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It's interesting watching this with the hindsight that cast and crew thought this might be their last episode ever.  I think they did a great job this season despite the background politics and budgetary issues that were occuring.  Now we move on to the infamous gas leak season *gulp*


Community - 3x22 Introduction to Finality - Group Reaction



Man your guys' expectations are SO LOW I think you guys will still like it just fine. Community is NEVER bad in my opinion. While the drop off is definite, it's still better than almost anything else.

Derek Garrard

This is very true. While not nearly as good as 1-3 or 5-6, it's still got the great and hilarious cast and it is still not awful television.


Cool...cool, cool, cool.

Neil Prospect

Season 4 wasn't terrible, in fact it did have a few very good episodes. But it wasn't the same show. And there was an episode or two that were legitimately terrible. It was fine, but it was no longer something I was looking forward to every week. Seasons 5 and 6 were both back to form and a completely different show, but it made season 4 really stand out as like not part of the others


You shouldn't be sad, because even though S4 isn't as good, S5&6 are back to being great again, thanks to Harmon getting re-hired.


Yeah, season 4 isn't as good, but it's watchable. To me, season 6 is one of the best. It's feels different, but it was amazing. It's worth it to get there.


Season 4 isn't that bad, just feels like a bit of different show. The only disappointment IMO was they dropped a really great idea for Jeff's dad. But there are plenty of wonderful moments as well.


When I binged the show a while back, before I knew about the drop in quality, I actually found season 4 to be ok. It wasn’t as good as the first three, but it was still better than some tv shows.


Season 4 isn't bad at all. U may think it's weaker than the rest of the seasons but it's still really fun IMO.

Deviant Parker

Agreed. It's absolutely the worst season, but compared to 99% of network television, it's still good. I thought the same thing when Michael left The Office.


season 4 is exactly as good as the rest of the show people just wanted it to be bad because they worship Dan Harmon.


Wait was that the Honest Trailers guy at the repair school?!

Melonie Mitchell

I enjoyed all the seasons. I think some people just want shows to stay the same always even though that gets really boring. I like shows that evolve.

Melonie Mitchell

Also I can't find the season 4 reactions you say are on here.

Andy Joseph

The season 4 premiere is probably my very least favorite episode of Community. But besides this one, I think the season is fairly decent. A lot of recycled jokes / informations though. And overrall, the fact that they played it pretty safe is both a good and a bad thing. On one hand, the following season didn't need to do toooo much damage control because of it. On the other hand, it makes certains parts kinda boring sometimes. Still can't wait to see your reactions of it though.

George Baxter

I think season 5 and 6 are really good. The show loses its lighter edge and becomes more mature when Dan Harmon returns but what it loses in sitcom fun it gains in genuine drama. There are some great new cast additions as well.


I wish I was just holding onto some petty squabble, but I always felt like from the very first camera shot in season 4, something felt different about the cinematography...I'll admit I'm not a critic, and I couldn't describe it much beyond the use of brighter colours and other aesthetics...and I don't really hate season 4 either...but to me, it feels almost like a different show.


I'm pretty sure that part is for when this episode's reaction hits youtube or even early access, since this is the premium access post for December 27th.


Who remembers when the Normies were originally only watching the first four episodes? And now, here we are gearing up for the gas leak season with no signs of slowing down. Thank you to all the Normies for taking us on this journey, personally it's been amazing to experience this all over again and I'm excited to see you push through to the very end!!

Bryce Nielsen

The show didn't get really bad until the Yahoo season (6) IMO. It was so bad I never finished the series.

Andy Joseph

Sorry to see that you didn't like it... But you really should watch the last 3 episodes at least :)

Stephen Mailman

Season 4 is definitely a bit of a slump but not bad by any means, season 5 returns to form and is one of the best imo.