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I'll be out of Lost reacts for the majority of S3 from here on out! I honestly think the reacts are better with just the gals blind reacting! I may be back toward the end but we shall see. Watching a lot of things right now to build up a backlog for ya'll with our other shows. Enjoy the S3 premiere


Lost 3x1 Reaction



I sent the game dammit! Who else sends you obscure board games! I even called out in my note when I sent it that you likely already have it Suraj, go back and watch that unboxing lmao!

Heru Muharrar

Wait what the hell happened in the middle of this reaction I missed something major...oh wait I think I know why. was confused what happened to Suraj.


haha...I hope they play it sometime soon :)

Retap Maxsor

Great reactions everyone. I'm sorry your going through/went through the relationship struggles Suraj... it sucks man. :( Best wishes to you all!

Barney Rudkins-Stow

Always love a LOST reaction. Thank you Suraj for bringing us this reaction series. Hope to see you at The End.


Juliet!!!! My fav!


Wow. This episode is a personal favourite of mine because of Jack's intense flashback. That scene at the end with Juliet where he simply asks 'Is she happy?' is a turning point for him and quite touching. And as a reaction it was top class, you guys. Rana's reaction to Ben coming out his house lmao. But Suraj that was some real heartfelt stuff at the end of the ep. Not everyone can bare all like that on camera so respect to you man. And if this is the last time you're in a regular Lost reaction just want to say thanks. No doubt this reaction series wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you. Appreciate all the work you've put in. You're the man Suraj 👍

David Caine

It was during season 3 of LOST that I went through a fucked up break up, and going back to this episode and rewatching other things really hit too close to home. However, watching and feeling the show and the characters helped me work out my own mind strategies to cope back then. There are other works of fiction that helped me relate and cleanse my emotions, but LOST was the most special. Not only was the show one of the best back then, unique in the way it sucked people in, but it became even more personal with the promise of even greater greatness. It was catharsis. On many levels.


Thanks AB23 I appreciate this comment. And yes the ending to this was very intense and nothing of how I remembered this episode was when I first watched it. It sucks because I can understand Jack's paranoia but at the same time see how it ended up being detrimental to his relationship with his father in the end.


Thanks for sharing. Stories are a good way to cope with hardships. Unlike you, I wasn't going through much of anything back when this was on other than the normal college/teenage angst. So rewatching now is a completely different experience.

David Caine

And on the plot of the show so far, the flashback does indeed happen before Christian fucks up on the operating table and Jack ratted him out. The fight and mistrust is what leads to that. But what almost no one discusses is that what sets Jack off to report his dad is that the supervisors mention that the patient Christian killed was pregnant. Then Jack hesitates and rats on his father. On the second season flashback it's implied that Jack wants no children and that it bothers his wife Sarah, who seemed hurt or disappointed that Jack was relieved that she had a false pregnancy scare, and that she was used to that negative reaction from Jack. That's important to Jack's arc.


Damn Suraj making me cry too :(

Danny Jasper

Suraj _O_ Please do come back when you're up to it.


Yeah Lost is not a good show to watch when you're down, it tends to be a bit too sad. I hope you're doing better. "It doesn't matter who he is, it just matters who you're not", sums up heartbreak pretty well.


aw this was special hope u are doing better suraj <3


That was quite something! Really touching to watch such an amazing show with you guys, and get these great perspectives, considering i don't have any friends who enjoy this like me. Btw, why is Suraj laughing like Peter Griffin nowdays? hahahha

Jarrod Wild

Bad timing for this episode reaction for Suraj. I feel for you man. :(