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Mustang has a big choice to make! Buc and Fu make a heavy sacrifice to inflict a mortal wound on Bradley! Wow this climax is just so insane.. I was not expecting any of these combination of folks to be fighting at the end.







Oh just wait...How far have y'all actually watched up until now?k

Derek Garrard

There haven't been many moments that have rendered every Normie silent, but I'm glad this ending was able to make them all just freeze with terror.

Chase Robert Dunn

I would cover the room in plastic before I performed human transmutation.

Omari Bush

Mustang didn’t use his flames because it would end up burning up everyone around him especially himself. He can only make them so small

Jason Lim

But he knew how to pinpoint right? Like he did with the pale skin homunculi. My guess is that the soldiers were acting too fast for him to burn them instead of the area being too small. Or it could come from a moral standpoint at which he tries not to do it ever since he got back from the war

Lavota Carter

Please remember Ling does not want the immortality for himself. He needs it to save his people back home from possible danger. Just like Mei.


Ok guys where is that schedule at >.> Lol I hope you watched the rest in a binge. On a side note one of my favorite animation things happens in this episode, it's just the tear mixing with the blood. Idk why but I always cry at that point.

Kamina 1

I feel bad for the editor of the promise day. You have a tough one AJ man.


I cant wait for the next episode!!! Really wished that it was a double reaction.

Daniel Gonzalez

Ha anime protagonists always winning just cuz ide o un says hi but yeah the amount of times that is the case is pretty huge

Senbu Johns


Senbu Johns

This sounds dumb but I'm going to say it every episodes. "Next episode is better !!!" and this since the promiseed day started

Senbu Johns

Top notch homonculi yes but Bradley can't regenerate like the others. They have the advantage of having multiple lives when he can only die once. Meaning he is just this relentless and strong