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Poor Asami :( RIP Hiroshi Sato that was tough to watch! This whole episode was amazing with everyone working together to take down Mecha Kuvira. We also were able to have some big emotional moments with Varrick and Zhu Li/Asama and her father. Amazing they were able to fit this much content in a 22 minute episode. WU DOWWWN! Actually Wu up! Where did he get these balls from?


The Legend of Korra - 4x12 Day of the Colossus



Remember next epsiode search up the final scene


So will other members of the normies be joining you guys for the series finale? If not, without spoiling anything, the final scene of the finale will have a lot more significance if you keep in mind that this is a much more mature show than its predecessor. Or just look up what the final scene means as soon as you guys finish watching the episode

Rebel Pilot

yep Brians written statement was probably the best of the finale. So good. and honest. And also This is what really openened the door for the rest of the queer Cartoon content we saw in recent years.

Adam is Magic

I hope you post the finale soon! I'm dying to see you're thoughts on it!


Please drop the next episode soon! This was a two part finale


In the first 30 seconds of the video they say they are not double dropping. But maybe the message was for Youtube.


It's meant to be watched together - splitting it up could reduce the impact of the last one. Great reaction, butI had been looking forward to this Wednesday for quite some time...ah well, reality is a bitch sometimes.

Luis Benavides

I think the force of the hand smashing Hummingbird is what opened the hole. I don't think they had the time to cut a complete circle but cut just enough to where the empact itself makes the hole happen. It reminds me of how Aang and his team took down the drill. except in this case Hiroshi's Hummingbird is the rock get what I'm saying.


I guess you ending avatar next week is the perfect opportunity for you 4 to start the new show together *hint hint I’m talking about my hero academia hint hint*


They watched the last four episodes all together. They would just take ten minutes or so to discuss each episode in between but at the start of 4x10 they mentioned this, the same way they watched all of the first 9 episodes together.

Lalisa Truong

Tenzin and the airbenders dive-bombing Kuvira's arm in order to throw off her attack was amazing and just brilliant! This last battle definitely involves a lot of teamwork as opposed to what happened in ATLA's. In ATLA, they were all in separate places doing whatever they could to help bring the war to an end but when it came to Ozai, it was just Aang against him. Here, you see everyone working together to take down Kuvira. It's different circumstances but I like seeing that contrast. Poor Asami. She just reconciled with her father, and then he dies in the next moment. The universe sure has a sick sense of humor lol. Overall though, I was glad that Hiroshi was able to at least redeem himself in the eyes of his daughter. Despite his wrongdoings in the past, he still loves his daughter and this city.


I have to say, once I start watching the next episode especially at the end of the finale, I am going to enter the emotional state. That scene is just gorgeous and sad, but yet happy. I hope you guys have enjoyed the finale and hopefully accept what Korra does at the end because i think that scene will surprise you or perhaps it already did if you watched it already.


To me this is showing that the technology boom is closing the gap between the avatar and the rest of the world. Thanks to those 70 years of peace people collectively upped the bar on what was doable, just look at lightning bending. In ATLA lightning bending is seen as the highest level of firebending, something so difficult and powerful we only see a handful of characters that can do it or even know how to do it, but in Korra its just used as a basic utility source with dozens of people working a nine to five at a power plant. So while the avatars power still overshadows any bender, there are a few great equalizers in play.


Avatar will be a ceremonial role in the future, like the queen of england or something. Still important but her job won't be beating people up.


Hey everyone! since this is coming to an end can you look at what you thought about this show before episode 1 and now how you felt about this entire series


After the Avatar series You guys need to watch “my hero academia”


1- my hero academia 2- voltron Netflix 3- the dragon prince


that won the poll awhile back so i am pretty sure they are watching it

Crap Writing Co.

seriouslky; no ''double drop'' for a TWO- PARTER is completely RETARDED no matter what.................

Liam Skoda

Also in ATLA finale they were under Sozin’s comet so all of the firebenders, including Aang were naturally more powerful.


Hiroshi enters the room: "Others. Others!"




Great episode!


Badger Moles would be seriously terrifying in real life

Jay M

It's been a great ride Normies, sad to see this series end and having enjoyed it with the Cozy 4 (+ guests) was amazing. Will be back next year April for GOT, obviously. And ofc, whenever the live action A:TLA releases, if you guys do a react series to that.


Agreed. I will probably be back at around 2 or 3 years from now lol. Hopefully they are still making reactions though :( it would be sad if they don't


When Micky said Makos firebending will showcase more in the finale I had a Killua snicker 😋 lol


I just wanna say.... I want Wednesday to get here already.... but I also don't.


I can’t wait to see how much they’ll cry next week


i just found out how demented that sounds 😭😂


So there's like, a bajillion times more platinum in Avatar world than there is on Earth lol

Raziel Slaughter

There better be a super long discussion after the finale next week. WE NEED THAT! 🙏🏾💯🔥

Lavota Carter

After watching this episode again with your reactions I think maybe there is something to the Earth Kingdom royal family. Wu's Grandfather from ATLA had a great repoire with animal as well, especially with his bear. So maybe the royal family is connected to animals, especially badgermoles. Also Toph is high elite so maybe that played apart in the badgermoles being attached to her as well. She can't be the only blind Earthbender in a 1000 years before ATLA.