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Legend of Korra 3x13: https://vimeo.com/286942258/5e9ee5f440

Full Metal Alchemist - Brotherhood 41: https://vimeo.com/289093768/ec3189c204

Hunter X Hunter 13: https://vimeo.com/293429558/47e094b04e

Dragon Ball Super 54:  https://vimeo.com/294379875/d1d008f2c8


Daniel Gonzalez

So usually for uncut reacts I kinda get bothered if I'm not synced up but for FMAB especially episode 41 I've seen it so many times that I don't even need the video I know exactly what is happening at every part just from the audio like I can visualize what is happening in the episode also the part where they pull the never-ending metal beam out of Ed always causes me physical discomfort I seriously tense up the whole time it's getting ripped out the author did a great job with that scene


full meta is 10 dollar again... it's supposed to be 5!!!

Paweł Kuś

why was there change to pricing in regard of Fullmetal?


I believe that it is a mistake on their part. FMAB should still be grandfathered in under Early Access. Marketa or other Normie, please fix it ♥


yes indeed, marketa messed up again, but i fixed it now it should be accessible friends!