and bright, the characters lose their edge and flaws. When Harmon returns he re-grounds the show and gets back to the weirdness that inspired Community in the first place. Its about broken people coming together and even when the cast changes later on Harmon retains those core values.


I don't hate it but I can definitely see the subtle differences. Does it turn me off to the point where I can spew to others that its unwatchable...no. Its way better than HIMYM's last season though cause F that season.

Justin Jefferson

There is nothing wrong with season 4 and the people telling you its unwatchable are just being over dramatic.


They kinda feel like caricatures of themselves.

Rob Flynn

To many if something is not the best it immediately becomes the worst.


This episode perfectly showcases why Season 4 isn't necessarily bad it's just "off" and kinda wrong. It starts with an Abed-sitcom genre thing that it doesn't commit to and then leads into a straight up Hunger Games parody (Community rarely ever parodies a specific thing) - and on top of that the first episode of the season has always been dealing with all of the character plots from the previous season.


No crimes necessarily (until we get to Heroic Origins and the finale....yikes) but just a fundamental misunderstanding of the show, thinking it's about the gimmicks and parodies first and characters second


For what it's worth, it wasn't just Dan Harmon that left, but also Chris McKenna, the head writer - so the show's two biggest voices left and to me the way the characters act is just SLIGHTLY off.

Neil Prospect

I always wondered what someone who didn't know Dan Harmon was gone from season 4 would think about it. Season 4 is ultimately ok, but different with a few legit bad episodes

Josh B

The Dance episode and the Jim Rash episode were great. Other than that I can barely remember it. Season 5 and 6 are a step below 2 and 3 but they still felt by the show at least.

Jeffrey Ferrer

God I HATE that so people spoiled this season for you guys by telling you that it was bad. It would have been better if you'd formed your own opinions. You can clearly tell that some of the Normies were unsure if they were allowed to laugh or not, almost like they felt guilty about laughing.

Rob Flynn

Yeah, I hate when people say shit like that. Same when people give heads up about budget reductions, too. It causes a bias even if one was not intended.


I don't understand all the hate? Be real, if you didn't know Harmon left you wouldn't have noticed any difference. There's a few bad episodes and it seems like The Normies were holding back laughter at some points because they're supposed to think it's bad.

Andy Joseph

To be fair, I think every seaon feels unique and different from each other. And since I already felt like season 3 was a bit off in some aspects, if I was only told that the original showrunner was gone but without knowing which seasons were concerned, I would probably haved guessed 3 and 4.

Trent Bowles

Jeez, you even got the "Gas Leak season" joke ruined for you? That's too bad. Listen, as far as I'm concerned, Season 4 is the Cubic Zirconia of Community. It's not Dan Harmon Community, but it's a passable forgery that feels like the real thing as long as you don't focus too hard on it. Pierce being a completely useless character because of Chevy Chase's antics is far more distracting than anything else.

Champion Bescos

Dan Harmon is overrated. Clever, but overrated. Season 4 does just fine.


Hello, My name is Kevin. I have Changnesia 😂