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Merry Christmas Ya filthy Normies.....


Breaking Bad 3x1 Reaction


Crap Writing Co.

God I Love Hannah....just God Damn...


What what. A double ?? You guys rock


fun fact, the explosion at the end with the twins was a real explosion. it was wayyyyy bigger than intended but the twins still didn't break character and continued to walk. real badasses.


<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1986_Cerritos_mid-air_collision" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1986_Cerritos_mid-air_collision</a>


The air controller from that 1986 crash... his name was Walter White.


Best Christmas gift ever!)

Jarrod Wild

Bryan Cranston is a great director.


Merry Christmas y'all, thanks for the double drop


hope you guys are having a great day. The double drop means more than you know, Thank you

Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen #1

Alright I had to pause the video and leave a comment. You’re blaming Walt for the the airplanes crash because he didn’t save Jane....he’s not the one that stuck the needle in her! She was going to die even if he was never there!


Exactly! Sad as the whole situation is, it's ultimately on her father. He came back to work before he was ready and couldn't handle the responsibility his job put on him. What if Jane had driven in the ditch on the way to get groceries because she was high? Her dad may still have went to work and crashed some planes or he may not have. My point is that Walt is not the determining factor here. Skyler is now doing the same thing as Walt. Walt justifies cooking meth because it’s to make sure his family is taken care of after he’s gone. Now Skyler justifies leaving him by saying it’s for the safety of their children but really it’s to punish Walt for lying to her all this time.


Yeah. I watched a video on that. The explosion was so big that it blew metal parts past the actors, and had they been hit it would of been a major problem. Actually I don't even think they are actors. I think the director just got 2 scary people to play the part, and they ended up being really good. Anyway, here is raw footage. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsWgG_nVCj0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsWgG_nVCj0</a>

Alex Johnson

I really don't think you can reasonably blame Walt for the plane crash. His actions led to the crash, but there is absolutely no way that anyone could have foreseen something like that happening due to allowing Jane to die. I believe the show is trying to show how everything Walt touches gets destroyed, not that he is personally at fault for **all** of the destruction that comes about. He can definitely be blamed for Jane's death, but not what happened as a result of that.


One thing I wish people knew more and appreciated more is the fact that the creators of this show made all these shots/special effects with very low budget. They even said that Cranston among other members of the show used their own money to do as much justice to their colective vision as possible. So whenever people try to point out something or say how they could have made a scene better know that every resource was exhausted in creating a show that's better than in all ways compared to shows that look silly with enormous amounts of support and budget.