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Mustang has revenge in his eyes! My what beautiful eyes he has...Enjoy this reaction of FMAB as the group reunites in Central!

The finale of Korra will be up shortly everyone thank you for your pateince!





"These are not the drops you are looking for" .................... I kid I kid.


Will there be a anime poll for after you guys finish this show?


Now you're just trolling the korra fans guys xD


Brahh :'(


Where is Korra? I'm so excited for the last episode. 😍

hays collins

Come on this is just a regular episode you should’ve posted korra finale first

Bryan Matola

Nothing but FMAB requests in the early access links, nothing but Korea requests in the FMAB episode


this is such a good episode!! the animation especially is just amazing, next episode also contains one of my favourite scenes in the entire show/manga cant wait to see ur reaction to it!


Pretty sure this is becoming torture now, they know what they are doing -.-

Brandon Hughes

Maybe they just don’t want Korra to be over yet either.


Where’s Korra? I literally can’t breathe


The whole seciton of the anime os fantastic


You guys are completely right about the Mustang situation. The issue isn't that Envy needs to die. Compare this to him incinerating Lust: he did that in seconds. He could kill Envy and move on, but isn't, even though so much depends on them succeeding, simply because it feels good to make Envy hurt.


I started watching this to pass time for korra, but Navi looks great in those glasses gah damn


Yeah, this battle isn't really Roy vs Envy, it's a battle for Roy's soul.

Tina L

Yay! FMA! I would say more, but I have a cold and am unable to be as quick witted as usual.


if Navi yelled "HEY, LISTEN!" at me, I'd be all ears 😍


53 and 54, one of the best episodes! I enjoyed your reaction and discussion, especially Mustang being consumed by the dark side... Can't wait for the next episode!

Lalisa Truong

And this was when I realized just how scary angry and vengeful Mustang was. We've seen those hints of darkness within him whenever Hughes was brought up, but this was just it finally coming all out.




Yeah, when Hughes reached for his throwing knives, Envy transformed into his wife so he hesitated before he attacked.


Hey! just wanted to point out the Ep number is off on this title


This show is fucking good.

Lavota Carter

Envy changed into Hughes wife after Hughes pointed out that the mole was in the wrong spot. so Envy (he/she/it) changed it so that the "eye witness" would describe the right scapegoat. Hughes always carried a photo of his wife and child and showed the photo of his lovely girls repeatedly to EVERYONE in Central. We have seen Envy impersonate random soldiers to secretly report to Bradley and spy. So Envy would know about Mrs.Hughes and what she looked like. When Hughes was dying we saw the picture he always kept in his coat. Envy's look in this episode is identical to that photo.


Oh gawd too much awesomeness


Mustang snapping like a boss is one the best parts of FMAB IMO.

A Suresh

Just as an fyi: May is around 11 years old at the time of the series.