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Agents of Shield concludes Season 2 in this packed finale! A series of escalating unfortunate events happen one after another in the last 5 minutes! We're excited to start Season 3 next week! Thanks for the support everyone and hope you have enjoyed our S2 reactions!


Agents of Shield - 2x21 S.O.S. Part 2 - Group Reaction



Thank you for the double drop. It is appreciated. Season 3 is even better.


At least you don't have to wait 6 months like we did!

Kelly Parks

Did you see what was written on the bottles of fish oil pills? "Health Benefits that will CHANGE YOUR LIFE!"


The cliffhanger was a brutal wait for the next season. Also the fish oil can't kill, only turn humans with the dormant inhuman gene into full inhumans. The metal, which kills, is still at the bottom of the ocean while the crystal part dissolved from the mixed crystal + metal composite the inhumans at afterlife made. edit. We do know this because the inhumans told how they didn't want to rely on using the temple, referred to as the old way, to activate the transformation in the Terrigen Crystals so they melted down the obelisks they had to get more individual crystals from them to trigger single transformations instead of multiple people at a time. Sorry for the nerdy fan rant, it's not often I get to geek with others over A.O.S.

Linsey Morris

raina lmao ward has BEEN okay with killing may since SEASON ONE girl where u been?? fun fact that i always make sure to tell reactors every time this episode airs: "science biatch" was ad-libbed by iain. all the screaming in this reaction killed me sdjfsk ESPECIALLY THAT LAST SCENE. TRY WAITING 6 MONTHS AFTER THAT MOMENT! i am so excited for you to get into s3!!! the premiere is one of my favorites.

Kim Carragher

Wow, awesome reaction. Rana leaping off the couch when Simmons disappeared, all of your faces, Micky not knowing what to say... ahhh it was brilliant.


Ward is not a psychopath. A psychopath does not feel anything. Ward feels a lot. He lived his early life being taken in and warped by strong male figures(his father, his brother, Garret). So as an adult, he tried to take people under his wing in the same way; first with Skye, and then with Kara. It's not that he doesn't care, it is that he doesn't know how to care in a normal, constructive way. Just imagine if someone like Agent Hand had gotten to him before Garret did.


and it gets better and better and better ....

Calculatus Eliminatus

One thing to remember in this show. Everyone tells the story / shares information from THEIR perspective and understanding. That doesn't mean they are right. We've already seen several examples where people only had part of the story and parts of it are wrong. So, take everything as a clue but no necessarily a fact. Also, it's important to understand the crystals properly. The crystals we have seen are in two parts: Terrigen and the Diviner Metal. The metal is what turns people to stone and the Terrigen is what changes people with the Inhuman gene into Inhumans. Pure Terrigen does NOTHING to a normal human. Like we saw with the mist and Tripp.

Heru Muharrar

We only really know that because we've seen ahead. The writers could've done whatever they wanted with that story.

Justin Neason

YESS. It's only up from here, and that reaction at the ending was me first time. I was like WTH, thank God I was binging! xD

Heru Muharrar

Loved the reactions guys can't wait for Season 3!

Kelly Parks

Great reaction, Normies!

Alvin Cura

Heya Normies, yes I have enjoyed your S2 reactions! But the more important question is: have YOU enjoyed S2? I hope that, like us the non-mainstream demographic that wrings its hands when the upfronts are due, you have come to find the show enjoyable enough to be worth the time and dedication you have to put into it. Personally I got into MAOS for two reasons: Marvel-brand/MCU and J-Mo (Jed Whedon and Maurissa Tancharoen). Although over time, the studio-drama and MCU connectivity has let me down, the showrunners and the collaboration they have with the writers, cast, and crew has continuously stepped up to the plate. I've loved what they have done, especially as underdogs of sorts. I hope you have too. Of course I want it to be worth your while. I mean, there was some deserved skepticism at the beginning, what with the difficulties of corporate synergy and production schedules. But as the seasons unfolds, it has become clear to me that the showrunners know what they're doing, and I get to enjoy the ride.


Ward was molding Kara like Garret molded him.


Yeah!!!! Can’t wait for season 3


Yeah both Raina and Cal turned into tragic stories. In both seasons Raina was just obsessed with what she would become. Everything she did was because she believed she was special and wanted to find someone to help her unearth it. She also told Skye/Daisy multiple times they were linked together. She was ok with dying at the end because she finally understood her purpose, which was to protect Skye and show her the truth, so she fulfilled her being. "Even in the darkness you will see the truth."


Cal was just insane and misunderstood. I thought it was great how they had him as the villain early on, even though I don't think they ever showed him killing anyone just with bloody hands (he was a doctor). I also don't think he ever killed any Shield agents but I could be mistaken (I think he even says he isn't sure that he did in ep. 21). Then to find out why he was so crazy made him sympathetic, and turns out he just wanted his family.


This was an amazing 2 part reaction for an amazing 2 part finale. Loved the reactions to Cal killing Jiyang and Simmons disappearing the most. You are in for such a treat these next 3 seasons.

Calculatus Eliminatus

Cal's story, from beginning to end, is what makes AOS so good. When you rewatch, as we get to do with the reactions, you can see how his character is so consistent throughout. It was always a matter of the audience not truly understanding his whole story. As more and more and more of his story is revealed and his true nature (anything, including violence, to protect his daughter/family) he becomes more sympathetic. He certainly has his moments when he is in crazy mode and he's taken actions which are hard to defend. Most of the characters are deep and layered and have "lives" that have led them to where they are now. Their actions (for the most part) are consistent with that story. It's also why the show often does NOT do what you think it will. Because the characters aren't just plot devices, they aren't just thin paper. They do what they do for real and "that makes sense" reasons. And it's great.

James Avery

I’ve been waiting all season for y’all to react to the Gordon line 😆. I’m glad y’all are noticing Fitz this early 👌🏾.


I can not wait to see your season 3 premier review. I think a lot of people watched the finale and imagined that scene with simmons wouldnt be as huge as they wanted you to think and it WAS IT TOTALLY WAS.


I LOVE this finale, it's SO GOOD. I love the other seasons too but this is still one of my favorite episodes of the whole show. So many wild things happen and then the ending with Jemma! If I remember correctly, I watched seasons 1 and 2 on Netflix before season 3 aired and it was awful having to wait wondering what happened to Jemma! You all are definitely lucky that you don't have to wait that long for season 3! Looking forward to season 3 next week!


Thanks for the double drop!


I agree. Next season's finale is still my favorite, then 5, but this one was THE game changer, definitely.


Its amazing to think that this show just keeps getting better and better every season

Rufus May

I don't think Ward loved Kara, I think he has a pathological need for validation and she provided that for him.

Jenny Schymanski

thx for the double drop. And now? Can you imagine how we looked and FEEL after this ending and have to wait like forever? hihihi ♥


I agree, he's a master manipulator as well and definitely gets enjoyment out of it.


And no, Andrew isn't seeing someone else. When he said that her picture was on his desk he was talking about May.


season 3 is my fav i cant wait to see u guys watch it!! hopefully chris and navi can join too


Great reaction.... great group... I would love if Navi and Pat were involved again but if not these four are perfect

Jordan Malloy

Has anyone informed them that Daisy Johnson is a major character from the comics? During the run of the 2nd season, everyone knew episodes ago (since it was a major reveal). It might be useful for them to know at least that.